blob: 8ed8b5fc3eb3ab5210d9e00afcd9f56e0e1ed193 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module.exports = Database;
// Database represents a collection of Tables. Batches, queries, sync, watch,
// etc. all operate at the Database level.
function Database(fullName, name) {
if (typeof this !== Database) {
return new Database(fullName, name);
* @property name
* @type {string}
Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', {
value: name,
writable: false
* @property name
* @type {string}
Object.defineProperty(this, 'fullName', {
value: fullName,
writable: false
// Table returns the Table with the given name.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
Database.prototype.table = function(relativeName) {};
// ListTables returns a list of all Table names.
Database.prototype.listTables = function(ctx) {};
// Create creates this Database.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the App perms.
Database.prototype.create = function(ctx, perms) {};
// Delete deletes this Database.
Database.prototype.delete = function(ctx) {};
// Create creates the specified Table.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the Database perms.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
Database.prototype.createTable = function(ctx, relativeName, perms) {};
// DeleteTable deletes the specified Table.
Database.prototype.deleteTable = function(ctx, relativeName) {};
// SetPermissions replaces the current Permissions for an object.
Database.prototype.setPermissions = function(ctx, perms, version) {};
// GetPermissions returns the current Permissions for an object.
Database.prototype.getPermissions = function(ctx) {};
// BeginBatch creates a new batch. Instead of calling this function directly,
// clients are recommended to use the RunInBatch() helper function, which
// detects "concurrent batch" errors and handles retries internally.
// Default concurrency semantics:
// - Reads inside a batch see a consistent snapshot, taken during
// BeginBatch(), and will not see the effect of writes inside the batch.
// - Commit() may fail with ErrConcurrentBatch, indicating that after
// BeginBatch() but before Commit(), some concurrent routine wrote to a key
// that matches a key or row-range read inside this batch. (Writes inside a
// batch cannot cause that batch's Commit() to fail.)
// - Other methods (e.g. Get) will never fail with error ErrConcurrentBatch,
// even if it is known that Commit() will fail with this error.
// Concurrency semantics can be configured using BatchOptions.
Database.prototype.beginBatch = function(ctx, opts) {};
// BatchDatabase is a handle to a set of reads and writes to the database that
// should be considered an atomic unit. See BeginBatch() for concurrency
// semantics.
function BatchDatabase(db) {
if (typeof this !== BatchDatabase) {
return new BatchDatabase(db);
this._db = db;
// Table returns the Table with the given name.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
BatchDatabase.prototype.table = function(relativeName) {
return this._db.table(relativeName);
// ListTables returns a list of all Table names.
BatchDatabase.prototype.listTables = function(ctx) {
return this._db.listTables(ctx);
// Commit persists the pending changes to the database.
BatchDatabase.prototype.commit = function(relativeName) {};
// Abort notifies the server that any pending changes can be discarded.
// It is not strictly required, but it may allow the server to release locks
// or other resources sooner than if it was not called.
BatchDatabase.prototype.abort = function(ctx) {};