= yaml = title: Step-by-step Installation toc: true = yaml =

This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Vanadium.

System requirements

The instructions below assume you are using the Bash shell.

set | grep BASH > /dev/null || echo "Vanadium installation requires Bash."

In addition, they assume the following software packages are installed and available in your PATH:

  • curl
  • Go 1.5 or above
  • Git 2.4 or above

On OS X, you'll also need:

OS-specific setup details

For OS-specific setup details, consult these instructions:

JIRI_ROOT environment variable

The Vanadium code is spread out across multiple git repositories. Though it's possible to fetch the Vanadium Go code using standard go get commands, the recommended approach is to use the jiri tool, which helps manage multiple repositories.

Soon, we'll run a bootstrap.sh script that uses jiri to fetch the Vanadium repositories. As such, we must first set the JIRI_ROOT environment variable. Use an absolute path to a non-existent directory on the local filesystem. The bootstrap.sh script will create this directory. (Remote filesystems such as NFS are discouraged for performance reasons and to avoid git ENOKEY errors.)

# Edit to taste.
export JIRI_ROOT=${HOME}/v23_root

Recommended for contributors: Add the line above to your ~/.bashrc or similar.

V23_RELEASE environment variable

The tutorials on this website use Go code from a particular subdirectory of JIRI_ROOT. Tutorial users should set the V23_RELEASE environment variable to this directory, as follows:

# Needed for tutorials only.
export V23_RELEASE=${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go

Fetch Vanadium repositories

Run the bootstrap.sh script. This script will (1) install the jiri tool in your JIRI_ROOT directory, (2) git clone a Vanadium-specific manifest repository that configures jiri for the Vanadium project, and (3) use the jiri tool to fetch all of the Vanadium repositories. Notably, this script will not write to any files outside of the JIRI_ROOT directory.

# This can take several minutes.
curl -f https://vanadium.github.io/bootstrap.sh | bash

Add $JIRI_ROOT/devtools/bin to your PATH, for jiri:

export PATH=$JIRI_ROOT/devtools/bin:$PATH

Recommended for contributors: Add the line above to your ~/.bashrc or similar.

Additional prerequisites

Some components of Vanadium (e.g. Syncbase) have additional prerequisites, including Snappy, LevelDB, and Node.js.

We recommend using the jiri v23-profile command to install all such prerequisites. This command uses apt-get on Linux and brew on OS X. Note, the jiri tool and its various plugins are located in $JIRI_ROOT/devtools/bin.

jiri v23-profile install base

The jiri v23-profile install command only writes to files under JIRI_ROOT, i.e. it will not write to system folders such as those under /usr.

Install Vanadium binaries

For simplicity, we use jiri go to install tools. The jiri go command simply augments the GOPATH environment variable with the various paths to Vanadium Go code under the JIRI_ROOT directory, and then runs the standard go tool.

# Install specific tools needed for the tutorials.
jiri go install v.io/x/ref/cmd/... v.io/x/ref/services/agent/... v.io/x/ref/services/mounttable/...

Verifying installation

Compile all Go code:

jiri go build v.io/...

Run all Go tests:

jiri go test v.io/...

Install all Go binaries:

jiri go install v.io/...

You should now have the following binaries available, among others:

  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/mounttabled
  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/syncbased
  • $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin/vrpc

Syncing the Vanadium repositories

To sync to the latest version of the Vanadium source code:

jiri update