= yaml = title: “Security in JS” fullTitle: “Security in JavaScript” layout: tutorial wherein: you learn how to bless and authorize users in JavaScript sort: 5 toc: true prerequisites: {scenario: e, also: {jsSpecial: true, chrome: true}} = yaml =


In the Fortune tutorial, you saw how to create a client and a server and how to fetch fortunes from the server. However, the server and the client had the same identity, which simplified authorization.

This tutorial demonstrates how to restrict calls to methods with a more sophisticated authorization scheme. This tutorial does not explain the core security concepts in much depth, so it is highly recommended that the Security Tutorials are completed before starting.

The return of Alice, Bob, Carol and Diane

The scenario and roles from the Security Tutorials will be replicated here:

  • Alice hosts a fortune service and has blessings alice
  • Bob is a friend of Alice (friends can get fortunes, but not add them) and has blessings alice:friends:bob.
  • Carol is a family member of Alice (family can both add and get fortunes) and has blessings alice:family:sister.
  • Diane is given blessings by Carol with an expiry caveat so until the expiration takes effect Diane can act as a family member of Carol through the blessings alice:family:sister:guest:diane.

However, there are a few modifications for the JavaScript tutorials. In addition to the blessings above, each person with have an additional blessing from OAuth. This will often be used as a trusted root for confirming the identity of the other person.

Sending blessings

The Security Tutorials passed the blessings and Alice's public key out of band. In this tutorial, they will be sent between peers using the OAuth-blessing as a trusted root to verify the identity of the corresponding peer.

Two main techniques will be explored for sending blessings:

  • Running a service that returns the appropriate blessing given a request. This is used to give Bob and Carol their blessings.
  • Using a granter in a call to a service. Granters make it possible to specify blessings on client calls. They are similar to passing in an argument, but get access to the remote end's blessings which make it possible to create a blessing for the remote public key. This is used when Carol provides a blessing to Alice.


First, define the VDL interfaces. In this tutorial, Alice hosts both a Fortune service and a Blessing Provider service. The corresponding interfaces are shown below.

Fortune VDL

The Fortune VDL definition is nearly the same as in other tutorials, but includes access tags. Fortune's Get method requires Read access, while Add requires Write access.

This command creates src/security/ifc/fortune.vdl

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security/ifc
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/ifc/fortune.vdl
package security

import "v.io/v23/security/access"

type Fortune interface {
  // Returns a random fortune.
  Get() (wisdom string | error) {access.Read}
  // Adds a fortune to the set used by Get().
  Add(wisdom string) error {access.Write}

These security tags are used by the Permissions Authorizer, defined in the Permissions Authorizer tutorial.

ProvideBlessings VDL

Alice also runs a ProvideBlessings service, which allows any client to make the GetBlessings RPC. On each request, the method prompts Alice to decide whether to return a blessing or an error. This service will be used to provide blessings to Bob and Carol.

The following goes in src/security/ifc/provide-blessings.vdl

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/ifc/provide-blessings.vdl
package security

import "v.io/v23/security"

type ProvideBlessings interface {
  GetBlessings() (security.WireBlessings | error)

Building VDL

Use the VDL tool to build these interfaces. The command will generate src/security/ifc/index.js.

VDLROOT=$V23_RELEASE/src/v.io/v23/vdlroot \
    VDLPATH=$V23_RELEASE/src:$V_TUT/src \
    $V_BIN/vdl generate -lang=javascript -js-out-dir=$V_TUT/src \

Vanadium security in JavaScript


Alice runs two services in this example, a Fortune-teller service and a service that provides blessings to callers.

Fortune service

What follows is a copy of the Fortune implementation from the Fortune tutorial.

The access rules defined in VDL apply to this service despite no change to the service body because the Fortune Service adds the VDL interface definition to its prototype chain.

This command creates src/security/service/fortune.js

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security/service
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/service/fortune.js
var vdlFortune = require('../ifc');

module.exports = FortuneService;

// Define the fortune service.
function FortuneService() {
  this.fortunes = [
    'You will reach the heights of success.',
    'Conquer your fears or they will conquer you.',
    'Today is your lucky day!',
  this.numFortunesServed = 0;

// Add VDL service metadata and type information.
FortuneService.prototype = new vdlFortune.Fortune();

// Define the FortuneServiceMethod bodies.
FortuneService.prototype.add = function(ctx, serverCall, Fortune) {
FortuneService.prototype.get = function(ctx, serverCall) {
  var fortuneIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() *
  return this.fortunes[fortuneIndex];

Blessings service

This command creates src/security/service/provide-blessings.js

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security/service
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/service/provide-blessings.js
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var vdlProvideBlessings = require('../ifc');

module.exports = ProvideBlessingsService;

// Define the provide blessings service, which allows clients to request blessings.
function ProvideBlessingsService(principal, getBlessingsCallback) {
  this._principal = principal;
  this._getBlessingsCallback = getBlessingsCallback;

// Add VDL service metadata and type information.
ProvideBlessingsService.prototype = new vdlProvideBlessings.ProvideBlessings();

// getBlessings handles requests for blessings and prompts the user for a
// blessing string to bless the client with. The user can deny the request.
ProvideBlessingsService.prototype.getBlessings = function(ctx, serverCall) {
  var desiredSuffix =
  if (desiredSuffix === null) {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('No blessing provided - not authorized'));
  var forPeerArgs = [ctx].concat(serverCall.securityCall.remoteBlessingStrings);

  var self = this;
  return this._principal.blessingStore.forPeer.apply(
    this._principal.blessingStore, forPeerArgs)
  .then(function(peerBlessings) {
    var expiryTime = new Date();
    expiryTime.setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1); // Expires in 1 day.
    var expiryCaveat = vanadium.security.createExpiryCaveat(expiryTime);
    return self._principal.bless(ctx, serverCall.securityCall.remoteBlessings.publicKey, peerBlessings, desiredSuffix, expiryCaveat);

This service takes a principal and a callback function. When a client calls getBlessings, Alice will use this callback to determine whether or not the client truly ought to be blessed. Alice can also decide what name to use when blessing the client.

Blessing store

It is helpful to inspect the blessing store of Alice, Bob, Carol, and Diane. The following code block creates src/security/lib/show-blessing-store.js, which (assuming some DOM elements) exposes the list of blessings that each user owns.

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security/lib
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/lib/show-blessing-store.js
module.exports = showBlessingStore;

function showBlessingStore(runtime) {
  var ctx = runtime.getContext();

  .then(function(defaultBlessings) {
    document.getElementById('default-blessings').textContent = defaultBlessings.toString();
  }).catch(function(err) {
    throw new Error('Error displaying default blessings: ' + err);

  .then(function(peerBlessings) {
    var ul = document.getElementById('peer-blessings');

    // Remove all children in the list.
    while (ul.lastChild) {

    // Add all the peerBlessings to the list.
    peerBlessings.forEach(function(blessings, pattern) {
      var item = document.createElement('li');
      item.textContent = pattern + ' -> ' + blessings.toString();
  }).catch(function(err) {
    throw new Error('Error displaying peer blessings: ' + err);

Alice code

The following goes in src/security/alice.js

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/alice.js
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var FortuneService = require('./service/fortune');
var ProvideBlessingsService = require('./service/provide-blessings');
var showBlessingStore = require('./lib/show-blessing-store');

var config = {
  logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO,

vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
  if (err) {
    setStatus('Initialization error: ' + err);
  runtime.on('crash', function(err) {
    setStatus('The runtime has crashed unexpectedly and the page must be reloaded.');

  var aliceName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  var aliceReqName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed

  var ctx = runtime.getContext();

  setStatus('Configuring blessings');
  var aliceBlessings;
  runtime.principal.blessSelf(ctx, 'alice', vanadium.security.unconstrainedUse)
  .then(function(blessings) {
    aliceBlessings = blessings;
    return runtime.principal.addToRoots(ctx, aliceBlessings);
  }).then(function() {
    return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, aliceBlessings, '...');
  }).then(function(oldBlessings) {
    return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, oldBlessings,
  }).then(function() {
    return runtime.principal.blessingStore.getDefault(ctx);
  }).then(function(oldDefault) {
    return runtime.principal.blessingStore.setDefault(ctx, vanadium.security.unionOfBlessings(ctx, oldDefault, aliceBlessings));
  }).then(function() {
    setStatus('Preparing to serve...');
    var fortuneServeConfig = {
      authorizer: createFortuneAuthorizer()
    var fortuneService = new FortuneService();
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 250);
    return runtime.newServer(aliceName, fortuneService,
  }).then(function() {
    var provideBlessingsConfig = {
      authorizer: function() {}
    return runtime.newServer(
      new ProvideBlessingsService(runtime.principal, askUserForBlessings),
  }).then(function() {
  }).catch(function(err) {
    setStatus('Error: ' + error);

function createFortuneAuthorizer() {
  // ACLs
  var acl = new Map();
  var access = vanadium.security.access;
  acl.set(access.Read, {
    in: ['alice:family', 'alice:friends']
  acl.set(access.Write, {
    in: ['alice:family']
  return new access.permissionsAuthorizer(acl, access.Tag);

function setStatus(status) {
  document.getElementById('status').textContent = status;
function askUserForBlessings(blessings) {
  // Tutorial-only: If the blessings comes from Bob (19102) or Carol (19103),
  // helpfully suggest the correct suffix to bless them with.
  var suggestion = '';
  if (blessings[0].indexOf('19102') !== -1) {
    suggestion = 'friends:bob';
  } else if (blessings[0].indexOf('19103') !== -1) {
    suggestion = 'family:sister';
  return window.prompt(
    'Received blessing request from peer with remote blessings: ' +
    blessings + '\nWhat blessing suffix should peer be given?',
function displayFortunes(fortunes) {
  var fortuneList = document.getElementById('fortune-list');
  fortuneList.innerHTML = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < fortunes.length; i++) {
    var bullet = document.createElement('li');
    bullet.textContent = fortunes[i];
function displayNumFortunesServed(count) {
  document.getElementById('fortune-count').innerHTML = count;

Alice HTML

Alice's JavaScript is hosted in a corresponding HTML file:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/browser/alice.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Security - Alice</title>
  <br>Default Blessings: <span id="default-blessings">----</span></br>
  <br><b>Peer Blessings:</b></br>
  <br><ul id="peer-blessings"></ul></br>
  <br>Status: <span id="status">Initializing...</span></br>
    <br>Current Fortunes:</br>
    <br><ul id="fortune-list"></ul></br>
  <br>Fortunes Served: <span id="fortune-count">0</span></br>
  <script src="security-alice.js"></script>


Bob is a friend of Alice and will be given a alice:friends:bob blessing that enables read-only access to fortunes. In order to get this blessing, he needs to contact Alice's blessing granter service.

Fortune client

This is the generic Fortune client that Bob, Carol, and Diane will use upon connecting to Alice's Fortune server. The following command creates src/security/lib/fortune-client.js.

mkdir -p $V_TUT/src/security/lib
cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/lib/fortune-client.js
module.exports = {
  prepareClient: prepareClient,
  setStatus: setStatus,
  showFortune: showFortune

function prepareClient(ctx, alice) {
  onGetFortune(function() {
    setStatus('Getting a fortune...');
    .then(function(f) {
    .catch(function(err) {
      setStatus('Error in get(): ' + err);
  onAddFortune(function(fortuneToAdd) {
    setStatus('Adding a fortune...');
    alice.add(ctx, fortuneToAdd)
    .then(function() {
    .catch(function(err) {
      setStatus('Error in add(): ' + err);

function setStatus(status) {
  document.getElementById('status').textContent = status;
function showFortune(fortune) {
  document.getElementById('last-fortune').textContent = fortune;
function onGetFortune(cb) {
  document.getElementById('get-fortune').addEventListener('click', cb);
function onAddFortune(cb) {
  document.getElementById('add-fortune').addEventListener('click', function() {
    var fortuneToAdd = document.getElementById('fortune-to-add').value;

Bob code

Bob should exist in src/security/bob.js:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/bob.js
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var showBlessingStore = require('./lib/show-blessing-store');
var clientLib = require('./lib/fortune-client');

var config = {
  logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO

// Initialize Vanadium runtime
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('Initialization error: ' + err);
  runtime.on('crash', function(err) {
      throw new Error('The runtime has crashed unexpectedly and the page must be reloaded.');


  clientLib.setStatus('Waiting for Alice\'s blessings...');
  var aliceReqName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  var aliceName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  var ctx = runtime.getContext();
  var client = runtime.getClient();
  client.bindTo(ctx, aliceReqName)
  .then(function(req) {
    var callOpts = client.callOption({
      allowedServersPolicy: [runtime.accountName + '/http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A19101']
    return req.getBlessings(ctx, callOpts);
  }).then(function(blessings) {
    return runtime.principal.addToRoots(ctx, blessings)
    .then(function() {
      return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, blessings, 'alice');
  }).then(function() {
    clientLib.setStatus('Connecting to Alice...');
    return client.bindTo(ctx, aliceName);
  }).then(function(alice) {
    clientLib.prepareClient(ctx, alice);
  }).catch(function(err) {
    clientLib.setStatus('Error: ' + err);


Bob needs a corresponding HTML file:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/browser/bob.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Security - Bob</title>
  <br>Default Blessings: <span id="default-blessings">----</span></br>
  <br><b>Peer Blessings:</b></br>
  <br><ul id="peer-blessings"></ul></br>
  <br>Status: <span id="status">Initializing...</span></br>
  <br><input id="fortune-to-add" value="Fortune to Add"></input><button id="add-fortune">Add Fortune</button></br>
  <br><button id="get-fortune">Get Fortune</button></br>
  <br>Last Fortune: <span id="last-fortune">----</span></br>
  <script src="security-bob.js"></script>


Carol operates nearly identically to Bob, except that she uses alice:family:sister blessing that allows read / write access. In addition, Carol has functionality to grant Diane a blessing with caveats.

Carol code

src/security/carol.js should contain:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/carol.js
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var showBlessingStore = require('./lib/show-blessing-store');
var clientLib = require('./lib/fortune-client');

var config = {
  logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO

// Initialize Vanadium runtime
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('Initialization error: ' + err);
  runtime.on('crash', function(err) {
      throw new Error('The runtime has crashed unexpectedly and the page must be reloaded.');


  clientLib.setStatus('Waiting for Alice\'s blessings...');
  var aliceReqName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  var aliceName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  var ctx = runtime.getContext();
  var client = runtime.getClient();
  var carolBlessings;
  client.bindTo(ctx, aliceReqName)
  .then(function(req) {
    var callOpts = client.callOption({
      allowedServersPolicy: [runtime.accountName + '/http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A19101']
    return req.getBlessings(ctx, callOpts);
  }).then(function(blessings) {
    carolBlessings = blessings;
    return runtime.principal.addToRoots(ctx, blessings);
  }).then(function() {
    return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, carolBlessings, 'alice');
  }).then(function() {
    clientLib.setStatus('Connecting to Alice...');
    return client.bindTo(ctx, aliceName);
  }).then(function(alice) {
    clientLib.prepareClient(ctx, alice);
    onSendBlessings(runtime, carolBlessings, sendBlessingsToDiane);
  }).catch(function(err) {
    clientLib.setStatus('Error: ' + err);

function sendBlessingsToDiane(runtime, carolBlessings, grantee, expiration, suffix) {
  var client = runtime.getClient();
  clientLib.setStatus('Connecting to Diane...');
  console.log('Connecting to grantee at: ' + grantee);
  client.bindTo(runtime.getContext(), grantee)
  .then(function(diane) {
    var expirationMs = expiration * 1000;
    var expirationTime = new Date(Date.now() + expirationMs);
    var granterCalled = false;
    var granterOption = client.callOption({
      granter: function(ctx, securityCall, cb) {
        console.log('In granter. Signing with key: ', securityCall.remoteBlessings.publicKey);
        granterCalled = true;
          function(err, blessing) {
            expectedBlessing = blessing;
            cb(err, blessing);
    clientLib.setStatus('Granting a blessing to Diane...');
    return diane.grantBlessing(runtime.getContext(), granterOption);
  }).then(function() {
  }).catch(function(err) {
    clientLib.setStatus('Error sending blessings: ' + err);

function onSendBlessings(runtime, carolBlessings, cb) {
  document.getElementById('send-grant').addEventListener('click', function() {
    var grantee = document.getElementById('grantee').value;
    var suffix = document.getElementById('grant-suffix').value;
    var expiration = parseInt(document.getElementById('grant-expiration').value);
    cb(runtime, carolBlessings, grantee, expiration, suffix);
function initGranteeField(runtime) {
  var dianeName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  document.getElementById('grantee').value = dianeName;

Carol HTML

Carol needs a corresponding HTML file:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/browser/carol.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Security - Carol</title>
  <br>Default Blessings: <span id="default-blessings">----</span></br>
  <br><b>Peer Blessings:</b></br>
  <br><ul id="peer-blessings"></ul></br>
  <br>Status: <span id="status">Initializing...</span></br>
  <br><button id="send-grant">Send Grant</button> to <input id="grantee" value="---"></input> with suffix <input id="grant-suffix" value="guest:diane"></input> expiration time (seconds): <input id="grant-expiration" value="10"></input></br>
  <br><input id="fortune-to-add" value="Fortune to Add"></input><button id="add-fortune">Add Fortune</button></br>
  <br><button id="get-fortune">Get Fortune</button></br>
  <br>Last Fortune: <span id="last-fortune">----</span></br>
  <script src="security-carol.js"></script>



Diane gets the blessing family:sister:guest:diane from Carol with an expiry caveat.

Diane code

Put the following in src/security/diane.js:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/src/security/diane.js
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
var showBlessingStore = require('./lib/show-blessing-store');
var clientLib = require('./lib/fortune-client');

var config = {
  logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO

var dianeService = {
  grantBlessing: function(ctx, serverCall) {
    console.log('In grantBlessing() localKey: ', serverCall.securityCall.localBlessings.publicKey);
    console.log('Grant blessing called');
    var grantedBlessings = serverCall.grantedBlessings;
    console.log('Granted blessings key: ', grantedBlessings.publicKey);
    var runtime = vanadium.runtimeForContext(ctx);
    var aliceName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
    console.log('alice name: ' + aliceName);

    clientLib.setStatus('Blessings received!');
    var client = runtime.getClient();
    runtime.principal.addToRoots(ctx, grantedBlessings)
    .then(function() {
      return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, grantedBlessings, 'alice');
    }).then(function() {
      clientLib.setStatus('Connecting to Alice...');
      return client.bindTo(ctx, aliceName);
    }).then(function(alice) {
      clientLib.prepareClient(ctx, alice);
    }).catch(function(err) {
      clientLib.setStatus('Error: ' + err);

// Initialize Vanadium runtime
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('Initialization error: ' + err);
  runtime.on('crash', function(err) {
      throw new Error('The runtime has crashed unexpectedly and the page must be reloaded.');


  clientLib.setStatus('Waiting for blessings...');

  // Create a server and serve the Diane's Service.
  var dianeName = runtime.accountName.replace(/^dev.v.io:u:/, 'users/').replace(vanadium.security.ChainSeparator.val, '/') + // is this needed
  console.log('dianeName: ' + dianeName);
  var dianeServiceConfig = {
    authorizer: function(ctx, secCall) {
      return undefined;
  runtime.newServer(dianeName, dianeService, dianeServiceConfig, function(err) {
    if (err) {
      throw new Error('Failed to serve ' + serviceName + ': ' + err);
    console.log('Diane served');

Diane HTML

Diane needs a corresponding HTML file:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/browser/diane.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Security - Diane</title>
  <br>Default Blessings: <span id="default-blessings">----</span></br>
  <br><b>Peer Blessings:</b></br>
  <br><ul id="peer-blessings"></ul></br>
  <br>Status: <span id="status">Initializing...</span></br>
  <br><input id="fortune-to-add" value="Fortune to Add"></input><button id="add-fortune">Add Fortune</button></br>
  <br><button id="get-fortune">Get Fortune</button></br>
  <br>Last Fortune: <span id="last-fortune">----</span></br>
  <script src="security-diane.js"></script>

Running the code

Combined HTML

security.html is an HTML page containing all of the above pages in iframes to make it easier to observe changes.

There are four iframes, one each for Alice, Bob, Carol, and Diane. Alice will always appear in the left frame. The iframes for Bob, Carol, and Diane can be toggled using the “Show” buttons in the center of the page.

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/security.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>JavaScript Security Tutorial</title>
    .hidden {
      display: none;
<body style="background: #000000;">
  <div style="position:fixed;top:0vh;left:0vh;bottom:0vh;width:47vw; background: #ffffff;">
    <iframe id="Alice" src="" style="width:100%; height:100%;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  <button style="position:fixed;top:0vh;left:47vw;bottom:0vh;width:6vw;height:5vh;" id='Bob-button'>Show Bob</button>
  <button style="position:fixed;top:5vh;left:47vw;bottom:0vh;width:6vw;height:5vh;" id='Carol-button'>Show Carol</button>
  <button style="position:fixed;top:10vh;left:47vw;bottom:0vh;width:6vw;height:5vh;" id='Diane-button'>Show Diane</button>
  <div id="Bob-div" style="position:fixed;top:0vh;right:0vw;bottom:0vh;width:47vw; background: #ffffff;">
    <iframe id="Bob" src="" style="width:100%; height:100%;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  <div id="Carol-div" style="position:fixed;top:0vh;right:0vw;bottom:0vh;width:47vw; background: #ffffff;" class="hidden">
    <iframe id="Carol" src="" style="width:100%; height:100%;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  <div id="Diane-div" style="position:fixed;top:0vh;right:0vw;bottom:0vh;width:47vw; background: #ffffff;" class="hidden">
    <iframe id="Diane" src="" style="width:100%; height:100%;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var people = [
    function showDiv(name) {
      people.forEach(function(p) {
        document.getElementById(p + '-div').classList.toggle('hidden', name !== p);

    people.forEach(function(p) {
      document.getElementById(p + '-button').addEventListener('click', showDiv.bind(null, p));

Helper script

To help run it, the following run-security.sh script will be used:

cat - <<EOF >$V_TUT/run-security.sh
echo "Browserifying..."

$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/browserify --debug $V_TUT/src/security/alice.js -o $V_TUT/browser/security-alice.js
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/browserify --debug $V_TUT/src/security/bob.js -o $V_TUT/browser/security-bob.js
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/browserify --debug $V_TUT/src/security/carol.js -o $V_TUT/browser/security-carol.js
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/browserify --debug $V_TUT/src/security/diane.js -o $V_TUT/browser/security-diane.js

echo "Serving..."
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/static $V_TUT -p 19101 > /dev/null &
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/static $V_TUT -p 19102 > /dev/null &
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/static $V_TUT -p 19103 > /dev/null &
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/static $V_TUT -p 19104 > /dev/null &
$V_TUT/node_modules/.bin/static $V_TUT -p 8989 > /dev/null &

function killservers() {
  kill $PID_SERV1
  kill $PID_SERV2
  kill $PID_SERV3
  kill $PID_SERV4
  kill $PID_SERV5
trap killservers EXIT

sleep infinity

Make the script runnable. Then, run the script.

bash $V_TUT/run-security.sh

The console will show “Browserifying...” and then “Serving...”.

Loading the page

{{# helpers.warning }}

On the first run, you will be asked to allow each domain to be blessed.

Recall that we are running this example across 4 origins. Since the extension will bless each iframe based on origin, up to 4 blessing tabs will appear.

Click “Bless” on each of the tabs.

On each load, you will also be prompted to Bless Bob and Carol.

The page will prompt you with a dialog entitled “The page at says”.

This occurs because Bob and Carol are asking for blessings. The prompt prefills the input section with “friends:bob” (for :19102) and “family:sister” (for :19103).

In practice, Alice would use this opportunity to verify that she is indeed allowing Bob and Carol to receive a blessing from her.

The tutorial expects Alice to send the blessing strings that are pre-filled in the prompt box, but feel free to experiment with different ones. {{/ helpers.warning }}

Now, go to . You should see four iframes, one each for Alice, Bob, Carol, and Diane.

Using the example

After Bob and Carol are blessed, the blessings they received from Alice should be visible in their respective windows.

Try requesting a fortune as Bob and Carol. Each should be given access, and a fortune should be retrieved.

Now, try adding a fortune as Bob and Carol. Bob should get an error indicating failure because he is only a friend. In contrast, Carol‘s request should succeed because she is family. The fortune should appear on Alice’s display.

Now let‘s give Diane a blessing. Go to Carol’s iframe and Press the “Grant” button. This sends a blessing to Diane (alice:family:sister:guest:diane).

Until the designated expiration time (default 10s), Diane should be able to both add and get a fortune, as if she were family.

Once the blessing expires, Diane is no longer able to access Alice's fortunes until Carol grants her another blessing.


We need a summary.