blob: 6b4df968d224a33a76adb2a8012043e1ec57caaf [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
/* jshint newcap: false */
/* global Mousetrap */
var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var page = require('page');
var React = require('react');
var url = require('url');
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var defaults = require('./defaults');
var util = require('./util');
var h = util.h;
// Constants
var DISP_TYPE_COLLECTION = 'collection';
var DISP_TYPE_SYNCBASE = 'syncbase';
var SYNCBASE_NAME = '/localhost:8200'; // default value
// Global state
// Dispatcher, initialized by initDispatcher.
var disp;
// Used for query params.
var u = url.parse(window.location.href, true);
// Helpers
function noop() {}
function initDispatcher(dispType, syncbaseName, benchmark, cb) {
var clientCb = cb;
cb = function(err, resDisp) {
if (err) return clientCb(err);
disp = resDisp;
if (dispType === 'collection') {
} else if (dispType === 'syncbase') {
var vanadiumConfig = {
logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO,
namespaceRoots: u.query.mounttable ? [u.query.mounttable] : undefined,
proxy: u.query.proxy
vanadium.init(vanadiumConfig, function(err, rt) {
if (err) return cb(err);
defaults.initSyncbaseDispatcher(rt, syncbaseName, benchmark, cb);
} else {
process.nextTick(function() {
cb(new Error('unknown dispType: ' + dispType));
function activateInput(input) {
function okCancelEvents(cbs) {
var ok = cbs.ok || noop;
var cancel = cbs.cancel || noop;
function done(e) {
var value =;
if (value) {
ok(value, e);
} else {
return {
onKeyDown: function(e) {
if (e.which === 27) { // esc
onKeyUp: function(e) {
if (e.which === 13) { // enter
onBlur: function(e) {
// Components
var TagsPane = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'TagsPane',
render: function() {
var that = this;
var tagFilter = this.props.tagFilter;
var tagInfos = [], totalCount = 0;
_.each(this.props.todos, function(todo) {
_.each(todo.tags, function(tag) {
var tagInfo = _.find(tagInfos, function(x) {
return x.tag === tag;
if (!tagInfo) {
tagInfos.push({tag: tag, count: 1, selected: tagFilter === tag});
} else {
tagInfos = _.sortBy(tagInfos, 'tag');
// Add "All items" tag.
tag: null,
count: totalCount,
selected: tagFilter === null
return h('div#tags-pane', [
h('div.label', {key: 'label'}, 'Show:')
].concat(, function(tagInfo) {
var count = h('span.count', {key: 'count'}, '(' + tagInfo.count + ')');
return h('div.tag' + (tagInfo.selected ? '.selected' : ''), {
key: 'tag:' + (tagInfo.tag || ''),
onMouseDown: function() {
var newTagFilter = tagFilter === tagInfo.tag ? null : tagInfo.tag;
}, [(tagInfo.tag || 'All items'), count]);
var TodoTags = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'TodoTags',
getInitialState: function() {
return {
addingTag: false
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (this.state.addingTag) {
render: function() {
var that = this;
var children = [];
_.each(this.props.tags, function(tag) {
children.push(h('div.tag.removable', {key: tag}, [
h('', {key: 'name'}, tag),
h('div.remove', {
key: 'remove',
onClick: function(e) {
disp.removeTag(that.props.todoId, tag);
if (this.state.addingTag) {
children.push(h('div.tag.edittag', {
key: 'edittag'
}, h('input#edittag-input', _.assign({
type: 'text',
defaultValue: ''
}, okCancelEvents({
ok: function(value) {
disp.addTag(that.props.todoId, value);
that.setState({addingTag: false});
cancel: function() {
that.setState({addingTag: false});
} else {
children.push(h('div.tag.addtag', {
key: 'addtag',
onClick: function() {
that.setState({addingTag: true});
}, '+tag'));
return h('div.item-tags', children);
var Todo = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'Todo',
getInitialState: function() {
return {
editingText: false
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (this.state.editingText) {
render: function() {
var that = this, todo = this.props.todo, et = this.state.editingText;
var hDescription;
if (et) {
hDescription = h('div.description', {
key: 'description'
}, h('input#todo-input', _.assign({
type: 'text',
defaultValue: todo.text
}, okCancelEvents({
ok: function(value) {
disp.editTodoText(todo._id, value);
that.setState({editingText: false});
cancel: function() {
that.setState({editingText: false});
} else {
hDescription = h('div.description', {
key: 'description',
onDoubleClick: function() {
that.setState({editingText: true});
}, todo.text);
var opts = (et ? '.edit' : '') + (todo.done ? '.done' : '');
return h('li.todo-row' + opts, [
h('div.destroy', {
key: 'destroy',
onClick: function() {
h('input.checkbox', {
key: 'checkbox',
type: 'checkbox',
checked: todo.done,
onChange: function() {
disp.markTodoDone(todo._id, !todo.done);
TodoTags({key: 'tags', todoId: todo._id, tags: todo.tags})
var TodosPane = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'TodosPane',
render: function() {
var that = this;
if (!this.props.listId) {
return null;
var children = [];
if (!this.props.todos) {
children.push(h('div.loading', {key: 'loading'}, 'Loading...'));
} else {
var tagFilter = this.props.tagFilter, items = [];
_.each(this.props.todos, function(todo) {
if (tagFilter === null || _.contains(todo.tags, tagFilter)) {
items.push(Todo({key: todo._id, todo: todo}));
children.push(h('div#new-todo', {key: 'new-todo'}, h('input', _.assign({
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'New item'
}, okCancelEvents({
ok: function(value, e) {
disp.addTodo(that.props.listId, {
text: value,
tags: tagFilter ? [tagFilter] : [],
done: false,
}); = '';
children.push(h('ul#todo-list', {key: 'todo-list'}, items));
return h('div#todos-pane', children);
var List = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'List',
getInitialState: function() {
return {
editingName: false
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (this.state.editingName) {
render: function() {
var that = this, list = this.props.list;
var children = [];
if (this.state.editingName) {
children.push(h('div.edit', {
key: 'edit'
}, h('input#list-name-input', _.assign({
type: 'text',
}, okCancelEvents({
ok: function(value) {
disp.editListName(list._id, value);
that.setState({editingName: false});
cancel: function() {
that.setState({editingName: false});
} else {
children.push(h('div.status', {
key: 'status',
onClick: function(e) {
}, h('')));
children.push(h('div.display', {
key: 'display'
}, h('a.list-name' + ( ? '' : '.empty'), {
href: '/lists/' + list._id,
onClick: function(e) {
return h('div.list' + (list.selected ? '.selected' : ''), {
onMouseDown: function() {
onDoubleClick: function() {
that.setState({editingName: true});
}, children);
var StatusPane = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'StatusPane',
componentDidMount: function() {
var that = this;
Mousetrap.bind('esc', function() {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
render: function() {
var that = this;
return h('div#status-pane', {
onClick: function(e) {
if ( === e.currentTarget) {
}, h('div.status-dialog', [
// TODO(sadovsky): Add stuff here.
h('h4', {key: 'title'}, 'Share with others'),
// FIXME: Finish implementing this.
h('div.close', {
key: 'close',
onClick: function() {
var ListsPane = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'ListsPane',
getInitialState: function() {
return {
statusDialog: null // null or list id
render: function() {
var that = this;
var children = [h('div.lists-title', {key: 'title'}, 'Todo Lists')];
if (!this.props.lists) {
children.push(h('div.loading', {key: 'loading'}, 'Loading...'));
} else {
var lists = [];
_.each(this.props.lists, function(list) {
list.selected = that.props.listId === list._id;
key: list._id,
list: list,
setListId: that.props.setListId,
showStatusDialog: function() {
that.setState({statusDialog: list._id});
children.push(h('div', {key: 'lists'}, lists));
children.push(h('', {key: 'new-list'}, h('input', _.assign({
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'New list'
}, okCancelEvents({
ok: function(value, e) {
disp.addList({name: value}, function(err, listId) {
if (err) throw err;
}); = '';
if (this.state.statusDialog) {
key: 'status',
close: function() {
that.setState({statusDialog: null});
return h('div#lists-pane', children);
var DispType = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return h('div#disp-type.' + this.props.dispType, {
onClick: function() {
}, this.props.dispType);
var Page = React.createFactory(React.createClass({
displayName: 'Page',
getInitialState: function() {
return {
dispInitialized: false,
lists: {seq: 0, items: null}, // all lists
todos: {}, // map of listId to {seq, items}
// FIXME: Populate and use this.
syncgroups: {}, // map of listId to sgInfo
listId: this.props.initialListId, // current list
tagFilter: null // current tag
getLists_: function(cb) {
disp.getLists(function(err, lists) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// Sort lists by name in the UI.
return cb(null, _.sortBy(lists, 'name'));
getTodos_: function(listId, cb) {
if (!listId) {
return process.nextTick(cb);
disp.getTodos(listId, function(err, todos) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// Sort todos by timestamp in the UI.
return cb(null, _.sortBy(todos, 'timestamp'));
updateURL: function() {
var listId = this.state.listId;
var pathname = !listId ? '/' : '/lists/' + listId;
// Note, this doesn't trigger a re-render; it's purely visual.
window.history.replaceState({}, '', pathname +;
componentWillMount: function() {
var that = this, props = this.props;
var dt = props.dispType, sn = props.syncbaseName, bm = props.benchmark;
initDispatcher(dt, sn, bm, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
that.setState({dispInitialized: true});
componentDidMount: function() {
componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) {
var that = this;
// Only run the code below when disp has just been initialized.
if (prevState.dispInitialized || !this.state.dispInitialized) {
// Returns the list id for the list that should be displayed.
function getListId() {
var listId = that.state.listId, lists = that.state.lists.items;
// If listId refers to an unknown list, set it to null.
if (!_.includes(_.pluck(lists, '_id'), listId)) {
listId = null;
// If listId is not set, set it to the id of the first list.
if (!listId && lists.length > 0) {
listId = lists[0]._id;
return listId;
// Updates lists. Calls cb once the setState call has completed.
// TODO(sadovsky): If possible, simplify how we deal with concurrent state
// updates, here and elsewhere. The current approach is fairly subtle and
// error-prone. Our goal is simple: never show stale data, even in the
// presence of sync.
function updateLists(cb) {
var listsSeq = that.state.lists.seq + 1;
that.getLists_(function(err, lists) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// Use setState(cb) form to ensure atomicity.
// References: and
that.setState(function(state) {
if (listsSeq <= state.lists.seq) {
return {};
return {lists: {seq: listsSeq, items: lists}};
}, cb);
// Updates todos for the specified list. Calls cb once the setState call
// has completed.
function updateTodos(listId, cb) {
var stateTodos = that.state.todos[listId];
var todosSeq = (stateTodos ? stateTodos.seq : 0) + 1;
that.getTodos_(listId, function(err, todos) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// Use setState(cb) form to ensure atomicity.
that.setState(function(state) {
var stateTodos = state.todos[listId];
if (stateTodos && todosSeq <= stateTodos.seq) {
return {};
state.todos[listId] = {seq: todosSeq, items: todos};
return {todos: state.todos};
}, cb);
// TODO(sadovsky): Only read (and only redraw) what's needed based on what
// changed.
disp.on('change', function() {
updateLists(function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
var listId = getListId();
updateTodos(listId, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Load initial lists and todos. Note that changes can come in concurrently
// via sync.
updateLists(function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Set initial listId if needed.
var listId = getListId();
if (listId !== that.state.listId) {
that.setState({listId: listId});
// Get todos for all lists.
var listIds = _.pluck(that.state.lists.items, '_id');
async.each(listIds, updateTodos, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
render: function() {
if (this.props.benchmark) {
return null;
var that = this;
var listId = this.state.listId;
// If currTodos is {}, todos.items will be undefined, as desired.
var currTodos = this.state.todos[listId] || {};
return h('div#page-pane', [
key: 'DispType',
dispType: this.props.dispType,
toggleDispType: function() {
var newDispType = DISP_TYPE_SYNCBASE;
if (that.props.dispType === DISP_TYPE_SYNCBASE) {
window.location.href = '/?d=' + newDispType + '&n=' + SYNCBASE_NAME;
key: 'ListsPane',
lists: this.state.lists.items,
listId: listId,
setListId: function(listId) {
if (listId !== that.state.listId) {
listId: listId,
tagFilter: null
h('div#tags-and-todos-pane', {key: 'tags-and-todos-pane'}, [
key: 'TagsPane',
todos: currTodos.items,
tagFilter: this.state.tagFilter,
setTagFilter: function(tagFilter) {
that.setState({tagFilter: tagFilter});
key: 'TodosPane',
todos: currTodos.items,
listId: listId,
tagFilter: this.state.tagFilter
// Initialization
// TODO(sadovsky): Override other console methods and add window.onerror
// handler.
var logEl = document.querySelector('#log');
var consoleLog = console.log.bind(console);
console.log = function() {
var args = [util.timestamp()].concat(;
consoleLog.apply(null, args);
var msgEl = document.createElement('div');
msgEl.className = 'msg';
msgEl.innerText = args.join(' ');
logEl.scrollTop = logEl.scrollHeight; // scroll to bottom
Mousetrap.bind(['ctrl+l', 'meta+l'], function() {
// Note, ctx here is a Page.js context, not a Vanadium context.
function main(ctx) {
var dispType = u.query.d || 'collection';
var syncbaseName = u.query.n || SYNCBASE_NAME;
var benchmark = Boolean(;
var props = {
initialListId: ctx.params.listId,
dispType: dispType,
syncbaseName: syncbaseName,
benchmark: benchmark
React.render(Page(props), document.querySelector('#page'));
page('/', main);
page('/lists/:listId', main);
page({click: false});