= yaml = title: Detailed Installation toc: true sort: 2 = yaml =

Installation of Vanadium requires bash, curl, Git and the Go programming language.

Optionally install:

  • Node.js - if you want to do JavaScript development.


Installation and tutorial commands must run in a bash shell:

set | grep BASH > /dev/null || echo "vanadium_install.sh: Not running in bash, this won't work\!"

Environment variables

Decide on a directory to hold Vanadium code, and point the environment variable V23_RELEASE at that directory.

The default setting below places the release in $HOME/v23_release, but you can put it wherever you want.

[ -d "${HOME:?'Must define HOME'}" ]
export V23_RELEASE=$HOME/v23_release

{{# helpers.note }} $V23_RELEASE is intended to point to the root of an end-user (developer) release. In contrast, $JIRI_ROOT, discussed in the contributor instructions, points to the root of a contributor tree, a superset of the release. See the coding guidelines for more details. {{/ helpers.note }}

The go get procedure used below for installation downloads code from a git repository and puts it into a src subdirectory below the first directory specified on GOPATH.

To allow for a clean uninstall leaving other Go stuff in place, we suggest making $V23_RELEASE (the value of V23_RELEASE) the only path on GOPATH during the installation:


Prerequisite tools

Check for other prerequisite tools (in addition to bash):

function vCheck() {
  local foo=`command -v $1 2>/dev/null`
  if [ "$foo" == "" ]; then
    vErrors="${vErrors}\n\nPlease install $1 version $2 or higher."
    if [ "$4" != "" ]; then
      vErrors="${vErrors}\n\tExample command for installation on ubuntu:\n\t\t$4"
  local flag="version"
  if [ "$1" != "go" ]; then flag="--$flag"; fi
  local sedOp='-rn'
  case "`uname`" in
    # http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-62k
    Darwin*) sedOp='-E' ;;
  local sedPa="s/$3/\1/p"
  local cmd="$1 $flag | head -n 1 | sed $sedOp '$sedPa'"
  local v=`eval "$cmd"`
  if [ "$v" \< "$2" ]; then
     vErrors="${vErrors}\nYou have $1 version $v; need version $2 or higher."

vCheck "curl" "5" "curl ([0-9])\..*" "sudo apt-get install curl"
# Git is used to download Vanadium software.
# Older versions of git might work, but we test at >=2.0
vCheck "git" "1.9" "git version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\..*" "sudo apt-get install git"
vCheck "go" "1.5" ".* go([0-9\.]+) .*" "curl https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz -o - | tar xzf -"
if [ "$vErrors" != "" ]; then
  echo " "
  echo -e $vErrors
  echo " "
  echo "Please install prerequisites before continuing."

{{# helpers.hidden}}

if [ "$vErrors" != "" ]; then
  exit 1

{{/ helpers.hidden}}

Optional tools

Node.js is required for JavaScript development.

vCheck "node" "0.10" "v([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*"


If there were failures above, consult these operating-system dependent instructions:

Install Vanadium

Use go get to put Vanadium into the first directory on your GOPATH (it should match the value of V23_RELEASE):

/bin/rm -rf $V23_RELEASE
mkdir -p $V23_RELEASE
# The following downloads Vanadium Go code below $GOPATH.
function buildV23() {
  go get -d v.io/x/ref/...

  # Install specific CLI dependencies for the tutorials without hitting the
  # leveldb dependency in v.io/x/ref/services/groups/...
  # This is a short-term solution until a simpler method of negotiating non-go
  # dependencies can be decided and resolved.
  # SEE: https://github.com/vanadium/issues/issues/586
  go install v.io/x/ref/cmd/...
  go install v.io/x/ref/services/agent/...
  go install v.io/x/ref/services/mounttable/...

for attempt in $(seq 1 "${NATTEMPTS}"); do
  buildV23 && break
  if [[ "${attempt}" == "${NATTEMPTS}" ]]; then
    echo -e "\n\n"
    echo "v23 installation failed ${NATTEMPTS} times in a row."
    echo "This can happen when our repository servers are"
    echo "temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
    exit 1
  echo "\"v23 update\" failed, trying again."

Installation takes about five minutes.

The first two commands ensure that $V23_RELEASE holds a clean install. The go get command downloads the core Vanadium code and installs it by compiling binaries to $V23_RELEASE/bin.

That's it!

You are ready to start using Vanadium or continue with the tutorials.

{{# helpers.note }}

Optional install verification:

  • Run an arbitrary unit test.

    go test v.io/v23/security
  • See the help text from a core Vanadium binary.

    $V23_RELEASE/bin/principal help
  • Serve Go documentation.

    godoc --http :8080

This command puts up a webserver. To see, for example, some security code visit http://localhost:8080/pkg/v.io/v23/security. You may have to replace localhost with the output of the hostname command to see the correct web page.

{{/ helpers.note }}

Uninstall Vanadium

If you followed the instructions above to put Vanadium into a new directory called $V23_RELEASE, you can uninstall Vanadium by deleting that directory.

{{# helpers.warning }}

This wipes what you did above!

/bin/rm -rf $V23_RELEASE

{{/ helpers.warning }}