| The files in this repository are referred to as "manifests" and are used by the |
| jiri tool for multi-repository management. Each manifest describes a set of |
| projects and each project consists of a remote repository, a local path, and |
| other optional attributes. |
| The set of projects that form a Vanadium universe should be closed under |
| transitive closure with respect to dependencies. In other words, if a project A |
| depends on a project B, then project A should only be included in manifests |
| that include project B as well. |
| For more information on manifests, see the Jiri GoDocs here: |
| https://godoc.org/v.io/jiri/cmd/jiri#hdr-Jiri_manifest___Description_of_manifest_files |
| The repo/default.xml file is used to configure code search used internally. |