= yaml = title: Overview layout: tutorial sort: 30 toc: false = yaml =

Naming, like security, is central to Vanadium.

Naming is Vanadium's term for service identification and discovery.

The following tutorials build from the basics tutorial to demonstrate code and pre-built tools that implement and benefit from Vanadium naming.

  • The Mount Table
    Wherein you use the basic tools of service discovery.

  • Namespaces
    Wherein you manipulate multiple mount tables to create a rich namespace.

  • The Suffix - Part I
    Wherein for the first time you build a server with multiple services and use the server's namespace to address them (an advanced tutorial).

  • The Suffix - Part II
    Wherein you add fine-grained security to control access to your multiple services (an advanced tutorial).

  • Globber
    Wherein you use the Globber interface to create your own server namespace (an advanced tutorial).

The naming concepts document provides a high-level discussion of naming that complements these tutorials.