blob: c1918234237ca91305180ba1b182041f0f25c708 [file] [log] [blame]
package gkvlite
import (
// A persistable store holding collections of ordered keys & values.
type Store struct {
// Atomic CAS'ed int64/uint64's must be at the top for 32-bit compatibility.
size int64 // Atomic protected; file size or next write position.
nodeAllocs uint64 // Atomic protected; total node allocation stats.
coll unsafe.Pointer // Copy-on-write map[string]*Collection.
file StoreFile // When nil, we're memory-only or no persistence.
callbacks StoreCallbacks // Optional / may be nil.
readOnly bool // When true, Flush()'ing is disallowed.
// The StoreFile interface is implemented by os.File. Application
// specific implementations may add concurrency, caching, stats, etc.
type StoreFile interface {
Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
Truncate(size int64) error
// Allows applications to override or interpose before/after events.
type StoreCallbacks struct {
BeforeItemWrite, AfterItemRead ItemCallback
// Optional callback to allocate an Item with an Item.Key. If
// your app uses ref-counting, the returned Item should have
// logical ref-count of 1.
ItemAlloc func(c *Collection, keyLength uint16) *Item
// Optional callback to allow you to track gkvlite's ref-counts on
// an Item. Apps might use this for buffer management and putting
// Item's on a free-list.
ItemAddRef func(c *Collection, i *Item)
// Optional callback to allow you to track gkvlite's ref-counts on
// an Item. Apps might use this for buffer management and putting
// Item's on a free-list.
ItemDecRef func(c *Collection, i *Item)
// Optional callback to control on-disk size, in bytes, of an item's value.
ItemValLength func(c *Collection, i *Item) int
// Optional callback to allow you to write item bytes differently.
ItemValWrite func(c *Collection, i *Item,
w io.WriterAt, offset int64) error
// Optional callback to read item bytes differently. For example,
// the app might have an optimization to just remember the reader
// & file offsets in the item.Transient field for lazy reading.
ItemValRead func(c *Collection, i *Item,
r io.ReaderAt, offset int64, valLength uint32) error
// Invoked when a Store is reloaded (during NewStoreEx()) from
// disk, this callback allows the user to optionally supply a key
// comparison func for each collection. Otherwise, the default is
// the bytes.Compare func.
KeyCompareForCollection func(collName string) KeyCompare
type ItemCallback func(*Collection, *Item) (*Item, error)
const VERSION = uint32(4)
var MAGIC_BEG []byte = []byte("0g1t2r")
var MAGIC_END []byte = []byte("3e4a5p")
var rootsEndLen int = 8 + 4 + 2*len(MAGIC_END)
var rootsLen int64 = int64(2*len(MAGIC_BEG) + 4 + 4 + rootsEndLen)
// Provide a nil StoreFile for in-memory-only (non-persistent) usage.
func NewStore(file StoreFile) (*Store, error) {
return NewStoreEx(file, StoreCallbacks{})
func NewStoreEx(file StoreFile,
callbacks StoreCallbacks) (*Store, error) {
coll := make(map[string]*Collection)
res := &Store{coll: unsafe.Pointer(&coll), callbacks: callbacks}
if file == nil || !reflect.ValueOf(file).Elem().IsValid() {
return res, nil // Memory-only Store.
res.file = file
if err := res.readRoots(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// SetCollection() is used to create a named Collection, or to modify
// the KeyCompare function on an existing Collection. In either case,
// a new Collection to use is returned. A newly created Collection
// and any mutations on it won't be persisted until you do a Flush().
func (s *Store) SetCollection(name string, compare KeyCompare) *Collection {
if compare == nil {
compare = bytes.Compare
for {
orig := atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)
coll := copyColl(*(*map[string]*Collection)(orig))
cnew := s.MakePrivateCollection(compare) = name
cold := coll[name]
if cold != nil {
cnew.rootLock = cold.rootLock
cnew.root = cold.rootAddRef()
coll[name] = cnew
if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&s.coll, orig, unsafe.Pointer(&coll)) {
return cnew
// Returns a new, unregistered (non-named) collection. This allows
// advanced users to manage collections of private collections.
func (s *Store) MakePrivateCollection(compare KeyCompare) *Collection {
if compare == nil {
compare = bytes.Compare
return &Collection{
store: s,
compare: compare,
rootLock: &sync.Mutex{},
root: &rootNodeLoc{refs: 1, root: empty_nodeLoc},
// Retrieves a named Collection.
func (s *Store) GetCollection(name string) *Collection {
coll := *(*map[string]*Collection)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll))
return coll[name]
func (s *Store) GetCollectionNames() []string {
return collNames(*(*map[string]*Collection)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)))
func collNames(coll map[string]*Collection) []string {
res := make([]string, 0, len(coll))
for name, _ := range coll {
res = append(res, name)
sort.Strings(res) // Sorting because common callers need stability.
return res
// The Collection removal won't be reflected into persistence until
// you do a Flush(). Invoking RemoveCollection(x) and then
// SetCollection(x) is a fast way to empty a Collection.
func (s *Store) RemoveCollection(name string) {
for {
orig := atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)
coll := copyColl(*(*map[string]*Collection)(orig))
cold := coll[name]
delete(coll, name)
if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&s.coll, orig, unsafe.Pointer(&coll)) {
func copyColl(orig map[string]*Collection) map[string]*Collection {
res := make(map[string]*Collection)
for name, c := range orig {
res[name] = c
return res
// Writes (appends) any dirty, unpersisted data to file. As a
// greater-window-of-data-loss versus higher-performance tradeoff,
// consider having many mutations (Set()'s & Delete()'s) and then
// have a less occasional Flush() instead of Flush()'ing after every
// mutation. Users may also wish to file.Sync() after a Flush() for
// extra data-loss protection.
func (s *Store) Flush() error {
if s.readOnly {
return errors.New("readonly, so cannot Flush()")
if s.file == nil {
return errors.New("no file / in-memory only, so cannot Flush()")
coll := *(*map[string]*Collection)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll))
rnls := map[string]*rootNodeLoc{}
cnames := collNames(coll)
for _, name := range cnames {
c := coll[name]
rnls[name] = c.rootAddRef()
defer func() {
for _, name := range cnames {
for _, name := range cnames {
if err := coll[name].write(rnls[name].root); err != nil {
return err
return s.writeRoots(rnls)
// Reverts the last Flush(), bringing the Store back to its state at
// its next-to-last Flush() or to an empty Store (with no Collections)
// if there were no next-to-last Flush(). This call will truncate the
// Store file.
func (s *Store) FlushRevert() error {
if s.file == nil {
return errors.New("no file / in-memory only, so cannot FlushRevert()")
orig := atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)
coll := make(map[string]*Collection)
if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&s.coll, orig, unsafe.Pointer(&coll)) {
for _, cold := range *(*map[string]*Collection)(orig) {
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.size) > rootsLen {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.size, -1)
err := s.readRootsScan(true)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.readOnly {
return nil
return s.file.Truncate(atomic.LoadInt64(&s.size))
// Returns a read-only snapshot, including any mutations on the
// original Store that have not been Flush()'ed to disk yet. The
// snapshot has its mutations and Flush() operations disabled because
// the original store "owns" writes to the StoreFile.
func (s *Store) Snapshot() (snapshot *Store) {
coll := copyColl(*(*map[string]*Collection)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)))
res := &Store{
coll: unsafe.Pointer(&coll),
file: s.file,
size: atomic.LoadInt64(&s.size),
readOnly: true,
callbacks: s.callbacks,
for _, name := range collNames(coll) {
collOrig := coll[name]
coll[name] = &Collection{
store: res,
rootLock: collOrig.rootLock,
root: collOrig.rootAddRef(),
return res
func (s *Store) Close() {
s.file = nil
cptr := atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll)
if cptr == nil ||
!atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&s.coll, cptr, unsafe.Pointer(nil)) {
coll := *(*map[string]*Collection)(cptr)
for _, name := range collNames(coll) {
// Copy all active collections and their items to a different file.
// If flushEvery > 0, then during the item copying, Flush() will be
// invoked at every flushEvery'th item and at the end of the item
// copying. The copy will not include any old items or nodes so the
// copy should be more compact if flushEvery is relatively large.
func (s *Store) CopyTo(dstFile StoreFile, flushEvery int) (res *Store, err error) {
dstStore, err := NewStore(dstFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coll := *(*map[string]*Collection)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.coll))
for _, name := range collNames(coll) {
srcColl := coll[name]
dstColl := dstStore.SetCollection(name,
minItem, err := srcColl.MinItem(true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if minItem == nil {
defer s.ItemDecRef(srcColl, minItem)
numItems := 0
var errCopyItem error = nil
err = srcColl.VisitItemsAscend(minItem.Key, true, func(i *Item) bool {
if errCopyItem = dstColl.SetItem(i); errCopyItem != nil {
return false
if flushEvery > 0 && numItems%flushEvery == 0 {
if errCopyItem = dstStore.Flush(); errCopyItem != nil {
return false
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if errCopyItem != nil {
return nil, errCopyItem
if flushEvery > 0 {
if err = dstStore.Flush(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dstStore, nil
// Updates the provided map with statistics.
func (s *Store) Stats(out map[string]uint64) {
out["fileSize"] = uint64(atomic.LoadInt64(&s.size))
out["nodeAllocs"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&s.nodeAllocs)
func (o *Store) writeRoots(rnls map[string]*rootNodeLoc) error {
sJSON, err := json.Marshal(rnls)
if err != nil {
return err
offset := atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size)
length := 2*len(MAGIC_BEG) + 4 + 4 + len(sJSON) + 8 + 4 + 2*len(MAGIC_END)
b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, length)[:0])
binary.Write(b, binary.BigEndian, uint32(VERSION))
binary.Write(b, binary.BigEndian, uint32(length))
binary.Write(b, binary.BigEndian, int64(offset))
binary.Write(b, binary.BigEndian, uint32(length))
if _, err := o.file.WriteAt(b.Bytes()[:length], offset); err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&o.size, offset+int64(length))
return nil
func (o *Store) readRoots() error {
finfo, err := o.file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&o.size, finfo.Size())
if o.size <= 0 {
return nil
return o.readRootsScan(false)
func (o *Store) readRootsScan(defaultToEmpty bool) (err error) {
rootsEnd := make([]byte, rootsEndLen)
for {
for { // Scan backwards for MAGIC_END.
if atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size) <= rootsLen {
if defaultToEmpty {
atomic.StoreInt64(&o.size, 0)
return nil
return errors.New("couldn't find roots; file corrupted or wrong?")
if _, err := o.file.ReadAt(rootsEnd,
atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size)-int64(len(rootsEnd))); err != nil {
return err
if bytes.Equal(MAGIC_END, rootsEnd[8+4:8+4+len(MAGIC_END)]) &&
bytes.Equal(MAGIC_END, rootsEnd[8+4+len(MAGIC_END):]) {
atomic.AddInt64(&o.size, -1) // TODO: optimizations to scan backwards faster.
// Read and check the roots.
var offset int64
var length uint32
endBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(rootsEnd)
err = binary.Read(endBuf, binary.BigEndian, &offset)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = binary.Read(endBuf, binary.BigEndian, &length); err != nil {
return err
if offset >= 0 && offset < atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size)-int64(rootsLen) &&
length == uint32(atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size)-offset) {
data := make([]byte, atomic.LoadInt64(&o.size)-offset-int64(len(rootsEnd)))
if _, err := o.file.ReadAt(data, offset); err != nil {
return err
if bytes.Equal(MAGIC_BEG, data[:len(MAGIC_BEG)]) &&
bytes.Equal(MAGIC_BEG, data[len(MAGIC_BEG):2*len(MAGIC_BEG)]) {
var version, length0 uint32
b := bytes.NewBuffer(data[2*len(MAGIC_BEG):])
if err = binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &version); err != nil {
return err
if err = binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &length0); err != nil {
return err
if version != VERSION {
return fmt.Errorf("version mismatch: "+
"current version: %v != found version: %v", VERSION, version)
if length0 != length {
return fmt.Errorf("length mismatch: "+
"wanted length: %v != found length: %v", length0, length)
m := make(map[string]*Collection)
if err = json.Unmarshal(data[2*len(MAGIC_BEG)+4+4:], &m); err != nil {
return err
for collName, t := range m { = collName = o
if o.callbacks.KeyCompareForCollection != nil { = o.callbacks.KeyCompareForCollection(collName)
if == nil { = bytes.Compare
atomic.StorePointer(&o.coll, unsafe.Pointer(&m))
return nil
} // else, perhaps value was unlucky in having MAGIC_END's.
} // else, perhaps a gkvlite file was stored as a value.
atomic.AddInt64(&o.size, -1) // Roots were wrong, so keep scanning.
func (o *Store) ItemAlloc(c *Collection, keyLength uint16) *Item {
if o.callbacks.ItemAlloc != nil {
return o.callbacks.ItemAlloc(c, keyLength)
return &Item{Key: make([]byte, keyLength)}
func (o *Store) ItemAddRef(c *Collection, i *Item) {
if o.callbacks.ItemAddRef != nil {
o.callbacks.ItemAddRef(c, i)
func (o *Store) ItemDecRef(c *Collection, i *Item) {
if o.callbacks.ItemDecRef != nil {
o.callbacks.ItemDecRef(c, i)
func (o *Store) ItemValRead(c *Collection, i *Item,
r io.ReaderAt, offset int64, valLength uint32) error {
if o.callbacks.ItemValRead != nil {
return o.callbacks.ItemValRead(c, i, r, offset, valLength)
i.Val = make([]byte, valLength)
_, err := r.ReadAt(i.Val, offset)
return err
func (o *Store) ItemValWrite(c *Collection, i *Item, w io.WriterAt, offset int64) error {
if o.callbacks.ItemValWrite != nil {
return o.callbacks.ItemValWrite(c, i, w, offset)
_, err := w.WriteAt(i.Val, offset)
return err