| # release.projects.playground/client |
| |
| Source code for the Vanadium playground web client. |
| |
| As of dec-2014, the playground doc is [here][playground-doc]. |
| |
| ## Directory structure |
| |
| * `browser` - JS modules to be compiled/bundle via `[browserify]`. |
| * `bundles` - Default playground examples. Each combination of directory and `.bundle` file forms a bundle. |
| * _Makefile_ - Targets for building the client (browserifying Javascript, compile CSS, etc.). |
| * `node_modules` - JS dependencies created by `npm install`. |
| * _package.json_ - Used by `npm install` to resolve and download dependencies. |
| * `public` - Static assets, including bundle targets for JS/CSS served by `make start`. |
| * `stylesheets` - CSS to be compiled to `public/bundle.css`. |
| * _test.sh_ - Script testing correctness of default playground examples. |
| |
| Requires [npm] and [Node.js]. |
| |
| Build the playground web client: |
| |
| make |
| |
| The command above automatically fetches node dependencies, and builds necessary assets for the client bundles to the `public` |
| directory for serving. |
| |
| ## Local server |
| |
| Start a server on |
| |
| make start |
| |
| This command will also install any dependencies and build the required |
| bundles. |
| |
| To run the local dev server with a different configuration you can use |
| variables: |
| |
| host=`hostname` port=4080 make start |
| |
| The client running on localhost needs to have the backend address configured |
| via the `pgaddr=` query parameter. |
| |
| ## public/bundle.{js,css} |
| |
| The default make task will build these for you. The `Makefile` already has |
| globbing targets for bundling JS and CSS in the `browser` and `stylesheets` |
| directories. See these directories for entry points (index files). Such files |
| are bundled into single `public/bundle.*` files. |
| |
| The CSS/JS bundles do not rebuild automatically via the server. If you would |
| like the effect of automatic building and seeing your changes on browser |
| refresh you can use the `watch` utility. |
| |
| watch make |
| |
| # Deploy |
| |
| If you do not have access to the vanadium-staging GCE account ping |
| jasoncampbell@. Once you have access you will need to login to the account via |
| the command line. |
| |
| gcloud auth login |
| |
| To deploy the playground client to https://staging.playground.v.io use the |
| make target `deploy-staging`. |
| |
| make deploy-staging |
| |
| This will sync the public directory to the private Google Storage bucket |
| `gs://staging.playground.v.io` which gets automatically updated to the nginx |
| front-end servers. Currently all static content is protected by OAuth. For |
| more details on the deployment infrastructure see [this doc][deploy] and the |
| [infrastructure] repository. |
| |
| [Node.js]: http://nodejs.org/ |
| [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/ |
| [playground-doc]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OYuE3XLc5CvDKoJSJ2mYjb9wm9IzTttZtP8coJ_t0Wg/edit#heading=h.i9kd9dq3kqco |
| [deploy]: http://goo.gl/QfD4gl |
| [infrastructure]: https://vanadium.googlesource.com/infrastructure/+/master/nginx/README.md |
| [browserify]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserify |