This is my first version of cards.
I can drag and drop them around the screen.

- Flex instead of Stack + Positioned means that I can't have cards overlap.
- tons of commented out code and debug strings/info.
- Stack + Positioned errors when I use it. Constraints are violated?

I need to investigate the latter two issues so that I can send bug reports.
At the same time, this may involve deleting the extra commented out code.
4 files changed
tree: e8ae239bb7a0ee14830f25709b529c8433760098
  1. lib/
  2. .gitignore
  3. Makefile
  4. pubspec.yaml

This is the basic Getting Started with Sky + some Widgets.

To run this, just do ./packages/sky/sky_tool start

when your phone is connected. Add --install to the end if this is the first run.

You may also want to debug any problems. Use dartanalyzer. dartanalyzer lib/main.dart