blob: c7233f11d25ff8c1693ed8aff428c5433299ea27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var hg = require('mercury');
var h = require('mercury').h;
var insert = require('insert-css');
var css = require('./index.css');
var dragdrop = require('../../events/dragdrop');
var droptarget = require('../../events/droptarget');
module.exports = render;
function render(state, channels) {
var moving = state.moving;
var movingThisDevice = state.movingThisDevice;
return h('.moveOverlay', {
hidden: !moving,
}, [
h('.overlayBackground', [
movingThisDevice ?
hg.partial(moveThisDeviceControls, state, channels) :
hg.partial(moveOtherDeviceControls, state, channels)
function moveOtherDeviceControls(state, channels) {
return h('.movingOtherDevice', [
h('button.addBeforeButton .addButton', {
'ev-click': hg.send(channels.before)
}, '+'),
h('button.textButton .cancelBeforeAfterButton', {
'ev-click': hg.send(channels.cancel)
}, 'Cancel'),
h('button.addAfterButton .addButton', {
'ev-click': hg.send(channels.after)
}, '+')
function moveThisDeviceControls(state, channels) {
var numDevicesInLinkedSet = state.numDevicesInLinkedSet;
var firstPageNum = state.firstPageNum;
var insertAtIndex = state.insertAtIndex;
var highlightAtIndex = state.highlightAtIndex;
var deviceTargetArray = [];
// This is Used to adjust page numbers of devices after an insert
var newPageOffset = 0;
// Create a move target and device tile for each device already in the set
for(var i = 0; i < numDevicesInLinkedSet; i++) {
if (i === insertAtIndex) {
// As long as the first page isn't page 1, put the new device before
// the first device page
var devicePageNum = firstPageNum + i;
if (i === 0 && firstPageNum !== 1) {
devicePageNum = firstPageNum - 1;
} else {
newPageOffset = 1;
deviceTargetArray.push(moveDevice(String(devicePageNum), channels));
} else {
(i === highlightAtIndex),
String(firstPageNum + i + newPageOffset)));
// Create the final item in the list of devices and targets
// ---
// If the insert index is equal to the number of devices in the set,
// then it will be added at the end of the existing set. Otherwise
// we show the final drop target
var finalItem;
if (insertAtIndex === numDevicesInLinkedSet) {
var pageNum = firstPageNum + numDevicesInLinkedSet;
finalItem = moveDevice(String(pageNum), channels);
} else {
var highlightLast = numDevicesInLinkedSet === highlightAtIndex;
finalItem = moveTarget(numDevicesInLinkedSet, highlightLast, channels);
// The starting position of the device is above the device list, and
// can either be the device or a move target
var startNode;
if (insertAtIndex < 0) {
startNode = moveDevice('D', channels);
} else {
// We the number of devices + 1 as the index for the start move target
// to enable proper highlighting
var startTargetIndex = numDevicesInLinkedSet + 1;
var highlightStart = (numDevicesInLinkedSet + 1) === highlightAtIndex;
startNode = moveTarget(startTargetIndex, highlightStart, channels);
return h('.movingThisDevice', [
h('.moveDeviceRow', [
h('.linkLabel', (insertAtIndex < 0) ? 'Unlinked' : 'Linked')
h('.deviceMovementSpace', deviceTargetArray),
h('.buttonRow', [
h('button.textButton', {
'ev-click': hg.send(channels.cancel)
}, 'Cancel'),
h('button.textButton', {
'ev-click': hg.send(channels.commit)
}, 'OK')
function moveDevice(label, channels) {
return h('.moveDevice', {
draggable: true,
'ev-mousedown': dragdrop(channels.dragend)
}, label);
function moveTarget(index, highlightFlag, channels) {
var classNames = '.moveTarget' + (highlightFlag ? ' .overMoveTarget' : '');
return h(classNames, {
'ev-dragenter': droptarget(channels.dragenter, { index: index }),
'ev-dragover': droptarget(channels.dragover, { index: index }),
'ev-dragleave': hg.send(channels.dragleave, { index: index }),
'ev-drop': hg.send(channels.selected, { index: index })