Demo setup

This page describes how to set things up for a demo. For detailed explanations of the app setup steps, see

Single-machine setup

Run these commands once:

DEBUG=1 make build
./bin/principal seekblessings --v23.credentials tmp/creds

Run these commands (each from its own terminal) on each reset:

rm -rf tmp/syncbase* && PORT=5000 ./tools/
PORT=5100 ./tools/

DEBUG=1 PORT=5000 make serve
DEBUG=1 PORT=5100 make serve

Open these urls:

http://<hostname>:5000/?d=syncbase // Alice
http://<hostname>:5100/?d=syncbase // Bob

Two-machine setup

Have Alice and Bob do the following on their respective machines.

Run these commands once:

DEBUG=1 make build
./bin/principal seekblessings --v23.credentials tmp/creds

Run these commands (each from its own terminal) on each reset:

rm -rf tmp/syncbase* && PORT=5000 ./tools/

DEBUG=1 PORT=5000 make serve

Open this url:


Syncing a list

  1. In Alice's window, create list “Groceries”.
  2. Add todo items and tags (as desired).
  3. Click the status button, then type in Bob's email address.
  4. Copy the /share/... part of the url. The hex suffix encodes the syncgroup name, which includes Alice's mount table name.
  5. In Bob's window, replace everything after <hostname>:5000 with the copied /share/... path.
  6. After a second, Bob should see the synced “Groceries” list.
  7. Add, edit, and remove todos and tags to your heart's content and watch sync do its magic.

Note, it's important to use <hostname> urls rather than localhost urls because the web app parses the url from which it was loaded and adds 1 to the port number to determine the local mount table name, which it uses as a prefix for all syncgroup names that it creates. If the host is localhost:5000, the app will use /localhost:5001 as the mount table name, and remote peers will not be able to contact the syncgroup. If we switch to a “predefined, global mount table” model, this will no longer be an issue.