
An example PDF reader using Vanadium.



If you have a $JIRI_ROOT setup you can install Node.js from $JIRI_ROOT/third_party by running:

jiri profile install nodejs

Optionally, it is possible to use your own install of Node.js if you would like to use a more recent version.


The Makefile is setup to handle all dependencies once Node.js is installed. The default make task will install any modules listed in the package.json and build a browser bundle from browser/index.js via browserify.


It is possible to have the build happen automatically anytime a JavaScript file changes using the watch tool:

watch make

Running locally

To run a local dev server use:

make start

If you would like to change the host and or port that is used:

make start port=<port> host=<host>

Run syncbase with:

make syncbase

This will automatically have you set up credentials etc. If you want to remove stored data & credentials use:

make clean