blob: df2170c26f5d338eee903c1f85620194ed4c4d4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var hg = require('mercury');
var h = require('mercury').h;
var options = { preventDefault: true };
var href = require('./index').href;
var hashbang = require('./hashbang');
// Create a handle for dom-delegation. This step treats the generated `handle`
// the same as a mercury channel.
var handle = hg.Delegator.allocateHandle(click);
module.exports = anchor;
// # anchor(attributes, text)
// Helper for creating virtual-dom anchors that trigger route changes. All
// event/DOM delegation and router coupling are handled in this function
// so that any anchor tags can be simply created with:
// h('p', [
// anchor({ href: '/some-url' }, 'Click me!');
// ]);
// Clicking the generated link will fire the callbacks in the router and have
// the application state update appropriately.
function anchor(attributes, text) {
// Ensure that the href has the hashbang boilerplate, this makes ctrl+click
// open the right url for loading the app in the correct state.
attributes.href = hashbang(attributes.href);
attributes['ev-click'] = hg.sendClick(handle, {
href: attributes.href
}, options);
return h('a', attributes, text);
// # click(data)
// Used as a mercury channel to update the current route using the exported
// `router.href` observable.
function click(data) {