blob: 426a80cb21183f24d80f522f0c6b83012d228df0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
var vdl = require('vanadium').vdl;
var makeError = require('vanadium').verror.makeError;
var actions = require('vanadium').verror.actions;
var canonicalize = require('vanadium').vdl.canonicalize;
var access = require('./../../security/access');
module.exports = {};
// Types:
var _typeChange = new vdl.Type();
var _typeGlobRequest = new vdl.Type();
var _typeResumeMarker = new vdl.Type();
_typeChange.kind = vdl.kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeChange.fields = [{name: "Name", type: vdl.types.STRING}, {name: "State", type: vdl.types.INT32}, {name: "Value", type: vdl.types.ANY}, {name: "ResumeMarker", type: _typeResumeMarker}, {name: "Continued", type: vdl.types.BOOL}];
_typeGlobRequest.kind = vdl.kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeGlobRequest.fields = [{name: "Pattern", type: vdl.types.STRING}, {name: "ResumeMarker", type: _typeResumeMarker}];
_typeResumeMarker.kind = vdl.kind.LIST; = "";
_typeResumeMarker.elem = vdl.types.BYTE;
module.exports.Change = (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeChange));
module.exports.GlobRequest = (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeGlobRequest));
module.exports.ResumeMarker = (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeResumeMarker));
// Consts:
module.exports.Exists = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.types.INT32))(0, true), vdl.types.INT32);
module.exports.DoesNotExist = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.types.INT32))(1, true), vdl.types.INT32);
module.exports.InitialStateSkipped = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.types.INT32))(2, true), vdl.types.INT32);
// Errors:
module.exports.UnknownResumeMarkerError = makeError('', actions.NO_RETRY, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} unknown resume marker {_}',
}, [
// Services:
function GlobWatcher(){}
module.exports.GlobWatcher = GlobWatcher;
GlobWatcher.prototype.watchGlob = function(ctx, serverCall, req) {
throw new Error('Method WatchGlob not implemented');
GlobWatcher.prototype._serviceDescription = {
name: 'GlobWatcher',
pkgPath: '',
doc: "// GlobWatcher allows a client to receive updates for changes to objects\n// that match a pattern. See the package comments for details.",
embeds: [],
methods: [
name: 'WatchGlob',
doc: "// WatchGlob returns a stream of changes that match a pattern.",
inArgs: [{
name: 'req',
doc: "",
type: _typeGlobRequest
outArgs: [],
inStream: null,
outStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: _typeChange
tags: [canonicalize.reduce(new access.Tag("Resolve", true), new access.Tag()._type), ]