Summary of Changes in version 4.8


From a given set of test classes, the Categories runner runs only the classes and methods that are annotated with either the category given with the @IncludeCategory annotation, or a subtype of that category. Either classes or interfaces can be used as categories. Subtyping works, so if you say @IncludeCategory(SuperClass.class), a test marked @Category({SubClass.class}) will be run.

You can also exclude categories by using the @ExcludeCategory annotation


public interface FastTests { /* category marker */ }
public interface SlowTests { /* category marker */ }

public class A {
	public void a() {

	public void b() {

@Category({SlowTests.class, FastTests.class})
public class B {
	public void c() {


@SuiteClasses( { A.class, B.class }) // Note that Categories is a kind of Suite
public class SlowTestSuite {
  // Will run A.b and B.c, but not A.a

@SuiteClasses( { A.class, B.class }) // Note that Categories is a kind of Suite
public class SlowTestSuite {
  // Will run A.b, but not A.a or B.c

Bug fixes

  • github#16: thread safety of Result counting