= yaml = title: Quick Start layout: syncbase toc: true = yaml =

{{# helpers.hidden }}

export PROJECT_DIR=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX")
cp -r $JIRI_ROOT/website/tools/android_project_stubs/quickstart/* $PROJECT_DIR

{{/ helpers.hidden }}


This tutorial uses Android Studio, but feel free to use your IDE of choice.

Create the Project

We will start by creating an empty project in Android Studio File -> New -> Project. Select API 21 or above for the Minimum SDK and pick Empty Activity as the template.

Install Syncbase

Syncbase's Android library is published to both JCenter and MavenCentral. To install the library, add the following to your build.gradle file.

{{# helpers.hide_cat_eof_lines }}

cat - <<EOF >> $PROJECT_DIR/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
  compile 'io.v:syncbase:0.1.4'

{{/ helpers.hide_cat_eof_lines }}

Setup Cloud Syncbase

Head to https://sb-allocator.v.io/ to setup a free developer cloud Syncbase instance.

Make note of the Syncbase Address and the Blessing for your cloud instance, they are required by the Syncbase API during initialization.

{{# helpers.info }}

Please note

Requiring a cloud Syncbase is temporary. We are planning to allow the API to be used without a cloud Syncbase soon. {{/ helpers.info }}

Use Syncbase

In your MainActivity, import Syncbase and read/write some data!

{{# helpers.hide_cat_eof_lines }}

cat - <<EOF | sed 's/{{.*}}//' > $PROJECT_DIR/app/src/main/java/syncbase/io/v/quickstart/MainActivity.java
{{# helpers.codedim}}
package syncbase.io.v.quickstart;

import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
{{/ helpers.codedim}}
import io.v.syncbase.*;

{{# helpers.codedim}}
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        {{/ helpers.codedim}}
        Syncbase.database(new Syncbase.DatabaseCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(Database db) {

                // Use database to interact with Syncbase.

                Collection collection = db.collection("myCollection");

                collection.put("myKey", "myValue");

                String value = collection.get("myKey", String.class);
        }, new Syncbase.DatabaseOptions());
        {{# helpers.codedim}}

{{/ helpers.codedim}}

{{/ helpers.hide_cat_eof_lines }}

That's all! You are now using Syncbase!

{{# helpers.hidden }}

cd $PROJECT_DIR && ./gradlew assembleRelease

{{/ helpers.hidden }}

Got 10 more minutes?

Let's create a simple Dice Roller app and see it sync peer-to-peer in action!