blob: 51b8f6f26777b114f7dc7364d4f68ad2bbc800d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// In-memory implementation of Collection.
// TODO(sadovsky): Replace with nedb NPM module.
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var Collection = require('./collection');
inherits(MemCollection, Collection);
module.exports = MemCollection;
function MemCollection(name) {;
this.name_ = name;
this.vals_ = [];
function noop() {}
MemCollection.prototype.find = function(q, opts, cb) {
var that = this;
cb = cb || noop;
q = this.normalize_(q);
var res = _.filter(this.vals_, function(v) {
return that.matches_(v, q);
if (opts.sort) {
// TODO(sadovsky): Eliminate simplifying assumptions.
var keys = _.keys(opts.sort);
console.assert(keys.length === 1);
var key = keys[0];
console.assert(opts.sort[key] === 1);
res = _.sortBy(res, key);
return cb(null, _.cloneDeep(res));
MemCollection.prototype.insert = function(v, cb) {
cb = cb || noop;
v = _.assign({}, v, {_id: this.vals_.length});
return cb(null, v._id);
MemCollection.prototype.remove = function(q, cb) {
var that = this;
cb = cb || noop;
q = this.normalize_(q);
this.vals_ = _.filter(this.vals_, function(v) {
return !that.matches_(v, q);
return cb();
MemCollection.prototype.update = function(q, opts, cb) {
var that = this;
cb = cb || noop;
q = this.normalize_(q);
var vals = _.filter(this.vals_, function(v) {
return that.matches_(v, q);
// TODO(sadovsky): Eliminate simplifying assumptions.
var keys = _.keys(opts);
console.assert(keys.length === 1);
var key = keys[0];
console.assert(_.contains(['$addToSet', '$pull', '$set'], key));
var opt = opts[key];
var fields = _.keys(opt);
console.assert(fields.length === 1);
var field = fields[0];
_.each(vals, function(val) {
switch (key) {
case '$addToSet':
val[field] = _.union(val[field], [opt[field]]);
case '$pull':
val[field] = _.without(val[field], opt[field]);
case '$set':
val[field] = opt[field];
return cb();
MemCollection.prototype.normalize_ = function(q) {
if (_.isObject(q)) {
return q;
return {_id: q};
MemCollection.prototype.matches_ = function(v, q) {
var keys = _.keys(q);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (_.isArray(v[key]) && !_.isArray(q[key])) {
if (!_.contains(v[key], q[key])) {
return false;
} else {
if (q[key] !== v[key]) {
return false;
return true;