blob: 1c64ccc1c9db883a018cecf34e4b762a1e72c88d [file] [log] [blame]
// Syncbase-based implementation of Dispatcher.
// Schema design doc (a bit outdated):
// TODO(sadovsky): Currently, list and todo order are not preserved. We should
// make the app always order these lexicographically, or better yet, use a
// Dewey-Decimal-like scheme (with randomization).
// NOTE: For now, when an item is deleted, any sub-items that were added
// concurrently (on some other device) are orphaned. Eventually, we'll GC
// orphaned records; for now, we don't bother. This orphaning-based approach
// enables us to use simple last-one-wins conflict resolution for all records
// stored in Syncbase.
// TODO(sadovsky): Unfortunately, orphaning degrades performance, because scan
// RPCs (e.g. scan to get all lists) read (and discard) orphaned records. If we
// switch from scans to queries, performance should improve since all row
// filtering will happen on the server side.
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var inherits = require('inherits');
var randomBytes = require('randombytes');
var syncbase = require('syncbase');
var nosql = syncbase.nosql;
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var vtrace = vanadium.vtrace;
var bm = require('./benchmark');
var Dispatcher = require('./dispatcher');
var util = require('./util');
inherits(SyncbaseDispatcher, Dispatcher);
module.exports = SyncbaseDispatcher;
function SyncbaseDispatcher(rt, db) {;
this.rt_ = rt;
this.ctx_ = rt.getContext();
this.db_ = db;
this.tb_ = db.table('tb');
// Helpers
function noop() {}
var SEP = '.'; // separator for key parts
function join() {
// TODO(sadovsky): Switch to using naming.join() once Syncbase allows slashes
// in row keys.
var args =;
return args.join(SEP);
function uuid(len) {
len = len || 16;
return randomBytes(Math.ceil(len / 2)).toString('hex').substr(0, len);
function newListKey() {
return uuid();
function newTodoKey(listId) {
return join(listId, 'todos', uuid());
function tagKey(todoId, tag) {
return join(todoId, 'tags', tag);
function marshal(x) {
return JSON.stringify(x);
function unmarshal(x) {
return JSON.parse(x);
// Vanadium helpers
// Returns a new Vanadium context object with a timeout.
function wt(ctx, timeout) {
return ctx.withTimeout(timeout || 5000);
// Returns a new Vanadium context object with the given name.
function wn(ctx, name) {
return vtrace.withNewSpan(ctx, name);
// Defines a SyncbaseDispatcher method. If the first argument to fn is not a
// context, creates a new context with a timeout.
function define(name, fn) {
SyncbaseDispatcher.prototype[name] = function() {
var args =;
var ctx = args[0];
if (ctx instanceof vanadium.context.Context) {
} else {
ctx = wt(this.ctx_);
args = [wn(ctx, name)].concat(args);
// The callback argument is optional, and clients don't always pass one.
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== 'function') {
// Drop ctx and cb, convert to JSON, drop square brackets.
var cb = args[args.length - 1];
var argsStr = JSON.stringify(args.slice(1, -1)).slice(1, -1);
args[args.length - 1] = bm.logLatency(name + '(' + argsStr + ')', cb);
return fn.apply(this, args);
// SyncbaseDispatcher impl
// TODO(sadovsky): Switch to storing VDL values (instead of JSON) and use a
// query to get all values of a particular type.
define('getLists', function(ctx, cb) {
// NOTE(sadovsky): Storing lists in a separate keyspace from todos and tags
// could make this scan faster. But given the size of the data (tiny), it
// shouldn't make much difference.
this.getRows_(ctx, null, function(err, rows) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var lists = [];
_.forEach(rows, function(row) {
if (row.key.indexOf(SEP) >= 0) {
lists.push(_.assign({}, unmarshal(row.value), {_id: row.key}));
return cb(null, lists);
define('getTodos', function(ctx, listId, cb) {
this.getRows_(ctx, listId, function(err, rows) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var todos = [];
var todo = {};
_.forEach(rows, function(row) {
var parts = row.key.split(SEP);
if (parts.length < 2 || parts[0] !== listId) {
} else if (parts.length === 3) { // next todo
if (todo._id) {
todo = _.assign({}, unmarshal(row.value), {_id: row.key});
} else if (parts.length === 5) { // tag for current todo
if (!todo.tags) {
todo.tags = [];
todo.tags.push(parts[4]); // push tag name
} else {
throw new Error('bad key: ' + row.key);
return cb(null, todos);
define('addList', function(ctx, list, cb) {
var listId = newListKey();
var v = marshal(list);
this.tb_.put(ctx, listId, v, this.maybeEmit_(function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, listId);
define('editListName', function(ctx, listId, name, cb) {
this.update_(ctx, listId, function(list) {
return _.assign(list, {name: name});
}, cb);
define('addTodo', function(ctx, listId, todo, cb) {
var that = this;
var tags = todo.tags;
delete todo.tags;
var todoId = newTodoKey(listId);
var v = marshal(todo);
// Write todo and tags in a batch.
var opts = new nosql.BatchOptions();
nosql.runInBatch(ctx, this.db_, opts, function(db, cb) {
// NOTE: Dealing with tables is awkward given that batches and syncgroups
// are database-level. Maybe we should just get rid of tables. Doing so
// would solve other problems as well, e.g. the API inconsistency for
// creating databases vs. tables.
var tb = db.table('tb');
tb.put(wn(ctx, 'put:' + todoId), todoId, v, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
async.each(tags, function(tag, cb) {
that.addTagImpl_(ctx, tb, todoId, tag, cb);
}, cb);
}, this.maybeEmit_(cb));
define('removeTodo', function(ctx, todoId, cb) {
this.tb_.row(todoId).delete(ctx, this.maybeEmit_(cb));
define('editTodoText', function(ctx, todoId, text, cb) {
this.update_(ctx, todoId, function(todo) {
return _.assign(todo, {text: text});
}, cb);
define('markTodoDone', function(ctx, todoId, done, cb) {
this.update_(ctx, todoId, function(todo) {
return _.assign(todo, {done: done});
}, cb);
define('addTag', function(ctx, todoId, tag, cb) {
this.addTagImpl_(ctx, this.tb_, todoId, tag, this.maybeEmit_(cb));
define('removeTag', function(ctx, todoId, tag, cb) {
// NOTE: Table.delete is awkward (it takes a range), so instead we use
// Row.delete. It would be nice for Table.delete to operate on a single row
// and have a separate Table.deleteRowRange.
this.tb_.row(tagKey(todoId, tag)).delete(ctx, this.maybeEmit_(cb));
// DO NOT USE THIS. vtrace RPCs are extremely slow in JavaScript because VOM
// decoding is slow for trace records, which are deeply nested. E.g. 100 puts
// can take 20+ seconds with vtrace vs. 2 seconds without.
SyncbaseDispatcher.prototype.resetTraceRecords = function() {
this.ctx_ = vtrace.withNewStore(this.rt_.getContext());
SyncbaseDispatcher.prototype.getTraceRecords = function() {
return vtrace.getStore(this.ctx_).traceRecords();
SyncbaseDispatcher.prototype.logTraceRecords = function() {
// TODO(sadovsky): Watch for changes on Syncbase itself so that we can detect
// when data arrives via sync, and drop this method.
SyncbaseDispatcher.prototype.maybeEmit_ = function(cb) {
var that = this;
cb = cb || noop;
return function(err) {
cb.apply(null, arguments);
if (!err) that.emit('change');
// Writes the given tag into the given table.
define('addTagImpl_', function(ctx, tb, todoId, tag, cb) {
// TODO(sadovsky): Syncbase currently disallows whitespace in keys, so as a
// quick hack we drop all whitespace before storing tags.
tag = tag.replace(/\s+/g, '');
tb.put(ctx, tagKey(todoId, tag), null, cb);
// Returns all rows in the table.
define('getRows_', function(ctx, listId, cb) {
var rows = [], streamErr = null;
var range = nosql.rowrange.prefix(listId || '');
this.tb_.scan(ctx, range, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (streamErr) return cb(streamErr);
cb(null, rows);
}).on('data', function(row) {
}).on('error', function(err) {
streamErr = streamErr || err.error;
// Performs a read-modify-write on key, applying updateFn to the value.
// Takes care of value marshalling and unmarshalling.
define('update_', function(ctx, key, updateFn, cb) {
var opts = new nosql.BatchOptions();
nosql.runInBatch(ctx, this.db_, opts, function(db, cb) {
var tb = db.table('tb');
tb.get(wn(ctx, 'get:' + key), key, function(err, value) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var newValue = marshal(updateFn(unmarshal(value)));
tb.put(wn(ctx, 'put:' + key), key, newValue, cb);
}, this.maybeEmit_(cb));