Merge branch 'master' into todoshacks
diff --git a/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/ b/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
index 2d3f73a..45e1f5f 100644
--- a/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
+++ b/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
@@ -234,6 +234,11 @@
                 // Modify the syncgroup spec to update the permissions.
                 Permissions perms = spec.getPerms();
                 addPermissions(perms, emails, Constants.READ.getValue());
+                // TODO(alexfandrianto): Revisit whether we should really be adding all invitees to
+                // the list of admins for this syncgroup. Since we manually hide the Share
+                // button from those who aren't the creator, we can leave this for the demo.
+                addPermissions(perms, emails, Constants.ADMIN.getValue());
                 VFutures.sync(sgHandle.setSpec(getVContext(), spec, version));
                 // TODO(alexfandrianto): This should be the right place to send the invite