mdns: change NewMDNS to

1) allow no hostname to be truly anonymous.
2) make sure a hostname isn't already in use and return an error if it is
3) allow the caller to specify the host name as "hostname()".  The "()"
  will be turned into "(lexically highest mac address)".


Change-Id: If0e6c7faf54fc0acb74e29cdb06e8e723dba220d
1 file changed
tree: 351b57c85e5d9247c70c6d1f04dee22c1acd821e
  1. csrc/
  2. go/
  3. java/
  4. nacl_sdk/
  5. .gitignore

This repository contains three kinds of code used in the Vanadium project:

  1. code which originated outside of Google
  2. code which Google has released as open source
  3. Vanadium code which is derived from code that originated outside of Google, and is therefore still subject to that original code's third-party license

Most of the code under third-party is open source, though some packages have restrictive commercial licenses.

Because of Go language conventions, Go packages are found under third_party/go/src/.