= yaml = title: Syncbase sort: 5 toc: true = yaml =
Syncbase is a storage system for developers that makes it easy to synchronize app data between devices. It works even when devices are not connected to the Internet.
The initial version of Syncbase is ready for testing and evaluation by early adopters - it is suitable for prototyping, but not for production applications.
This document presents an overview of the system. It is very light on implementation details. Subsequent docs will contain those details.
There are many storage systems that synchronize data between mobile devices, but most such systems are cloud-centric rather than peer-to-peer, and the few that are peer-to-peer typically focus on files rather than structured storage. In addition, very few systems have the fine-grained access control or powerful, configurable conflict resolution we want. In summary, we're trying to solve a bunch of problems simultaneously whereas those other systems each solve a subset of those problems.
Syncbase holds blob data and two types of structured data. The data is organized by the following hierarchy:
Both SQL and NoSQL databases have strong support for blobs. Blobs support a streaming upload/download API rather than the all-at-once operations of the structured data. Syncbase understands references to blobs in the structured data, making it possible to implement automatic caching and garbage collection of the blobs. Blob references implicitly grant access to blobs in a manner similar to a capability (see blob references).
A batch is a group of read and write operations that are logically related. When an app uses Syncbase without synchronization, a batch is equivalent to an ACID transaction.
When an app uses Syncbase with synchronization, a batch no longer provides ACID semantics. Syncbase is a loosely coupled, decentralized, distributed storage system, so the guarantees of batches are appropriate for that environment.
While the edge cases prevent us from claiming ACID semantics, we believe that the behavior above strikes a good balance between implementable semantics and useful behavior for the developer and user.
Batches are not limited to the data within a syncgroup (see below). If a batch contains data from multiple syncgroups, peers will receive only the parts of the batch for which they are a member.
Syncbase enables collaboration between multiple users, so it is important for it to have fine grained access control. Syncbase uses the Vanadium security model for identification and authentication. The mechanisms for authorization vary by database type.
Developers specify ACLs with a key prefix. If there are multiple prefixes for a row, the longest prefix wins. This behavior makes it easy to set an ACL on related data and have new data automatically inherit the right ACL if possible.
We expect developers to give a common key prefix to related data. For example, a TODO list might have a table like:
<list uuid> -> List <list uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry <list uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry
All entries in the list have a common prefix, making it easy to find all of the entries in the list. Because this list is fully collaborative, the developer would set a simple ACL like:
<list uuid> -> {<owner>: Read, Write, Admin; <friends>: Read, Write}
All entries in the list would inherit this ACL. We expect that most apps will use a single ACL for a group of related data, so we optimized for this case.
There are also apps that will require finer-grained ACLs. For example, a blog might have a table like:
<post uuid> -> Post <post uuid>/comments/<uuid> -> Comment <post uuid>/comments/<uuid>/comments/<uuid> -> Comment <post uuid>/comments/<uuid> -> Comment <post uuid>/comments/<uuid> -> Comment
All comments on the Post have a key with a prefix of the Post's uuid. This makes it efficient to find all of the comments for the post. Comments on comments (row 3) are similarly nested. The developer would set ACLs like:
<post uuid> -> {<author>: Read, Write, Admin; <friends>: Read} <post uuid>/comments/ -> {<author>: Read, Write, Admin; <friends>: Read, Insert} <post uuid>/comments/<uuid> -> {<friend>: Read, Write, Admin; <friends>: Read}
Lots TBD here. We're thinking that the developer would use a query to specify the ACL. This would mean that the ACL is dependent on the properties of the data (e.g. salesperson can see all customer data where Location = “CA”).
See blob references.
The sync protocol is peer-to-peer whereas most other sync systems (e.g. Firebase) require a centralized server. We believe that despite internet connectivity becoming more and more prevalent, there will always be times when an internet connection is not available. You should be able to sync with your peer, with very low latency, when you are physically close. For example, you shouldn't need an internet connection to set the temperature on your thermostat. Syncbase uses the cloud as another, very durable peer, but the cloud is not required for any two peers to interact. Because the cloud is not in the critical path for synchronization, apps can use Syncbase as for asynchronous, relatively low latency communication.
Peer-to-peer sync introduces problems not present in client-server sync:
We define a syncgroup as a set of data that is synchronized within a set of devices. The following sections describe which data and which devices make up a syncgroup.
A database can have multiple syncgroups each specified by a set of (table, row prefix) pairs. We expect apps to typically have a single database and splice in data from various syncgroups. For example, a Todo app could use the NoSQL database with rows like:
<list1 uuid> -> List <list1 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry <list1 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry <list2 uuid> -> List <list2 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry <list2 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry
The app could then create two syncgroups: one with the prefix <list1 uuid>
and another with the prefix <list2 uuid>
. Another user's <list3 uuid>
syncgroup could be added directly to this database. It is important that the developer use UUIDs to avoid conflicts. However, the system does not enforce that the developer use UUIDs because there are times when the developer might actually want conflicts.
Syncgroups may be nested within each other. For example, if the Todo app puts lists in folders, it can sync a folder one way and sync the lists within it in another way. Note that the keys are fully copied regardless of the syncgroup; it is not possible to “mount” a syncgroup with a different key prefix.
The SQL database similarly represents a syncgroup with a query. Lots TBD.
The sync protocol respects the ACLs on the data. That means that if a peer is not in the ACL for a row, that row is not sent to that peer. This makes conflict resolution more complicated (e.g. a batch might contain some data that is visible to the device and some data that is not).
If a peer has read-only access to a row, it can still propagate changes from peers that do have write access to that row. This opens up the possibility of this read-only peer performing a man-in-the-middle attack. Syncbase provides the ability to digitally sign mutations to these mixed-privilege rows, and the receivers automatically verify the signatures. Public key encryption is computationally expensive, so it is up to the developer to determine which rows require signatures.
We examined 10 apps in detail to understand what granularity of access control and syncing was appropriate. For some apps like a news reader or a brokerage, everything is single user, so syncing all of the data in the local database is appropriate. For apps like turn-based games or Nest, there are islands of data (e.g. one instance of a game is totally separate from another, one house is totally separate from another), so grouping the data into syncgroups is easy. The remaining apps were more complicated.
For productivity apps like Todos or Docs, it might make sense to have folders and subfolders. The user might want to share a root folder, a subfolder, or maybe even a single document nested deep in the folder structure. Assuming that the keys map to the folder structure, what happens when another user “mounts” that folder or document into his own database? Do the keys stay the same or are they rewritten so the folder or document is at the top level of the database. For example, if “folder2” below is synced, does the peer see “folder1/folder2” or just “folder2”?
folder1 folder1/doc1 folder1/folder2 folder1/folder2/doc2
We decided that the keys would be fully copied between the peers in the syncgroup (i.e. “folder1/folder2”).
We recognize that these hierarchical folders are not a perfect fit for the NoSQL data model. Our goal is that the SQL database handles this much better.
Our primary goal is to make it simple to sync data between a single user‘s devices. Our secondary goal is to synchronize data between multiple users’ devices. For both of these, we use the ACL Group Server to represent this list of devices.
The majority of apps would benefit greatly from simple, automatic conflict resolution policies (e.g. last-one-wins, min, max), some apps would benefit from more sophisticated operational transforms (OT) (e.g. lists, strings), while a small number of apps have policies best encoded in the app itself. We should strive to make the simple, automatic conflict resolution policies as convenient as possible even if it comes at the expense of making other conflict resolution policies more difficult to use. OT policies or datatypes such as CollaborativeString and CollaborativeMap supported by the Google Realtime API are helpful but not sufficient for all apps. Finally, some apps have such unique policies that attempting to encode them in some “conflict resolution language” would be counter-productive. For these apps, we provide them with an API that is at a low enough level that they can do whatever they want in application code. We believe that API should provide access to a tuple of (local version, peer version, common ancestor version).
Syncbase provides an escape hatch for apps that do not fit entirely into the storage and synchronization model. For example, some apps have existing, canonical data in Oracle or Megastore (e.g. Google Calendar). Other apps need to broadcast identical data to many users (e.g. DVR program guide). For these reasons, Syncbase makes it easy to plug custom code into the sync protocol.
Lots of details TBD at this point. The need for this feature is clear, but we need to look at the detailed requirements.
The synchronization policy for blobs is different than the policy for structured data. All structured data in the syncgroup is synchronized to all devices in the syncgroup. However, a single device might not have enough storage space to hold all blobs in the syncgroup, or copying a blob might be undesirable over a cell network. As a result, there might be a reference from structured storage to a blob that is not present on the local device. Apps need to function even when some blobs are not present.
A blob is immutable once created, so blobs are not versioned. The blob API allows the app to efficiently create a new blob based on the content of another blob (e.g. edit the ID3 tags of an MP3). The new blob must be referenced by an entry in the structured data so that other devices learn of the new blob.
The structured data contains references to the blobs by storing a BlobRef in a field. There is an API for apps to specify per-device caching policies so that not all blobs need to be on all devices. It is the responsibility of Syncbase to watch for BlobRefs in the structured storage and cache the right blobs on each device.
The ACL protecting the BlobRef in structured storage acts as an implicit ACL for the blob itself. The ACL protects the BlobRef, but once the BlobRef is accessible, it acts as a capability. Any app instance possessing the BlobRef can access the blob. A BlobRef can be copied into another row, table, database, or even app. However, the BlobRef only works on the Syncbase from which it came (i.e. sending a BlobRef over RPC to another device is not useful).
Syncbase ensures that not all peers will simultaneously evict a blob because that would result in data loss. The sync protocol keeps track of which peers have which blobs, and certain peers can be marked as “durable”. For example, a Cloud peer could have effectively unlimited storage space and never need to evict blobs. When an ordinary peer sees that the blob has made it to a durable peer, the ordinary peer is free to evict the blob. Note that it is possible for multiple peers to be durable.
To permanently delete a blob, all references to the blob must be deleted. The durable peer holding the blob can detect when the other peers have deleted their references. Once a peer has deleted all references, it can not fabricate a new reference to the blob. The durable peer can then look at the history of the structured data to detect when all peers have deleted their references and the blob itself can be safely deleted.
It is important that the data be encrypted at rest. We should also figure out if we can have peers that replicate the data but are not allowed to see the contents. Lots of details TBD.
Syncbase needs to work on a variety of devices and configurations. Not only does it need to work well on phones, tablets, desktops, and other networked devices, app developers also need a multi-tenant deployment they can provide to their users for durability and ease of use. We plan the following implementations:
We need an implementation that works well on mobile devices. It should be aware of performance constraints of mobile flash devices. It needs to be aware of battery and network usage too. This implementation does not need to scale to huge sizes nor to high throughput.
This version of Syncbase acts as a cloud peer.
One idea that we need to explore further is for the cloud peer to be sync-only. It would not support Put/Get/Delete/Scan/Query. By removing that functionality, we could potentially increase scalability and simplify deployment.