= yaml = title: Syncbase User Guide layout: tutorial wherein: you learn about Syncbase toc: true = yaml =


Syncbase is a storage system for developers that makes it easy to synchronize app data between devices. It works even when devices are not connected to the Internet.

  • Synchronization between one user's devices is trivial to configure; multiple users can synchronize specific data too
    • Low latency synchronization enables many apps to use storage for asynchronous communication
  • Internet connection not required
    • Local storage still works when not connected to the internet
    • Synchronization protocol is peer-to-peer and works just as well over local WiFi or Bluetooth as the internet
  • Conflict resolution system merges data when devices have been working offline
  • Unified storage model handles both structured data and blobs
    • Structured databases are easy to use and queryable
    • Blob caching policies work well on resource-limited devices
  • Powerful management tools
    • Leverages the Vanadium namespace and security system
    • Open source reference implementation of Syncbase for developers who want tight control over the data

The initial version of Syncbase is ready for testing and evaluation by early adopters - it is suitable for prototyping, but not for production applications.

This document covers installation and basic usage. It should be enough for developers to get started using Syncbase. For more details on the design, see the Syncbase Overview document.


Syncbase is a Go program that depends on Vanadium and several other libraries. The following steps cover all of the prerequisites, and should work on both Linux and OS X.

  1. Follow the installation instructions to install prerequisites and fetch the Vanadium repositories, which include Syncbase as well as the Todos demo app.

    The instructions below assume you've set the JIRI_ROOT environment variable and have added $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/scripts to your PATH:

     # Edit to taste.
     export JIRI_ROOT=${HOME}/vanadium
     export PATH=$PATH:$JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/scripts

    Recommended: Add the lines above to your ~/.bashrc or similar.

  2. Run the Syncbase tests.

     jiri go test v.io/v23/syncbase/...
  3. Build the Syncbase server binary and other Vanadium tools.

     jiri go install v.io/...

Note, the jiri go command simply augments the GOPATH environment variable with the various paths to Vanadium Go code under the JIRI_ROOT directory, and then runs the standard go tool.

You should now have the following binaries available, among others:

  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/mounttabled
  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/syncbased
  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/vrpc

Running the Todos Demo App

The Todos demo app is a web application that runs in Chrome. Before you can run it, you must install the [Vanadium Chrome extension].

To run the app, follow the demo setup instructions here: https://github.com/vanadium/todos/blob/master/demo.md

To get a fresh copy of the Vanadium source code and rebuild everything for the demo, run these commands from the todos root dir:

jiri update
make clean

If you get certificate signature verification errors when running the webapp, try uninstalling and reinstalling your [Vanadium Chrome extension].

Basic Usage

In this section we demonstrate the basics of working with a local instance of Syncbase: setting up an initial <app>/<database>/<table> hierarchy, reading and writing data, and using batches.

Application developers are expected to use Syncbase through a client library. Currently we provide client libraries for Go, JavaScript, Java (Android), and Dart (Mojo/Sky). In this guide, to keep things simple and concise, we use the Go client library and ignore all errors returned from Syncbase.

Let's create an app with a single NoSQL database, containing a single table. The following code snippets assume we have a Syncbase instance serving at localhost:4002.

import "v.io/syncbase/v23/syncbase"
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init() // initialize the Vanadium runtime
defer shutdown()
s := syncbase.NewService("/localhost:4002")
a := s.App("myapp")
a.Create(ctx, perms) // assumes "perms" is defined
d := a.NoSQLDatabase("mydb", nil) // nil means no schema
d.Create(ctx, perms)
t := d.Table("mytable")
t.Create(ctx, nil) // nil means copy perms from db

We‘ve created the hierarchy myapp/mydb/mytable. Now, let’s read and write some key-value data to our table.

t.Put(ctx, "foo", "mystr")
t.Put(ctx, "bar", 600673)
t.Put(ctx, "baz", mystruct) // assumes "mystruct" is defined
var s1, s2 string
var i1 int
t.Get(ctx, "foo", &s1) // s1 will be "mystr"
t.Get(ctx, "bar", &i1) // i1 will be 600673
expectError(t.Get(ctx, "baz", &s2))  // s2 is the wrong type

Next, let's scan over a range of key-value records. Scan returns a stream object that reads from a consistent snapshot taken at the time of the RPC.

it := t.Scan(ctx, nosql.Range("a", "z")) // covers ["a", "z")
it := t.Scan(ctx, nosql.Prefix("ba")) // covers keys with prefix "ba"
for it.Advance() {
  var v *vdl.Value // can represent any type
  fmt.Println(it.Key(), v)

Syncbase also supports SQL-like queries to scan over rows that match some predicate. For more information, see the Queries section of this guide.

Finally, let's perform a set of operations in a batch. Batches follow ACID semantics on the local Syncbase instance, and relaxed ACID semantics when used with synchronization, as described in the Syncbase Overview document.

// For a read-only batch (i.e. to read from a snapshot), we'd set
// BatchOptions.ReadOnly to true.
nosql.RunInBatch(ctx, d, wire.BatchOptions{},
                 func(bd nosql.BatchDatabase) error {
  bt = bd.Table("mytable")
  bt.Get(ctx, "bar", &i1) // i1 will be 600673
  bt.Put(ctx, "foo", fmt.Sprintf(i1))
  bt.Put(ctx, "bar", 2*i1)

This batch writes the old value of “bar” to “foo” (as a string), then replaces “bar” with twice its original value. nosql.RunInBatch is a helper function that handles creating and committing the batch, as well as retrying the batch if a concurrent batch preempted ours.

This concludes the “basic usage” section. For the complete Syncbase API, consult the client library in your language of choice. For “real-world usage”, see the todos example app code.

Data Modeling

Syncbase organizes data hierarchically: App > Database > Table > Row

The “App” layer of hierarchy allows for multiple apps to share the same Syncbase instance, so that (for example) we can run a single Syncbase instance on a mobile device to service all apps running on that device.

The Database is a set of NoSQL tables. It provides the scope for queries and batches similar to many relational databases. We expect that most apps will have a single database. It exists primarily because we expect to provide other types of databases in the future (e.g. SQL, timeseries).

A Table is a lexicographically ordered set of rows with each row key mapping to a single value. Values can be anything representable by VOM such as simple types like string and int32 or complex, application-defined structs. We expect that many developers will choose to use VDL to model their data, though they are free to define structs in their native programming language. The values in a single table can be heterogeneous, allowing for better spatial locality than splitting the values into homogeneous tables.

We expect developers to give a common key prefix to related data. For example, a TODO list might have a table like:

<list uuid>                -> List
<list uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry
<list uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry

All entries in the list have a common prefix, making it easy to find all of the entries in the list. Note the use of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs). The act of sharing and synchronizing this list with another user will cause this list to be spliced into that user's database. By using UUIDs, we ensure that this list will not collide with a list already in that database.

Access Control

Syncbase provides fine grained access control, using the Vanadium security model for identification and authentication. Developers provide a key prefix to control which rows are covered by a given access control list (ACL). If there are multiple ACL prefixes for a row, the one with the longest prefix wins. This behavior makes it easy to set an ACL on related data and have new data automatically inherit the right ACL if possible.

In our example above, the list is fully collaborative, so the developer would set a simple ACL like:

<list uuid> -> {<owner>: Read, Write, Admin; <friends>: Read, Write}

All entries in the list would inherit this ACL. We expect that most apps will use a single ACL for a group of related data, so we optimized for this case. To hide an entry from the friends, the owner would create another ACL:

<list uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> {<owner>: Read, Write, Admin}

The existence of this ACL is revealed to the lowest levels of Syncbase on the friends' devices, but the content of the entry is not.


As you think about how to model the data for your application, it is important to understand how to specify which data to sync between devices. A syncgroup represents both what data should be synced and who to sync it with. The what is specified with a set of key prefixes similar to access control. Therefore, it is essential that related data have a common key prefix. See the section on Sync below for more details. The who is specified by a syncgroup ACL that determines the devices that are allowed to join the syncgroup. Typically this is done by specifying the identities of the device owners (and not their specific devices) to give each user the flexibility in selecting from which of their device(s) to join the syncgroup and participate in the data synchronization.


The Syncbase query language, syncQL, is very similar to SQL. SyncQL uses the general structure of SQL's SELECT statement. It efficiently evaluates predicates (the WHERE clause) inside the Syncbase process. It does not currently support JOINs or indexes.

SyncQL uses the keywords k and v to represent the key and value for the row. SyncQL can unpack structs to evaluate the fields within. In this example, the structs in the Customer table have a field called “State”. The query returns the row key and complete value struct for each row where State is ‘CA’.

SELECT k, v FROM Customer WHERE v.State = 'CA'

Because the key has significant structure, it is useful to restrict the query to a subset of the data. For example, to fetch all of the data for a customer with UUID 12345 (i.e. all rows with the prefix 12345):

SELECT v FROM Customer WHERE k LIKE "12345%"

See the syncQL specification for the complete language and more examples.


A blob is created within a database and identified by a unique BlobRef. The app stores the BlobRef in a row in a NoSQL table (i.e. in the value structure of a NoSQL entry). When the table is synchronized to another device, the BlobRef can be used to fetch the blob and cache it in that device's local store. Blobs give the app a mechanism for lazy-fetching of data compared to the eager syncing of the NoSQL tables.

Because blobs are typically large, the APIs to put and get blobs use a streaming interface.

// Create a blob. Assumes an existing hierarchy myapp/mydb/mytable.
s := syncbase.NewService("/localhost:4002")
d := s.App("myapp").NoSQLDatabase("mydb", nil)
b, err := d.CreateBlob(ctx)
bw, err := b.Put(ctx)
for moreData {
  err = bw.Send(dataByteArray)
err = bw.Close()
err = b.Commit()
blobRef := b.Ref()
fmt.Printf("Blob written: BlobRef %s\n", blobRef)

The BlobRef is used to get the blob data. If the blob is not available locally, Syncbase locates a device that has a copy of the blob, fetches it, caches it locally, and streams it to the client.

// Retrieve a blob. Assumes the same initialization above.
b := d.Blob(blobRef)
br, err := b.Get(ctx, 0) // Get the full blob, i.e. from offset 0.
var data []byte
for br.Advance() {
  data = append(data, br.Value()...)
err = br.Err()
fmt.Printf("Blob read: BlobRef %s, len %d\n", blobRef, len(data))


Syncbase provides peer-to-peer synchronization of data between a set of devices. The cloud is just another peer, and is not required. Devices attempt to discover one another by all means available, including the local network (over mDNS, aka Bonjour) and a configurable set of name servers.

The fundamental unit of synchronization is a syncgroup. Syncgroups are tied to a database and can span tables. A syncgroup specifies what data to sync (as a set of table names and key prefixes) and who to sync it with (as an ACL specifying who can join the syncgroup). Syncgroup data may overlap or be nested within the data of other syncgroups. For example SG1 may specify prefixes “foo” and “bar” with SG2 specifying prefixes “f” and/or “bar123”.

To guarantee consistent access behavior across all devices within a syncgroup, the app must create a prefix-ACL (aka data-ACL) for each syncgroup prefix before it creates the syncgroup. Syncbase enforces this setup and synchronizes the prefix-ACLs along with the data. This way on every device the same prefix-ACLs are available and enforced for the synchronized data.

A syncgroup is identified by a globally unique name selected by the creator. This name is given out-of-band to the other devices so they can join the syncgroup. The syncgroup name is a Vanadium name that is used to make the RPC calls to create or join the syngroup. Thus the syncgroup name must start with a Vanadium-resolvable server name.

In many apps, you'll have one device create a syncgroup (e.g. a new todo list), and other devices join that syncgroup. The following code creates a syncgroup with table “mytable” and key prefix “foo”.

// Assumes we've already created the hierarchy myapp/mydb/mytable.
s := syncbase.NewService("/localhost:4002")
d := s.App("myapp").NoSQLDatabase("mydb", nil)
sg := d.Syncgroup("/localhost:4002/%%sync/myapp/mydb/mysg")
sg.Create(ctx, wire.SyncgroupSpec{
  Description: "my syncgroup",
  Perms:       perms,
  Prefixes:    []wire.TableRow{{TableName: "mytable", Row: "foo"}},
  MountTables: []string{"/ns.dev.v.io:8101"},
}, wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{
  SyncPriority: 8

The code below joins the syncgroup.

sg.Join(ctx, wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{
  SyncPriority: 8

In some cases, an app won‘t know in advance whether it should create a syncgroup or join an existing syncgroup. For example, this can happen when an app uses a syncgroup to sync a user’s data across their devices; in this case, the app won't know in advance whether it has already been installed on some other device belonging to the user. This implies that the syncgroup name must be known in advance by all instances of the app. In this case, the recommended approach is to try to join that syncgroup. If the join fails with an error indicating that the syncgroup does not exist (ErrNoExist), as opposed to a permission denial or a network communication error, then create the syncgroup. This could still lead to multiple concurrent creations of the syncgroup. In the future we plan to provide a mechanism for apps to merge such disconnected syncgroups when there is no ambiguity as to whether they really ought to be the same syncgroup.

Conflict Resolution

Syncbase was designed to allow for predefined conflict resolution policies such as last-write-wins as well as custom, app-driven conflict resolution. The Syncbase implementation does not yet expose hooks for custom resolvers; last-write-wins is the only resolver currently available.

TODO: Expand this section once we finish adding support for custom conflict resolvers, additional types of predefined resolvers, CRDTs, etc.

TODO: Maybe add some info about schemas here.

Interaction with ACLs

TODO: Fill this out.

Frequently Asked Questions

TODO: Grow this section as questions arise.