blob: f12d3c17d59a051941b368e21d7077a929c479dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package profiles
import (
const (
DefaultDirPerm = os.FileMode(0755)
DefaultFilePerm = os.FileMode(0644)
targetDefValue = "<runtime.GOARCH>-<runtime.GOOS>"
// RegisterTargetFlag registers the commonly used --target flag with
// the supplied FlagSet.
func RegisterTargetFlag(flags *flag.FlagSet, target *Target) {
*target = DefaultTarget()
flags.Var(target, "target", target.Usage())
flags.Lookup("target").DefValue = targetDefValue
// RegisterTargetAndEnvFlags registers the commonly used --target and --env
// flags with the supplied FlagSet
func RegisterTargetAndEnvFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet, target *Target) {
*target = DefaultTarget()
flags.Var(target, "target", target.Usage())
flags.Lookup("target").DefValue = targetDefValue
flags.Var(&target.commandLineEnv, "env", target.commandLineEnv.Usage())
// RegisterManifestFlag registers the commonly used --profiles-manifest
// flag with the supplied FlagSet.
func RegisterManifestFlag(flags *flag.FlagSet, manifest *string, defaultManifest string) {
root, _ := project.JiriRoot()
flags.StringVar(manifest, "profiles-manifest", filepath.Join(root, defaultManifest), "specify the profiles XML manifest filename.")
flags.Lookup("profiles-manifest").DefValue = filepath.Join("$JIRI_ROOT", defaultManifest)
// RegisterProfileFlags registers the commonly used --profiles-manifest, --profiles,
// --target and --merge-policies flags with the supplied FlagSet.
func RegisterProfileFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet, profilesMode *ProfilesMode, manifest, profiles *string, defaultManifest string, policies *MergePolicies, target *Target) {
flags.Var(profilesMode, "skip-profiles", "if set, no profiles will be used")
RegisterProfilesFlag(flags, profiles)
RegisterMergePoliciesFlag(flags, policies)
RegisterManifestFlag(flags, manifest, defaultManifest)
RegisterTargetFlag(flags, target)
// RegisterProfilesFlag registers the --profiles flag
func RegisterProfilesFlag(flags *flag.FlagSet, profiles *string) {
flags.StringVar(profiles, "profiles", "base,jiri", "a comma separated list of profiles to use")
// RegisterMergePoliciesFlag registers the --merge-policies flag
func RegisterMergePoliciesFlag(flags *flag.FlagSet, policies *MergePolicies) {
flags.Var(policies, "merge-policies", "specify policies for merging environment variables")
type AppendJiriProfileMode bool
const (
AppendJiriProfile AppendJiriProfileMode = true
DoNotAppendJiriProfile = false
// InitProfilesFromFlag splits a comma separated list of profile names into
// a slice and optionally appends the 'jiri' profile if it's not already
// present.
func InitProfilesFromFlag(flag string, appendJiriProfile AppendJiriProfileMode) []string {
n := strings.Split(flag, ",")
if appendJiriProfile == AppendJiriProfile && !strings.Contains(flag, "jiri") {
n = append(n, "jiri")
return n
// AtomicAction performs an action 'atomically' by keeping track of successfully
// completed actions in the supplied completion log and re-running them if they
// are not successfully logged therein after deleting the entire contents of the
// dir parameter. Consequently it does not make sense to apply AtomicAction to
// the same directory in sequence.
func AtomicAction(ctx *tool.Context, installFn func() error, dir, message string) error {
atomicFn := func() error {
completionLogPath := filepath.Join(dir, ".complete")
s := ctx.NewSeq()
if dir != "" {
if exists, _ := s.DirectoryExists(dir); exists {
// If the dir exists but the completionLogPath doesn't, then it
// means the previous action didn't finish.
// Remove the dir so we can perform the action again.
if exists, _ := s.FileExists(completionLogPath); !exists {
} else {
if ctx.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "AtomicAction: %s already completed in %s\n", message, dir)
return nil
if err := installFn(); err != nil {
if dir != "" {
return err
return s.WriteFile(completionLogPath, []byte("completed"), DefaultFilePerm).Done()
return ctx.NewSeq().Call(atomicFn, message).Done()
func brewList(ctx *tool.Context) (map[string]bool, error) {
var out bytes.Buffer
err := ctx.NewSeq().Capture(&out, &out).Last("brew", "list")
if err != nil || tool.VerboseFlag {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%s", out.String())
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&out)
pkgs := map[string]bool{}
for scanner.Scan() {
pkgs[scanner.Text()] = true
return pkgs, err
// InstallPackages identifies the packages that need to be installed
// and installs them using the OS-specific package manager.
func InstallPackages(ctx *tool.Context, pkgs []string) error {
installDepsFn := func() error {
s := ctx.NewSeq()
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
if runutil.IsFNLHost() {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "skipping installation of %v on FNL host", pkgs)
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "success\n")
installPkgs := []string{}
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if err := s.Last("dpkg", "-L", pkg); err != nil {
installPkgs = append(installPkgs, pkg)
if len(installPkgs) > 0 {
args := append([]string{"apt-get", "install", "-y"}, installPkgs...)
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "Running: sudo %s: ", strings.Join(args, " "))
if err := s.Last("sudo", args...); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%v\n", err)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "success\n")
case "darwin":
installPkgs := []string{}
installedPkgs, err := brewList(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if !installedPkgs[pkg] {
installPkgs = append(installPkgs, pkg)
if len(installPkgs) > 0 {
args := append([]string{"install"}, installPkgs...)
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "Running: brew %s: ", strings.Join(args, " "))
if err := s.Last("brew", args...); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%v\n", err)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "success\n")
return nil
return ctx.NewSeq().Call(installDepsFn, "Install dependencies").Done()
// ensureAction ensures that the requested profile and target
// is installed/uninstalled, installing/uninstalling it if only if necessary.
func ensureAction(ctx *tool.Context, action Action, profile string, root RelativePath, target Target) error {
verb := ""
switch action {
case Install:
verb = "install"
case Uninstall:
verb = "uninstall"
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognised action %v", action)
if t := LookupProfileTarget(profile, target); t != nil {
if ctx.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%v %v is already %sed as %v\n", profile, target, verb, t)
return nil
mgr := LookupManager(profile)
if mgr == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("profile %v is not supported", profile)
version, err := mgr.VersionInfo().Select(target.Version())
if err != nil {
return err
if ctx.Verbose() || ctx.DryRun() {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%s %s %s\n", verb, profile, target.DebugString())
if action == Install {
return mgr.Install(ctx, root, target)
return mgr.Uninstall(ctx, root, target)
// EnsureProfileTargetIsInstalled ensures that the requested profile and target
// is installed, installing it if only if necessary.
func EnsureProfileTargetIsInstalled(ctx *tool.Context, profile string, root RelativePath, target Target) error {
return ensureAction(ctx, Install, profile, root, target)
// EnsureProfileTargetIsUninstalled ensures that the requested profile and target
// are no longer installed.
func EnsureProfileTargetIsUninstalled(ctx *tool.Context, profile string, root RelativePath, target Target) error {
return ensureAction(ctx, Uninstall, profile, root, target)
// Fetch downloads the specified url and saves it to dst.
// TODO(nlacasse, cnicoloau): Move this to a package for profile-implementors
// so it does not pollute the profile package namespace.
func Fetch(ctx *tool.Context, dst, url string) error {
s := ctx.NewSeq()
s.Output([]string{"fetching " + url})
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("got non-200 status code while getting %v: %v", url, resp.StatusCode)
file, err := s.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = s.Copy(file, resp.Body)
return err
// Unzip unzips the file in srcFile and puts resulting files in directory dstDir.
// TODO(nlacasse, cnicoloau): Move this to a package for profile-implementors
// so it does not pollute the profile package namespace.
func Unzip(ctx *tool.Context, srcFile, dstDir string) error {
r, err := zip.OpenReader(srcFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
unzipFn := func(zFile *zip.File) error {
rc, err := zFile.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rc.Close()
s := ctx.NewSeq()
fileDst := filepath.Join(dstDir, zFile.Name)
if zFile.FileInfo().IsDir() {
return s.MkdirAll(fileDst, zFile.Mode()).Done()
// Make sure the parent directory exists. Note that sometimes files
// can appear in a zip file before their directory.
if err := s.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fileDst), zFile.Mode()).Done(); err != nil {
return err
file, err := s.OpenFile(fileDst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, zFile.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
_, err = s.Copy(file, rc)
return err
s := ctx.NewSeq()
s.Output([]string{"unzipping " + srcFile})
for _, zFile := range r.File {
s.Output([]string{"extracting " + zFile.Name})
s.Call(func() error { return unzipFn(zFile) }, "unzipFn(%s)", zFile.Name)
return s.Done()