blob: 9bc758de1156fe23cdcc672fd755119cf664cb0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var hg = require('mercury');
var debug = require('debug')('reader:pdf');
module.exports = create;
function create(options) {
debug('creating state: %o', options);
var state = hg.state({
error: hg.value(null),
pdf: hg.value(null),
pages: hg.varhash({
total: 1,
current: 1,
progress: hg.value(0),
scale: hg.value(1.5),
file: hg.struct(options.file || {}),
channels: {
previous: previous,
next: next
state.file(function update(file) {
debug('file update');
load(state, file.blob);
state.error(function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.error('TODO: add an error component');
// Initialize the async PDFJS file loading.
load(state, options.file && options.file.blob);
return state;
function next(state, data) {
// Only advance if it's not the last page.
var current = state.pages.get('current');
var total = state.pages.get('total');
if (current < total) {
state.pages.put('current', current + 1);
function previous(state, data) {
console.log('argeuments', arguments);
// Only advance if it's not the first page.
var current = state.pages.get('current');
if (current > 1) {
state.pages.put('current', current - 1);
function load(state, file) {
if (!file) {
if (file.size === 0) {
var message = 'TODO: figure out why blobs from indexedDB' +
'will randomly have a size === 0';
var err = new Error(message);
debug('loading file into PDFJS: %o', file);
var transport = new PDFJS.PDFDataRangeTransport();
var source = {};
// SEE:
transport.count = 0;
transport.file = file;
transport.length = file.size;
source.length = file.size;
transport.requestDataRange = requestDataRange;
function requestDataRange(begin, end) {
var blob = this.file.slice(begin, end);
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function onload() {
transport.count += end - begin;
transport.onDataRange(begin, new Uint8Array(this.result));
.getDocument(source, transport, password, progress)
.then(success, error);
function password() {
var err = new Error('Password required');
// TODO: Add a progress loader to the UI.
function progress(update) {
function success(pdf) {
debug('PDF loaded: %o', pdf);
state.pages.put('current', 1);
state.pages.put('total', pdf.numPages);
function error(err) {
debug('error file loading into PDFJS: %o', err);