This adds a few starting pages for the Hearts app.
- Welcome Screen
- Game Chooser
- We skip Arrange Players entirely, but can add that later.
- Then we can play "Hearts". Or "Proto" as I'm calling it now.

I also split apart Game into subclasses for ease of use.
ProtoGame and HeartsGame are subclasses that override its "move" method.
5 files changed
tree: 293a82ddd1f35dd2c9482eddb345cd33b1f6aba5
  1. lib/
  2. .gitignore
  3. Makefile
  4. pubspec.yaml

This is the basic Getting Started with Sky + some Widgets.

To run this, just do ./packages/sky/sky_tool start

when your phone is connected. Add --install to the end if this is the first run.

You may also want to debug any problems. Use dartanalyzer. dartanalyzer lib/main.dart