blob: 21ff6bed0e5a2ca156b8fae03b942c3d3c73e97e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var debug = require('debug')('widgets:editor');
var path = require('path');
var prr = require('prr');
var window = require('global/window');
var document = require('global/document');
module.exports = AceWidget;
// NOTE(sadovsky): We considered both Ace and CodeMirror, but CodeMirror has
// weird issues, e.g. its injected editor divs can obscure other DOM elements.
// Mercury widget that wraps a code editor around a file object.
function AceWidget(file) {
if (!(this instanceof AceWidget)) {
return new AceWidget(file);
var editor = this;
// This tells Mercury to treat AceWidget as a mercury/virtual-dom widget not
// to render it's internals.
// There will be trouble if the editor.type is ever changed so it is
// protected here using prr.
prr(editor, 'type', 'Widget');
editor.filename =;
editor.extname = path.extname('.', '');
editor.text = file.body;
debug('initialization %s', editor.filename);
// The first time an instance of widget is seen it will have widget.init()
// called by mercury. It is expected to return a dom element.
AceWidget.prototype.init = function() {
var editor = this;
debug('init() - %s', editor.filename);
// Ace does all kinds of weird stuff with the global objects (window,
// document) so moving the module's initialization here makes it possible to
// run the tests headlessly in node without throwing errors.
var ace = require('brace');
var element = document.createElement('div');
editor.ace = ace.edit(element);
editor.ace.on('change', function(data) {
var event = new window.CustomEvent('ace-change', {
detail: {
name: editor.filename,
body: editor.ace.getValue()
// Events are processed synchronously and there is no guarantee that the
// element or it's parent will be in the DOM at the time this event
// fires. The `process.nextTick` here ensures that the custom event above
// is not emitted until after the virtual-dom create, update, insert cycle
// has finished and the custom event above has a chance to bubble.
process.nextTick(function dispatch(){
var session = editor.ace.getSession();
switch (editor.extname) {
case 'go':
case 'vdl':
case 'json':
case 'js':
throw new Error('Language type not supported: ' + editor.extname);
// Tell Ace about the file contents.
// Disable syntax checking. The UI is annoying and only works for JS.
session.setOption('useWorker', false);
// Ensure that update is called on the first vdom cycle.
editor.update(null, element);
return element;
AceWidget.prototype.update = function(prev, element) {
var current = this;
current.ace = current.ace || prev.ace;