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| title: Example Apps |
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| # Todos (using Syncbase) |
| |
| * Repo: https://github.com/vanadium/todos |
| * Issues: https://github.com/vanadium/todos/issues |
| |
| [Syncbase Todos][todos] is an example app that demonstrates |
| [Syncbase][syncbase], Vanadium's p2p-synced datastore. Changes are synced in |
| real time, with or without an Internet connection. |
| |
| For more information, see the [README][todos-readme]. |
| |
| # Vanadium Chat |
| |
| * Repo: https://github.com/vanadium/chat |
| * Issues: https://github.com/vanadium/chat/issues |
| |
| [Vanadium Chat][chat] is a peer-to-peer chat application that demonstrates |
| common usage patterns for the Vanadium libraries. |
| |
| There are currently two clients: a [web client] and a Go-based shell client. |
| |
| For more information, see the [README][chat-readme]. |
| |
| # PipeToBrowser |
| |
| * Repo: https://github.com/vanadium/pipe2browser |
| * Issues: https://github.com/vanadium/pipe2browser/issues |
| |
| [PipeToBrowser][p2b] (P2B) is a Vanadium application that allows users to pipe |
| anything from a shell to the browser using regular shell piping functionality. |
| Piped data is displayed in a formatted way by a graphical viewer. Users can also |
| send or redirect pipes to other users of P2B. |
| |
| For example, one can pipe a text log file and view it in a sortable, filterable, |
| paged DataGrid in the browser: |
| |
| $ tail -n 100 logfile.txt | p2b google/p2b/myInstance/vlog |
| |
| As another example, one can pipe an image to someone else's browser: |
| |
| $ cat cat.png | p2b google/p2b/myFriendsInstance/image |
| |
| P2B supports several built-in plugins such as console, image viewer, log viewer, |
| git status viewer, and `dev/null`. Users can create their own plugins as well. |
| |
| For more information, see the [README][p2b-readme] as well as the help page |
| inside a running instance of the P2B application. |
| |
| [todos]: https://github.com/vanadium/todos |
| [syncbase]: /syncbase/index.html |
| [todos-readme]: https://github.com/vanadium/todos/blob/master/README.md |
| [chat]: https://github.com/vanadium/chat |
| [web client]: https://chat.v.io |
| [chat-readme]: https://github.com/vanadium/chat/blob/master/README.md |
| [p2b]: https://github.com/vanadium/pipe2browser |
| [p2b-readme]: https://github.com/vanadium/pipe2browser/blob/master/README.md |