blob: fc9abb0078afa9d59a34c91b8e5aa86372108b87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var debug = require('debug')('router');
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var spa = require('single-page');
var routes = require('routes');
var hg = require('mercury');
var hashbang = require('./hashbang');
var window = require('global/window');
// The block of code here creates an observable for the current href
// NOTE: The check for `window.location` allows tests to run in node. Since
// this code is executing when `require(...)` is called on this module it will
// be executed at startup, the check prevents errors with accessing undefined
// properties on `window.location`.
var pathname = window.location ? window.location.pathname : '';
var current = hashbang(pathname);
var atom = hg.value(current);
module.exports = Router;
module.exports.href = atom;
// The single-page module does not natively support hashbang urls (only
// window.location.pathname) so there are some work arounds to make sure
// everything works as expected:
// * `window.addEventListener('hashchange', router);` - For back button support.
// * String routes are prefixed with "/#!"
// * The single-page callback, `router.update(href)` takes special care to
// consider the hashbang prefix.
// The routes module provides a simple way to define patterns that match to
// functions.
// SEE:
function Router(state, hash) {
if (!(this instanceof Router)) {
return new Router(state, hash);
var router = this;
router.state = state;
router.routes = routes();
for (var key in hash) { // jshint ignore: line
router.routes.addRoute(key, hash[key]);
router.sp = spa(router.update.bind(router));
// SEE: Router.prototype.handleEvent
window.addEventListener('hashchange', router);
atom(function onhref(href) {
debug('atom update: %s', href);
href = hashbang(href);;
inherits(Router, EE);
// # router.update(href)
// Fired anytime the href is updated (via single-page). This method handles
// href normalizing and route matching based on the hash of functions passed
// in on initialization.
Router.prototype.update = function(href) {
debug('dom href update: %s', href);
var router = this;
var hash = window.location.hash;
// force initial hashbang in case href is missing it.
if (href === '/' && ! href.match(hash)) {
debug('hash mismatch: %s', hash);
href += hash;
} else if (href === '/') {
// At this point it's possible that the `href` is missing the /#!/ and the
// original `window.location.hash` is empty. In this case update the
// `href` so that it will match '/#!/' and use `router.sp.push` to update
// the url without triggering any callbacks.
href = hashbang(href);
var route = router.routes.match(href);
if (route) {, router.state, route.params, route);
} else {
router.emit('notfound', href);
// # router.handleEvent(event)
// Implments the `EventListener` API so that the "hashchange" event can be
// listened to in order to enable the back button with hashbang urls.
// SEE:
// SEE:
Router.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) {
if (event.type !== 'hashchange') {
var router = this;
var hash = String(window.location.hash);
var current = hashbang(hash);