First do some setup:

mkdir -p $DEMO_DIR/src/example

Write a Go function...

 cat - <<EOF >$DEMO_DIR/src/example/add.go
package main

func add(x, y int) (int) { return x + y }
echo "the next command intended to fail"

...and a main program to call it:

 cat - <<EOF >$DEMO_DIR/src/example/main.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    comment this line to avoid compiler error
    fmt.Printf("Calling add on 1 and 2 yields %d.\n", add(1, 2))
echo "The following compile should fail."
GOPATH=$DEMO_DIR go install example

Copy/paste the above into a shell to build and run your Go program.

Clean up with this command:

/bin/rm -rf $DEMO_DIR