| = yaml = |
| title: Contributing |
| toc: true |
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| |
| # Reporting issues |
| |
| We use GitHub for tracking Vanadium issues: |
| https://github.com/vanadium/issues/issues |
| |
| # Contributor setup |
| |
| ## Vanadium installation |
| |
| Follow the [installation instructions] to set up a `JIRI_ROOT` directory and |
| fetch all Vanadium repositories. |
| |
| The instructions below assume you've set the `JIRI_ROOT` environment variable |
| and have added `$JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/scripts` to your `PATH`: |
| |
| # Edit to taste. |
| export JIRI_ROOT=${HOME}/vanadium |
| export PATH=$PATH:$JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/scripts |
| |
| Recommended: Add the lines above to your `~/.bashrc` or similar. |
| |
| ## Contributor license agreement (CLA) |
| |
| Before patches can be accepted, contributors must sign the Google Individual |
| [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][cla], which can be done online. The CLA is |
| necessary since contributors own the copyright to their code, even after it |
| becomes part of the codebase, so permission is required to use and distribute |
| that code. Contributors don't have to sign the CLA until after a patch has been |
| submitted for review and a member has approved it, but the CLA must be signed |
| before the patch is committed into the codebase. |
| |
| Contributions made by corporations are covered by a different agreement than the |
| one above, the [Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License |
| Agreement][corp-cla]. |
| |
| ## Credentials |
| |
| To send code reviews and commit changes, you must create an account on |
| vanadium.googlesource.com: |
| |
| 1. Go to https://vanadium.googlesource.com, log in with your identity, click on |
| "Generate Password", and follow the instructions to store the credentials for |
| accessing vanadium.googlesource.com locally. |
| 2. Go to https://vanadium-review.googlesource.com and log in with your identity. |
| This will create an account for you in the code review system. |
| |
| ## Proposing a change |
| |
| Before starting work on a large change, we recommend that you [file an |
| issue][issue tracker] with your idea so that other contributors and authors can |
| provide feedback and guidance. (For small changes, this is not necessary.) |
| |
| ## Making a change |
| |
| All of the individual Vanadium projects use [Git] for version control. The |
| "master" branch of each local repository is reserved for tracking the remote |
| https://vanadium.googlesource.com counterpart. All Vanadium development should |
| take place on a non-master (feature) branch. Once your code has been reviewed |
| and approved, it will be merged into the remote master via our code review |
| system and brought to your local instance via `jiri update`. |
| |
| **The only way to contribute to master is via the Gerrit code review process.** |
| |
| To submit a change for review you will need to squash your feature branch into a |
| single commit and send the patch to [Gerrit] for code review. The [jiri] tool, |
| in particular the `jiri cl` command, simplifies this process. |
| |
| ### Creating a change |
| |
| 1. Sync the master branch to the latest version of the project. |
| |
| jiri update |
| |
| 2. Create a new branch for your change. |
| |
| # Replace `<branch>` with your branch name. |
| jiri cl new <branch> |
| |
| 3. Make modifications to the project source code. |
| 4. Stage any changed files for a commit. |
| |
| git add <file1> <file2> ... <fileN> |
| |
| 5. Commit your modifications. |
| |
| git commit |
| |
| 6. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary. |
| |
| ### Syncing a change to the latest version of the project |
| |
| 1. Update all of the local master branches using the `jiri` command. |
| |
| jiri update |
| |
| 2. If you are not already on it, switch to the feature branch that corresponds |
| to the change you are trying to bring up to date with the upstream. |
| |
| git checkout <branch> |
| git merge master |
| |
| 3. If there are no conflicts, you are done. |
| 4. If there are conflicts: |
| |
| * Manually resolve the conflicting files. |
| * Stage the resolved files for a commit with `git add <pathspec>...`. |
| * Commit the resolved files with `git commit`. |
| |
| ### Requesting a review |
| |
| 1. Switch to the branch that corresponds to the change in question. |
| |
| git checkout <branch> |
| |
| 2. Submit your change to Gerrit with the `jiri cl` command. |
| |
| # <reviewers> is a comma-seperated list of emails or LDAPs |
| # Alternatively reviewers can be added via the Gerrit UI |
| jiri cl mail -r=<reviewers> |
| |
| If you are not sure who to add as a reviewer, you can leave off the `-r` flag. |
| Our team periodically scans for unassigned CLs and a reviewer will be added to |
| your CL. If you would rather not wait, feel free to let us know about your |
| change by filing an issue on GitHub. |
| |
| ### Reviewing a change |
| |
| 1. Follow the link you received in an email notifying you about a review |
| request. |
| 2. Add comments as you see fit. |
| 3. When you are finished, click on the "Reply" button to submit your comments, |
| selecting the appropriate score. |
| |
| ### Addressing review comments |
| |
| 1. Switch to the branch that corresponds to the change in question |
| |
| git checkout <branch> |
| |
| 2. Modify and commit code as as described [above](#creating-a-change). |
| 3. Be sure to address each review comment on Gerrit. |
| 4. Once you have addressed all review comments be sure to reply at the top of |
| the Gerrit UI for the specific patch. |
| 5. Once you have addressed all review comments, you can update the change with a |
| new patch using: |
| |
| jiri cl mail |
| |
| ### Submitting a change |
| |
| 1. Work with your reviewers to receive "+2" score. If your change no longer |
| applies cleanly due to upstream changes, the reviewer may ask you to rebase |
| it. You will need to follow the steps in the section above: ["Syncing a |
| change to the latest version of the |
| project"](#syncing-a-change-to-the-latest-version-of-the-project) and then |
| run `jiri cl mail` again. |
| 2. The reviewer will submit your change and it will be merged into the master |
| branch. |
| 3. Optional: Delete the feature branch once it has been submitted: |
| |
| git checkout master |
| jiri cl cleanup <branch> |
| |
| ### Useful shortcuts |
| |
| There are several useful shortcuts you can use for quick access to changes and |
| issues. |
| |
| * [v.io/issues](https://v.io/issues): Takes you to the issues list. |
| * v.io/i/[num]: Takes you to a specific issue. |
| * [v.io/i/new](https://v.io/i/new): Creates a new issue. |
| * [v.io/review](https://v.io/review): Takes you to your review dashboard. |
| * v.io/c/[num]: Takes you to the review for a specific change. |
| |
| [installation instructions]: /installation/ |
| [cla]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-individual?csw=1 |
| [corp-cla]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-corporate?csw=1 |
| [issue tracker]: https://github.com/vanadium/issues/issues |
| [git]: http://git-scm.com/ |
| [gerrit]: https://vanadium-review.googlesource.com |
| [jiri]: /tools/jiri.html |