playground: replace - with _ to make srdjan happy

Change-Id: I222bc1461956ddba15145fac10f63da46efd57e8
10 files changed
tree: 06ba20931fd2fd4f83c33aefa05d979e77b0046e
  1. builder/
  2. client/
  3. compilerd/
  4. lib/
  5. testdata/
  6. .gitignore
  7. Dockerfile
  8. dummy.go

Building a Docker image and running the playground server locally

Docker setup

Install Docker:

On Goobuntu, we recommend overriding the default graph dir (/var/lib/docker) to avoid filling up the root filesystem partition, which is quite small. To do so, add the following line to your /etc/default/docker:

DOCKER_OPTS="${DOCKER_OPTS} -g /usr/local/google/docker"

Start (or restart) the Docker daemon:

$ sudo service docker restart

Build the playground Docker image (this will take a while...):

$ cp ~/.gitcookies $VANADIUM_ROOT/release/go/src/
$ cp ~/.hgrc $VANADIUM_ROOT/release/go/src/
$ sudo docker build -t playground $VANADIUM_ROOT/release/go/src/

Note: If you want to ensure an up-to-date version of Vanadium is installed in the Docker image, run the above command with the “--no-cache” flag.

The ‘docker build’ command above will compile builder from the main Vanadium repository. If you want to use local code instead, open Dockerfile and uncomment marked lines before running the command.

Test your image (without running compilerd):

$ sudo docker run -i playground < /usr/local/google/home/sadovsky/dev/veyron-www/content/playgrounds/code/fortune/ex0_go/bundle.json

Running the playground server (compilerd)

Install the playground binaries:

$ v23 go install

Run the compiler binary as root:

$ sudo $VANADIUM_ROOT/release/go/bin/compilerd --shutdown=false --address=localhost:8181

Or, run it without Docker (for faster iterations during development):

$ cd $(mktemp -d "/tmp/XXXXXXXX")
$ PATH=$VANADIUM_ROOT/release/go/bin:$PATH compilerd --shutdown=false --address=localhost:8181 --use-docker=false

The server should now be running at http://localhost:8181 and responding to compile requests at http://localhost:8181/compile.

Add ?pgaddr=//localhost:8181 to any veyron-www page to make its embedded playgrounds talk to your server. Add ?debug=1 to see debug info from the builder.