Merge "syncQL: explain the new escape clause in the tutorial"
diff --git a/tutorials/ b/tutorials/
index 597043e..75ecf20 100644
--- a/tutorials/
+++ b/tutorials/
@@ -901,7 +901,32 @@
     |         1005 | 3 Main St.      |
-Just one more thing. to escape a '%' or '_' wildcard character, use a '\'. This also means you'll need to escape backslashes with another backslash: "\\".
+Just one more thing. To escape a '%' or '_' wildcard character, the escape clause must be included in the query to specify an escape character to use.  For example, to find all customers whose name includes an underscore character, one can write the following (using the '^' character to escape the underscore).  Note: The backslash and space characters cannot be used as the escape character.
+    ? select v.Id, v.Name from Customers where Type(v) like "%Customer" and v.Name like "%^_%" escape '^';
+    +------+------------+
+    | v.Id |     v.Name |
+    +------+------------+
+    +------+------------+
+Alas, there are no customers with an underscore in their name.  We can cheat by using a literal on the left hand side of the like.
+    ? select v.Id, v.Name from Customers where Type(v) like "%Customer" and "John_Doe" like "%^_%" escape '^';
+    +------+---------------+
+    | v.Id |        v.Name |
+    +------+---------------+
+    |    1 | John Smith    |
+    |    2 | Bat Masterson |
+    +------+---------------+
+Since the like expression is now true for all customer rows, we see both of them.
+Let's do the same thing to look for a percent.
+    ? select v.Id, v.Name from Customers where Type(v) like "%Customer" and "John%Doe" like "%^%%" escape '^';
+    +------+---------------+
+    | v.Id |        v.Name |
+    +------+---------------+
+    |    1 | John Smith    |
+    |    2 | Bat Masterson |
+    +------+---------------+
 ##### Operand Value Coercion