= yaml = title: Quick Start layout: syncbase toc: true = yaml =

Install Syncbase

Syncbase's Android library is published to both JCenter and MavenCentral. To install the library, add the following to your build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  compile 'io.v:vanadium-android:2.1.3+'

Setup Cloud Syncbase

Head to https://sb-allocator.v.io/ to setup a free developer cloud Syncbase instance.

Make note of the Syncbase Address and the Blessing for your cloud instance, they are required by the Syncbase API during initialization.

{{# helpers.info }}

Please note

Requiring a cloud Syncbase is temporary. We are planning to allow the API to be used without a cloud Syncbase soon. {{/ helpers.info }}

Use Syncbase

In your MainActivity, import Syncbase and read/write some data!

{{# helpers.codedim }}
import android.util.Log;
{{/ helpers.codedim }}
import io.v.syncbase.*;

{{# helpers.codedim }}
public void onCreate() {
{{/ helpers.codedim }}


  DatabaseOptions dbOpt = new DatabaseOptions();
  dbOpt.cloudSyncbaseAddress = '<Your Cloud Syncbase Address>';
  dbOpt.cloudSyncbaseBlessing = '<Your Cloud Syncbase Blessing>';

  Database database = Syncbase.getDatabase(dbOpt);

  Collection collection = database.collection('myCollection');

  collection.put("myKey", "myValue");

  String value = collection.get('myKey', String.class);

  // Prints "Value is: myValue"
  Log.i("info", "Value is: " + value);

{{# helpers.codedim }}
{{/ helpers.codedim }}

That's all! You are now using Syncbase!

Got 10 more minutes?

Let's create a simple Dice Roller app and see it sync peer-to-peer in action!