reader: add support for sync groups.

Several changes to support adding sync groups have been made to
`browser/vanadium/syncbase`. Raw Syncbase API calls have been broken out into
separate, reusable modules for accomplishing simple tasks like getting a
database or a table. All `syncbased` instances are started with very permissive
ACLs to get a minimum working example of sync between peers (SEE: #19). Code has
been added to support watching for changes to originate from sync. Peer
discovery has been temporarily removed since all previous data sharing now goes
through Syncbase.

The browser/vanadium/glob-stream module was refactored due to a serious bug
where failing RPC requests were not being handled correctly. This caused a
recursive loop of uncaught exceptions.

Some additional, smaller changes in this CL.

* Old, non-syncbase storage and transfer code has been removed.
* Added a quick way to change an application id via query param.
* Added a generic error wrapper to add more context to Vanadium RPC errors.

Closes #16

Change-Id: I6d45790de7551386bfcbc6c5ec3b93ef47066fc2
20 files changed
tree: b21e75ac9d93e12fe3a34a24902817ef7eb438eb
  1. bin/
  2. browser/
  3. lib/
  4. public/
  5. test/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .jiriignore
  8. .jshintignore
  9. .jshintrc
  14. Makefile
  15. package.json


An example PDF reader using Vanadium.



If you have a $JIRI_ROOT setup you can install Node.js from $JIRI_ROOT/third_party by running:

jiri profile install nodejs

Optionally, it is possible to use your own install of Node.js if you would like to use a more recent version.


The Makefile is setup to handle all dependencies once Node.js is installed. The default make task will install any modules listed in the package.json and build a browser bundle from browser/index.js via browserify.


It is possible to have the build happen automatically anytime a JavaScript file changes using the watch tool:

watch make

Running locally

To run a local dev server use:

make start

If you would like to change the host and or port that is used:

make start port=<port> host=<host>

Run syncbase with:

make syncbase

Run the syncbase instance which hosts the syncgroup:

make cloudsync

This will run a syncbased instance that will mount as “users//reader/cloudsync” and host the syncgroup. In order for peers to sync an instance of this needs to be running somewhere.

To run a new syncbase peer and corresponding application use variables to change the startup settings:

syncbase_port=8888 id=`./bin/cuid` make syncbase

This will generate a new client id and start a new syncbased instance on a different port. The generated id can be grabbed from the standard out and will look something like this “cif7en1kb00007uigyohv58tx”. Once you have the id you can open a new browser window and use the id in a query param to initialize the application to connect as that peer.<id>

This will automatically have you set up credentials etc. If you want to remove stored data & credentials use:

make clean