= yaml = title: Quick Install toc: false sort: 2 = yaml =

Vanadium is currently targetted to Linux and OS X based systems.

Please download this script then source it:

source ~/Downloads/vanadium_install.sh

{{# helpers.hidden}} Please source this script:

source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -s https://v.io/sh/vanadium_install.sh)"

{{/ helpers.hidden}}

The script checks for prerequisites and attempts installation. It takes about five minutes.

What does the script do?

The script checks for prerequisites, sets the V23_RELEASE environment variable to $HOME/v23_release, wipes $V23_RELEASE, and fills it with fresh Vanadium.

The tutorials depend on V23_RELEASE to find Vanadium, but Vanadium itself doesn't use the variable.

If you keep Vanadium, you may want to edit your preferred environment configuration “dot file” to add $V23_RELEASE/bin to your PATH variable. This step, however, isn't necessary for the tutorials.

Feel free to move v23_release somewhere else if you like, and redefine V23_RELEASE accordingly.