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title: Authentication Protocol
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When a network connection is established between two Vanadium processes, they
authenticate each other, i.e., exchange blessings so that both ends can identify
the specific principal at the other end. The remote blessing names are then used
to authorize RPCs. This document describes:
- the properties desired from the authentication protocol
- the current implementation that provides these properties
- the reasons behind various design choices in a question-and-answer format.
# Principals & blessings
A [principal] is defined by a unique (public, private) key pair `(P, S)` and a
set of blessings in the form of certificate chains that bind a name to `P`. For
more details, read [security concepts].
Within the Go codebase, the set of blessings is encapsulated within the
[``] type. The principal and all private key
operations are encapsulated in the [``] type.
# Authentication
Communication between two processes takes place after they establish a
confidential, authenticated connection. Encryption with keys derived from an
[Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman] (ECDH) exchange is used to provide message
confidentiality and integrity . The goal of the authentication protocol is to
exchange the blessings in a way that provides the following properties:
1. _Session binding_: The private counterpart `S` of the public key `P` to which
the blessings are bound must be possessed by the same process with which the
session encryption keys have been established.
2. _Client Privacy_: An active or passive network attacker listening in on all
communication between the two processes cannot determine the set of blessings
presented by the initiator of the connection (the "Client").
Additionally the protocol also offers an optional mode where _Server Privacy_
is upheld, i.e., an active or passive network attacker cannot determine the set
of blessings presented by the responder of the connection (the "Server"). This
mode makes use of [Identity-Based Encryption] and has an additional performance
# Current implementation
As of March 2016, the reference implementation of the Vanadium networking stack
in [``] provides confidential,
authenticated communication streams (referred to as virtual circuits or VCs).
Blessings bound to the public key used to establish the communication stream are
provided with each RPC request.
In this implementation, [NaCl/box] is used to establish an
[authenticated-encryption] channel based on an ECDH key exchange.
![Authentication flow diagram](/images/authentication-flow.svg)
- `{foo}k` represents the message `foo` encrypted using the key `k`
- Channel bindings C1 and C2 at the Client and Server ends respectively are
constructed by appending a specific tag to the (sorted) pair of [NaCl/box]
public keys generated for the session. The tags are different for the Client
and Server ends, and are meant to prevent [type
- `ClientPublicKey` and `ServerPublicKey` are the public keys to which the
blessings are bound. The NaCl/box public keys are ephemeral and distinct from
these public keys.
## Server Privacy
In the protocol described above, the server presents its blessings first and
thus reveals it to active network attackers that initiate a connection to it.
(Note that while such active network attackers may learn the server's blessings
they would not be able to complete the protocol unless they can present valid
blessings that satisfy the server's authorization policy.) In light of this
privacy threat, the protocol offers a _server privacy_ mode wherein the server's
blessings only get revealed to clients that satisfy its authorization policy.
The key primitive in the design of our protocols is a mechanism to encrypt a
message under an authorization policy so that it can only be decrypted by
principals possessing blessings satisfying the policy. Once we have such a
primitive we can modify the above protocol by having the server send its
blessings encrypted under its authorization policy. This would ensure that the
server's blessings get revealed only to authorized clients and thus protect the
server's privacy.
Authorization policies in Vanadium are based on [blessing patterns], which are a
special form of name prefixes. Encrypting a message under a blessing pattern is
possible using a [prefix-encryption scheme]( which can be built
using [Identity-Based Encryption] (IBE).
An IBE scheme requires a trusted root authority for extracting and handing out
_identity secret keys_ corresponding to the blessing names possessed by principals.
Such trusted root authorities may coincide with [blessing roots] in the Vanadium setting.
For example, the principal Alice could be an IBE root as well as a blesing roots that
issues a blessing and an identity secret key for the name `Alice:Device:TV` to its
television set.
## Correctness Proof
The protocol along with the guarantees that it makes has been formalized in
[ProVerif] to provide a proof of correctness. This formalization is available
## Code pointers
Pointers to code in the reference implementation of the Vanadium APIs:
- Session encryption is encapsulated in the
- [NaCl/box implementation]( of the interface)
- The authentication protocol is implemented by the `dialHandshake` and
`acceptHandshake` functions in
- [Blessing-Based Encryption library]( for encrypting messages with respect to blessing pattern policies,
implemented as a wrapper around the Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) library
- [Identity-Based Encryption library](
# Questions
- *Why don't the the Client and Server send their blessings in parallel, instead
of Server first?*
Doing so provides Client privacy.
If the Client sent its blessings before validating and authorizing the
server's blessings then an active network intermediary can learn the Client's
blessings and compromise Client privacy as it will learn of the Client's
intention to communicate.
- *Can an intermediary fake a blessing by modifying messages between the Client
and Server?*
Since all messages are exchanged using a negotiated encryption key, the only
malicious intermediary to consider is one that breaks the connection and
establishes separate encrypted sessions with the Client and Server. Doing so
will result in different channel bindings and the processes will realize that
they are not directly connected.
This session binding technique is inspired by Dirk Balfanz and Ryan Hamilton's
[channel ids] proposal.
- *Did you consider using TLS instead of NaCl/box?*
Initially, TLS 1.2 was used instead of NaCl/box to establish the encrypted
sesssion. However, only a stripped down version was needed (since TLS was used
only for establishing an encrypted session, not for authentication via
exchange of blessings) and the libraries being used made this more
heavy-weight than NaCl/box. For example, using TLS 1.2 required 3 round-trips to
establish the session keys while with NaCl/box, a single round-trip suffices.
TLS 1.3 is simpler and more robust compared to TLS 1.2; we may consider switching
to it once the standard is stable and implemented by standard libraries.
- *Why are blessings encrypted with the session key?*
The reason is threefold:
- To bind the session key to the blessings presented by each end. By
encrypting its blessings under the session key (using an
[authenticated-encryption] scheme) each end proves knowledge of the session
key to the other end.
- To prevent passive network sniffers from determining the blessings being
exchanged over a network connection.
- To prevent active network attackers from learning the Client's blessings.
[security concepts]: /concepts/security.html
[Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman]:
[session resumption is not used]:
[channel ids]:
[principal]: /glossary.html#principal
[Identity-Based Encryption]:
[blessing patterns]: /glossary.html#blessing-pattern
[blessing roots]: /glossary.html#blessing-root