DEPRECATED, please use release.projects.croupier instead.

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  1. cbf5fa2 TBR Update Croupier by Alex Fandrianto · 9 years ago master
  2. 3d88169 croupier: Add SyncbaseEcho by Alex Fandrianto · 9 years ago
  3. 4599099 croupier: Remove old files/imports/comments by Alex Fandrianto · 9 years ago
  4. 970e991 Merge branch 'master' of /usr/local/google/home/alexfandrianto/sky by Alex Fandrianto · 9 years ago
  5. b2b194f Adding .v23 to .gitignore. by Alex Fandrianto · 9 years ago

This is the basic Getting Started with Sky + some Widgets.

To run this, just do ./packages/sky/sky_tool start

when your phone is connected. Add --install to the end if this is the first run.

You may also want to debug any problems. Use dartanalyzer. dartanalyzer lib/main.dart