blob: bae85e334b08b191bb9ce7f9bbb1e4b68e66bb00 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var syncbase = require('syncbase');
var bm = require('./benchmark');
var CollectionDispatcher = require('./collection_dispatcher');
var MemCollection = require('./mem_collection');
var SyncbaseDispatcher = require('./syncbase_dispatcher');
var util = require('./util');
// Copied from meteor/todos/server/bootstrap.js.
var data = [
{name: 'Meteor Principles',
contents: [
['Data on the Wire', 'Simplicity', 'Better UX', 'Fun'],
['One Language', 'Simplicity', 'Fun'],
['Database Everywhere', 'Simplicity'],
['Latency Compensation', 'Better UX'],
['Full Stack Reactivity', 'Better UX', 'Fun'],
['Embrace the Ecosystem', 'Fun'],
['Simplicity Equals Productivity', 'Simplicity', 'Fun']
{name: 'Languages',
contents: [
['Lisp', 'GC'],
['C', 'Linked'],
['C++', 'Objects', 'Linked'],
['Python', 'GC', 'Objects'],
['Ruby', 'GC', 'Objects'],
['JavaScript', 'GC', 'Objects'],
['Scala', 'GC', 'Objects'],
['Erlang', 'GC'],
['6502 Assembly', 'Linked']
{name: 'Favorite Scientists',
contents: [
['Ada Lovelace', 'Computer Science'],
['Grace Hopper', 'Computer Science'],
['Marie Curie', 'Physics', 'Chemistry'],
['Carl Friedrich Gauss', 'Math', 'Physics'],
['Nikola Tesla', 'Physics'],
['Claude Shannon', 'Math', 'Computer Science']
function initData(disp, cb) {
var timestamp =;
async.each(data, function(list, cb) {
disp.addList({name:}, function(err, listId) {
if (err) return cb(err);
async.eachSeries(list.contents, function(info, cb) {
timestamp += 1; // ensure unique timestamp
disp.addTodo(listId, {
text: info[0],
tags: info.slice(1),
done: false,
timestamp: timestamp
}, cb);
}, cb);
}, cb);
// Returns a new Vanadium context object with a timeout.
function wt(ctx, timeout) {
return ctx.withTimeout(timeout || 5000);
function appExists(ctx, service, name, cb) {
service.listApps(ctx, function(err, names) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, names.indexOf(name) >= 0);
exports.initSyncbaseDispatcher = function(rt, name, benchmark, cb) {
cb = bm.logLatency('initSyncbaseDispatcher', cb);
var service = syncbase.newService(name);
// TODO(sadovsky): Instead of appExists, simply check for ErrExist in the
// app.create response.
var ctx = rt.getContext();
appExists(wt(ctx), service, 'todos', function(err, exists) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var app ='todos'), db = app.noSqlDatabase('db');
var disp = new SyncbaseDispatcher(rt, db);
if (exists) {
if (benchmark) {
return bm.runBenchmark(ctx, db, cb);
util.log('app exists; assuming everything has been initialized');
return cb(null, disp);
util.log('app does not exist; initializing everything');
app.create(wt(ctx), {}, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
db.create(wt(ctx), {}, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
db.createTable(wt(ctx), 'tb', {}, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (benchmark) {
return bm.runBenchmark(ctx, db, cb);
util.log('hierarchy created; writing rows');
initData(disp, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, disp);
exports.initCollectionDispatcher = function(cb) {
cb = bm.logLatency('initCollectionDispatcher', cb);
var lists = new MemCollection('lists'), todos = new MemCollection('todos');
var disp = new CollectionDispatcher(lists, todos);
initData(disp, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, disp);