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title: OS X Prerequisites
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You need to install Homebrew, OS X command line tools, Git, and Go.
These instructions were tested on a fresh copy of OS X Mavericks, but they
should work on most recent versions of OS X.
This document assumes that you are using the default shell, which is Bash.
# Homebrew
[Homebrew] is a widely-used OS X package manager. We'll use it to install other
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# OS X command line tools
These are the standard UNIX command line tools for development.
Enterthe following command in a terminal window:
xcode-select --install
This will pop up a dialog window to install the command line tools:
Click "Install".
Note, you can also install all of [Xcode], but that's not needed for Vanadium
unless you are using the Node.js libraries.
If you are using a version of OS X that is older than 10.9, you will need to get
the command line tools for your version from (login required).
# Git
Vanadium code is managed using Git. Learn more about Git setup on [GitHub].
The OS X command line tools include `git`, but usually an out-of-date copy.
We recommend you install the latest version using Homebrew.
brew install git
# Go
Go can be installed with an OS X package installer:
1. Download the **darwin .pkg installer** for your system and OS version from
2. Open it (double-click it in the Finder) and follow the instructions
The installer will install `go` in `/usr/local` and add `/usr/local/go/bin` to
your `PATH`. You will have to open a new terminal window for the `PATH` change
to take effect.
There are several alternative installation options described at
# You're all set
Return to the [Vanadium installation instructions][installation].
[installation]: /installation/