query: update syncql tutorial to include delete statements

Change-Id: If3420148cb8f8d938af1ce0870f99572fa50ac25
diff --git a/tutorials/syncql-tutorial.md b/tutorials/syncql-tutorial.md
index 0f3047e..eb3a691 100644
--- a/tutorials/syncql-tutorial.md
+++ b/tutorials/syncql-tutorial.md
@@ -969,6 +969,102 @@
     | 001003 |
+### Executing Delete Statements
+In addition to select statements, syncql supports delete statements.  (Insert and Update statements are planned.)
+The delete statement takes the form:
+    delete from <table> [<where-clause>] [<limit-clause>]
+The where and limit clauses for delete are identical to the where and limit caluses for select.
+To delete all k/v pairs in a table, leave off the where and limit clauses:
+    ? delete from Customers;
+    +-------+
+    | Count |
+    +-------+
+    |     9 |
+    +-------+
+Exactly one row with exactly one "Count" column is always returned from an execution of the delete statement.  The value of the column is the number of k/v paris deleted.  In this case, all nine k/v pairs in the Customers table have been deleted.  To verify this, select all entries in the Customers table:
+    ? select k from Customers;
+    +---+
+    | k |
+    +---+
+    +---+
+Let's restore the entries by executing make-demo again.
+    ? make-demo;
+    Demo tables created and populated.
+Now, let's use the where clause to delete only invoice entries:
+? delete from Customers where Type(v) like "%.Invoice";
+    +-------+
+    | Count |
+    +-------+
+    |     7 |
+    +-------+
+The seven invoice entries have been deleted.  A select reveals the delete indeed deleted what we expected.
+    ? select k, Type(v) from Customers;
+    +-----+--------------------------------------------+
+    |   k |                                       Type |
+    +-----+--------------------------------------------+
+    | 001 | v.io/x/ref/cmd/sb/internal/demodb.Customer |
+    | 002 | v.io/x/ref/cmd/sb/internal/demodb.Customer |
+    +-----+--------------------------------------------+
+Lastly, let's delete all Customers where the address is not Palo Alto:
+    ? delete from Customers where v.Address.City <> "Palo Alto";
+    +-------+
+    | Count |
+    +-------+
+    |     1 |
+    +-------+
+Since customer 001, John Smith, is in Palo Alto, the delete statement did not delete him. A select reveals Bat Masteson, who resides in Collins, IA, was indeed deleted.
+    ? select k from Customers;
+    +-----+
+    |   k |
+    +-----+
+    | 001 |
+    +-----+
+Let's restore the tables before we try the limit clause on a delete:
+    ? make-demo;
+    Demo tables created and populated.
+Now, let's delete Invoice entries again, but put a limit of two on the statement:
+    ? delete from Customers where Type(v) like "%.Invoice" limit 2;
+    +-------+
+    | Count |
+    +-------+
+    |     2 |
+    +-------+
+A select reveals only the first two invoices (in ascending key order) have been deleted ("001001" and "001002"):
+    ? select k from Customers;
+    +--------+
+    |      k |
+    +--------+
+    | 001    |
+    | 001003 |
+    | 002    |
+    | 002001 |
+    | 002002 |
+    | 002003 |
+    | 002004 |
+    +--------+
 Congratulations!  You've finished the syncQL tutorial.  Don't forget to proceed to the [teardown](#teardown) steps to clean up!  Also, check out the brief introduction to executing syncQL queries from a Go program.
 ## Teardown