blob: c45c2dc060583bb50a9b20acb90b660077ec8072 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var anchor = require('../../router/anchor');
var click = require('../../events/click');
var css = require('./index.css');
var format = require('format');
var h = require('mercury').h;
var hg = require('mercury');
var insert = require('insert-css');
var toArray = require('../../util').toArray;
module.exports = render;
function render(state, channels) {
var children = toArray(state.collection).map(file, channels);
if (children.length === 0) {
children = [ hg.partial(blank) ];
return h('.files', children);
// Called as an array iterator with the this argument set to the component's
// state.channels attribute.
// SEE:
function file(state, index, collection) {
var channels = this;
var ref = (state.ref || 'pending save');
return h('.file', [
h('h2.type-title', [
href: format('/%s',
}, state.title)
h('p.type-caption', [
h('span', format('%s - %s - %s -', state.type,, ref)),
h('a.delete', {
href: '#',
'ev-click': click(channels.remove, { id: })
}, 'DELETE')
function blank() {
return h('.blank-slate', 'Add a new PDF file below to get started.');