blob: 764ea4ed26472df3579f78cc48a739558f9294cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var syncbase = require('syncbase');
var SyncGroupSpec = require('syncbase').nosql.SyncGroupSpec;
var SyncGroupMemberInfo = require('syncbase').nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo;
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var verror = vanadium.verror;
var ms = require('ms');
var timeout = require('./util').timeout;
var prr = require('prr');
var assert = require('assert');
var debug = require('debug')('reader:syncbase');
var extend = require('xtend');
var inherits = require('inherits');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var waterfall = require('run-waterfall');
var window = require('global/window');
var defaults = {
// <app-name>/<db-name>/<table-name>
// reader/db/device-sets/
module.exports = function setup(options, callback) {
var store = new Store(options);
return store;
function Store(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Store)) {
return new Store(options);
options = extend(defaults, options);
debug('new %o', options);
assert.ok(options.runtime, 'options.runtime required');
debug('initializing syncbase: %o', options);
var store = this;
prr(store, 'runtime', options.runtime);
prr(store, 'name',;
// reader-example/db/device-sets
// <app-name>/<db-name>/<table-name>
prr(store, 'appName', 'reader');
prr(store, 'dbName', 'db');
prr(store, 'tableName', 'device-sets');
// 'reader/%%sync/reader/db/device-sets'
var syncname = options.prefix + '/' + 'reader/%%sync/reader/db/device-sets';
prr(store, 'syncname', syncname);
// Keep track of the setup state, maybe make it lazy...
inherits(Store, EventEmitter);
// Async setup and bootstrapping for Syncbase.
Store.prototype.setup = function(callback) {
var store = this;
var tasks = [
// <app-name>/<data-base>/<table-name>/:key
waterfall(tasks, function done(err, db) {
if (err) {
debug('ready: %s/%s/%s', store.appName, store.dbName, store.tableName);
prr(store, 'db', db);
callback(null, store);
Store.prototype.createApp = function(callback) {
debug('#createApp(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var service = syncbase.newService(;
var app =;
var context = timeout(runtime, ms('5s'));
var permissions = {};
app.create(context, permissions, function onapp(err) {
if (err && !(err instanceof verror.ExistError)) {
callback(null, app);
Store.prototype.createDB = function(app, callback) {
debug('#createDB(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var db = app.noSqlDatabase(store.dbName);
var context = timeout(runtime, ms('5s'));
var permissions = {};
db.create(context, permissions, ondb);
function ondb(err, res) {
if (err && !(err instanceof verror.ExistError)) {
callback(null, db);
Store.prototype.createTable = function(db, callback) {
debug('#createTable(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var permissions = {};
var context = timeout(runtime, ms('5s'));
var table = db.table(store.tableName);
table.create(context, permissions, ontable);
function ontable(err) {
if (err && !(err instanceof verror.ExistError)) {
callback(null, db);
var MEMBER_INFO = new SyncGroupMemberInfo({
syncPriority: 8
// Currently, SG names must be of the form <syncbaseName>/%%sync/<suffix>.
// We use <app>/<db>/<table> for the suffix part.
Store.prototype.createSyncGroup = function(db, callback) {
debug('#createSyncGroup(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var context = runtime.getContext();
// [ '<email>' ]
var blessings = [ runtime.accountName.replace('/chrome', '') ];
var syncGroup = db.syncGroup(store.syncname);
var spec = new SyncGroupSpec({
perms: new window.Map([
[ 'Admin', { 'in': blessings } ],
[ 'Read', { 'in': blessings } ],
[ 'Write', { 'in': blessings } ],
[ 'Resolve', { 'in': blessings } ],
[ 'Debug', { 'in': blessings } ]
// <table-name>:<actual-prefix>
prefixes: [ 'device-sets:' ],
mountTables: [ '/' ]
debug('blessings %o', blessings);
syncGroup.create(context, spec, MEMBER_INFO, function oncreate(err) {
debug('#createSyncGroup => callback(%o)', arguments);
if (err && !(err instanceof verror.ExistError)) {
return callback(err);
callback(null, db);
Store.prototype.joinSyncGroup = function(db, callback) {
debug('#joinSyncGroup(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var context = runtime.getContext();
var syncGroup = db.syncGroup(store.syncname);
syncGroup.join(context, MEMBER_INFO, function onjoin(err, res) {
debug('#joinSyncGroup => callback(%o)', arguments);
callback(err, db);
}; = function(db, callback) {
debug('#watch(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var runtime = store.runtime;
var context = timeout(runtime, ms('5s'));
db.getResumeMarker(context, function onmarker(err, marker) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var context = cancel(runtime);
var prefix = '';
var stream =, store.tableName, prefix, marker, idk);
function idk(err) {
debug(' cb: %o', arguments);
// * @param {function} [cb] Optional callback that will be called after
// watch RPC finishes.
stream.on('error', function onerror(err) {
// Read on what this error is and what it means
debug('watch stream error: \n%s', err.stack);
stream.on('data', function onchange(change) {
debug('change detected: %o', arguments);
var key = change.rowName;
switch (change.changeType) {
case 'put':
store.get(key, function onget(err, value) {
// TODO: error
store.emit('put', key, value);
case 'delete':
store.emit('delete', key);
callback(null, db);
// Add gaurds for setup on get,put,del
// TODO: hash the values so it's possible to detect updates that origniated in
// this instance to detect local changes from remote ones.
Store.prototype.put = function(key, value, callback) {
debug('#put(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var table = store.db.table(store.tableName);
var runtime = store.runtime;
var context = runtime.getContext();
var data = '';
// var context = name(runtime, 'name of context');
try {
data = JSON.stringify(value);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
table.put(context, key, data, function onput(err, res) {
debug('#put => callback(%o)', arguments);
if (err) {
return callback(err);
Store.prototype.get = function(key, callback) {
debug('#get(%o)', arguments);
var store = this;
var table = store.db.table(store.tableName);
var runtime = store.runtime;
var context = runtime.getContext();
table.get(context, key, function onget(err, data) {
debug('#get => callback(%o)', arguments);
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var value = {};
try {
value = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
callback(null, value);
function cancel(runtime) {
var context = runtime.getContext();
return context.withCancel();