blob: f75173b4435183b4d75dee4db9ea031e7eb0aaf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gerrit
import (
func checkMultiPartCLSet(t *testing.T, expectedTotal int, expectedCLsByPart map[int]Change, set *MultiPartCLSet) {
if expectedTotal != set.expectedTotal {
t.Fatalf("total: want %v, got %v", expectedTotal, set.expectedTotal)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedCLsByPart, {
t.Fatalf("clsByPart: want %+v, got %+v", expectedCLsByPart,
func TestMultiPartCLSet(t *testing.T) {
set := NewMultiPartCLSet()
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, -1, map[int]Change{}, set)
// Add a non-multipart cl.
cl := GenCL(1000, 1, "release.go.core")
if err := set.AddCL(cl); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected AddCL(%v) to fail and it did not", cl)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, -1, map[int]Change{}, set)
// Add a multi part cl.
cl.MultiPart = &MultiPartCLInfo{
Topic: "test",
Index: 1,
Total: 2,
if err := set.AddCL(cl); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddCL(%v) failed: %v", cl, err)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, 2, map[int]Change{
1: cl,
}, set)
// Test incomplete.
if expected, got := false, set.Complete(); expected != got {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", expected, got)
// Add another multi part cl with the wrong "Total" number.
cl2 := GenMultiPartCL(1050, 2, "release.js.core", "test", 2, 3)
if err := set.AddCL(cl2); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected AddCL(%v) to fail and it did not", cl)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, 2, map[int]Change{
1: cl,
}, set)
// Add another multi part cl with duplicated "Index" number.
cl3 := GenMultiPartCL(1052, 2, "release.js.core", "Test", 1, 2)
if err := set.AddCL(cl3); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected AddCL(%v) to fail and it did not", cl)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, 2, map[int]Change{
1: cl,
}, set)
// Add another multi part cl with the wrong "Topic".
cl4 := GenMultiPartCL(1062, 2, "release.js.core", "test123", 1, 2)
if err := set.AddCL(cl4); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected AddCL(%v) to fail and it did not", cl)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, 2, map[int]Change{
1: cl,
}, set)
// Add a valid multi part cl.
cl5 := GenMultiPartCL(1072, 2, "release.js.core", "test", 2, 2)
if err := set.AddCL(cl5); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddCL(%v) failed: %v", cl, err)
checkMultiPartCLSet(t, 2, map[int]Change{
1: cl,
2: cl5,
}, set)
// Test complete.
if expected, got := true, set.Complete(); expected != got {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", expected, got)
// Test cls.
if expected, got := (CLList{cl, cl5}), set.CLs(); !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, got) {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", expected, got)
func TestNewOpenCLs(t *testing.T) {
nonMultiPartCLs := CLList{
GenCL(1010, 1, "release.go.core"),
GenCL(1020, 2, ""),
GenCL(1030, 3, "release.js.core"),
GenMultiPartCL(1000, 1, "release.js.core", "T1", 1, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1001, 1, "release.go.core", "T1", 2, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1002, 2, "release.go.core", "T2", 2, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1001, 2, "release.go.core", "T1", 2, 2),
multiPartCLs := CLList{
// Multi part CLs.
// The first two form a complete set for topic T1.
// The third one looks like the second one, but has a different topic.
// The last one has a larger patchset than the second one.
GenMultiPartCL(1000, 1, "release.js.core", "T1", 1, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1001, 1, "release.go.core", "T1", 2, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1002, 2, "release.go.core", "T2", 2, 2),
GenMultiPartCL(1001, 2, "release.go.core", "T1", 2, 2),
type testCase struct {
prevCLsMap ClRefMap
curCLs CLList
expected []CLList
testCases := []testCase{
// Tests for non-multipart CLs.
// Both prevCLsMap and curCLs are empty.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{},
curCLs: CLList{},
expected: []CLList{},
// prevCLsMap is empty, curCLs is not.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{},
curCLs: CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[0], nonMultiPartCLs[1]},
expected: []CLList{CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[0]}, CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[1]}},
// prevCLsMap is not empty, curCLs is.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{nonMultiPartCLs[0].Reference(): nonMultiPartCLs[0]},
curCLs: CLList{},
expected: []CLList{},
// prevCLsMap and curCLs are not empty, and they have overlapping refs.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{
nonMultiPartCLs[0].Reference(): nonMultiPartCLs[0],
nonMultiPartCLs[1].Reference(): nonMultiPartCLs[1],
curCLs: CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[1], nonMultiPartCLs[2]},
expected: []CLList{CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[2]}},
// prevCLsMap and curCLs are not empty, and they have NO overlapping refs.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{nonMultiPartCLs[0].Reference(): nonMultiPartCLs[0]},
curCLs: CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[1]},
expected: []CLList{CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[1]}},
// Tests for multi part CLs.
// len(curCLs) > len(prevCLsMap).
// And the CLs in curCLs have different topics.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{multiPartCLs[0].Reference(): multiPartCLs[0]},
curCLs: CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[2]},
expected: []CLList{},
// len(curCLs) > len(prevCLsMap).
// And the CLs in curCLs form a complete multi part cls set.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{multiPartCLs[0].Reference(): multiPartCLs[0]},
curCLs: CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[1]},
expected: []CLList{CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[1]}},
// len(curCLs) == len(prevCLsMap).
// And cl[6] has a larger patchset than multiPartCLs[4] with identical cl number.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{
multiPartCLs[0].Reference(): multiPartCLs[0],
multiPartCLs[1].Reference(): multiPartCLs[1],
curCLs: CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[3]},
expected: []CLList{CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[3]}},
// Tests for mixed.
prevCLsMap: ClRefMap{
multiPartCLs[0].Reference(): multiPartCLs[0],
multiPartCLs[1].Reference(): multiPartCLs[1],
curCLs: CLList{nonMultiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[3]},
expected: []CLList{
CLList{multiPartCLs[0], multiPartCLs[3]},
for index, test := range testCases {
got, errs := NewOpenCLs(test.prevCLsMap, test.curCLs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expected, got) {
t.Fatalf("case %d: want: %v, got: %v", index, test.expected, got)
if len(errs) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("case %d: multi-part errors: ", index, errs)