blob: 659189b6e70d4e182690c58a435702abdd12f5ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package profilesreader provides support for reading and processing jiri profiles.
package profilesreader
import (
// GoFlags lists all of the Go environment variables and will be sorted in the
// init function for this package.
var GoFlags = []string{
type ProfilesMode bool
func (pm *ProfilesMode) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(s)
*pm = ProfilesMode(v)
return err
func (pm *ProfilesMode) Get() interface{} { return bool(*pm) }
func (pm *ProfilesMode) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *pm) }
func (pm *ProfilesMode) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true }
const (
UseProfiles ProfilesMode = false
SkipProfiles ProfilesMode = true
func init() {
// UnsetGoEnvVars unsets Go environment variables in the given environment.
func UnsetGoEnvVars(env *envvar.Vars) {
for _, k := range GoFlags {
// UnsetGoEnvMap unsets Go environment variables in the given environment.
func UnsetGoEnvMap(env map[string]string) {
for _, k := range GoFlags {
delete(env, k)
// GoEnvironmentFromOS() returns the values of all Go environment variables
// as set via the OS; unset variables are omitted.
func GoEnvironmentFromOS() []string {
os := envvar.SliceToMap(os.Environ())
vars := make([]string, 0, len(GoFlags))
for _, k := range GoFlags {
v, present := os[k]
if !present {
vars = append(vars, envvar.JoinKeyValue(k, v))
return vars
// Reader wraps the various sources of configuration and profile
// information to provide convenient methods for determing the environment
// variables to use for a given situation. It creates an initial copy of the OS
// environment that is mutated by its various methods.
type Reader struct {
profilesMode bool
path string
jirix *jiri.X
config *util.Config
projects project.Projects
pdb *profiles.DB
// NewReader creates a new profiles reader. If path is of non-zero
// length then that path will be read as a profiles database, if not, the
// existing, if any, in-memory profiles information will be used. If SkipProfiles
// is specified for profilesMode, then no profiles are used.
func NewReader(jirix *jiri.X, profilesMode ProfilesMode, path string) (*Reader, error) {
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FastScan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pdb := profiles.NewDB()
if profilesMode == UseProfiles && len(path) > 0 {
if err := pdb.Read(jirix, path); err != nil {
return nil, err
rd := &Reader{
jirix: jirix,
path: path,
config: config,
projects: projects,
profilesMode: bool(profilesMode),
pdb: pdb,
rd.Vars = envvar.VarsFromOS()
if profilesMode == SkipProfiles {
return rd, nil
if len(os.Getenv("JIRI_PROFILE")) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`old style profiles are no longer supported. Please
do not set JIRI_PROFILE.`)
return rd, nil
func (rd *Reader) SchemaVersion() profiles.Version {
return rd.pdb.SchemaVersion()
func (rd *Reader) Path() string {
return rd.path
func (rd *Reader) ProfileNames() []string {
return rd.pdb.Names()
func (rd *Reader) Profiles() []*profiles.Profile {
return rd.pdb.Profiles()
func (rd *Reader) DebugString() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString("Root: " + rd.jirix.Root + "\n")
buf.WriteString("Path: " + rd.path + "\n")
for _, p := range rd.pdb.Profiles() {
for _, t := range p.Targets() {
buf.WriteString(p.Name() + ": " + t.DebugString() + "\n")
return buf.String()
func (rd *Reader) LookupProfile(name string) *profiles.Profile {
installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
return rd.pdb.LookupProfile(installer, profile)
func (rd *Reader) LookupProfileTarget(name string, target profiles.Target) *profiles.Target {
installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
return rd.pdb.LookupProfileTarget(installer, profile, target)
// MergeEnv merges the embedded environment with the environment
// variables provided by the vars parameter according to the policies parameter.
func (rd *Reader) MergeEnv(policies map[string]MergePolicy, vars ...[]string) {
MergeEnv(policies, rd.Vars, vars...)
// EnvFromProfile obtains the environment variable settings from the specified
// profile and target. It returns nil if the target and/or profile could not
// be found.
func (rd *Reader) EnvFromProfile(name string, target profiles.Target) []string {
installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
return rd.pdb.EnvFromProfile(installer, profile, target)
// MergeEnvFromProfiles merges the embedded environment with the environment
// variables stored in the requested profiles. The profiles are those read from
// the manifest and in addition the 'jiri' profile may be used which refers to
// the environment variables maintained by the jiri tool itself. It will also
// expand all instances of ${JIRI_ROOT} in the returned environment.
func (rd *Reader) MergeEnvFromProfiles(policies map[string]MergePolicy, target profiles.Target, profileNames ...string) {
envs := [][]string{}
for _, name := range profileNames {
var e []string
if name == "jiri" {
e = rd.JiriProfile()
} else {
installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
e = rd.pdb.EnvFromProfile(installer, profile, target)
if e == nil {
envs = append(envs, e)
MergeEnv(policies, rd.Vars, envs...)
jiri.ExpandEnv(rd.jirix, rd.Vars)
// SkippingProfiles returns true if no profiles are being used.
func (rd *Reader) SkippingProfiles() bool {
return rd.profilesMode == bool(SkipProfiles)
// ValidateRequestProfilesAndTarget checks that the supplied slice of profiles
// names is supported (including the 'jiri' profile) and that each has
// the specified target installed taking account if running using profiles
// at all or if using old-style profiles.
func (rd *Reader) ValidateRequestedProfilesAndTarget(profileNames []string, target profiles.Target) error {
if rd.SkippingProfiles() {
return nil
for _, name := range profileNames {
if name == "jiri" {
installer, profile := profiles.SplitProfileName(name)
if rd.pdb.LookupProfileTarget(installer, profile, target) == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%q for %q is not available or not installed, use the \"list\" command to see the installed/available profiles.", target, name)
return nil
// PrependToPath prepends its argument to the PATH environment variable.
func (rd *Reader) PrependToPATH(path string) {
existing := rd.GetTokens("PATH", ":")
rd.SetTokens("PATH", append([]string{path}, existing...), ":")
// JiriProfile returns a pseudo profile that is maintained by the Jiri
// tool itself, this currently consists of the GoPath and VDLPath variables.
// It will generally be used as the last profile in the set of profiles
// passed to MergeEnv.
func (rd *Reader) JiriProfile() []string {
return []string{rd.GoPath(), rd.VDLPath()}
// GoPath computes and returns the GOPATH environment variable based on the
// current jiri configuration.
func (rd *Reader) GoPath() string {
path := pathHelper(rd.jirix, rd.projects, rd.config.GoWorkspaces(), "")
return "GOPATH=" + envvar.JoinTokens(path, ":")
// VDLPath computes and returns the VDLPATH environment variable based on the
// current jiri configuration.
func (rd *Reader) VDLPath() string {
path := pathHelper(rd.jirix, rd.projects, rd.config.VDLWorkspaces(), "src")
return "VDLPATH=" + envvar.JoinTokens(path, ":")
// pathHelper is a utility function for determining paths for project workspaces.
func pathHelper(jirix *jiri.X, projects project.Projects, workspaces []string, suffix string) []string {
path := []string{}
for _, workspace := range workspaces {
absWorkspace := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, workspace, suffix)
// Only append an entry to the path if the workspace is rooted
// under a jiri project that exists locally or vice versa.
for _, project := range projects {
// We check if <project.Path> is a prefix of <absWorkspace> to
// account for Go workspaces nested under a single jiri project,
// such as: $JIRI_ROOT/release/projects/chat/go.
// We check if <absWorkspace> is a prefix of <project.Path> to
// account for Go workspaces that span multiple jiri projects,
// such as: $JIRI_ROOT/release/go.
if strings.HasPrefix(absWorkspace, project.Path) || strings.HasPrefix(project.Path, absWorkspace) {
if _, err := jirix.NewSeq().Stat(filepath.Join(absWorkspace)); err == nil {
path = append(path, absWorkspace)
return path
// The environment variables passed to a subprocess are the result
// of merging those in the processes environment and those from
// one or more profiles according to the policies defined below.
// There is a starting environment, nominally called 'base', and one
// or profile environments. The base environment will typically be that
// inherited by the running process from its invoking shell. A policy
// consists of an 'action' and an optional separator to use when concatenating
// variables.
type MergePolicy struct {
Action MergeAction
Separator string
type MergeAction int
const (
// Use the first value encountered
First MergeAction = iota
// Use the last value encountered.
// Ignore the variable regardless of where it occurs.
// Append the current value to the values already accumulated.
// Prepend the current value to the values already accumulated.
// Ignore the value in the base environment, but append in the profiles.
// Ignore the value in the base environment, but prepend in the profiles.
// Ignore the value in the base environment, but use the first value from profiles.
// Ignore the value in the base environment, but use the last value from profiles.
// Ignore the values in the profiles.
var (
// A MergePolicy with a Last action.
UseLast = MergePolicy{Action: Last}
// A MergePolicy with a First action.
UseFirst = MergePolicy{Action: First}
// A MergePolicy that ignores the variable, regardless of where it occurs.
IgnoreVariable = MergePolicy{Action: Ignore}
// A MergePolicy that appends using : as a separator.
AppendPath = MergePolicy{Action: Append, Separator: ":"}
// A MergePolicy that appends using " " as a separator.
AppendFlag = MergePolicy{Action: Append, Separator: " "}
// A MergePolicy that prepends using : as a separator.
PrependPath = MergePolicy{Action: Prepend, Separator: ":"}
// A MergePolicy that prepends using " " as a separator.
PrependFlag = MergePolicy{Action: Prepend, Separator: " "}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but append across profiles using ':'
IgnoreBaseAppendPath = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndAppend, Separator: ":"}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but append across profiles using ' '
IgnoreBaseAppendFlag = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndAppend, Separator: " "}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but prepend across profiles using ':'
IgnoreBasePrependPath = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndPrepend, Separator: ":"}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but prepend across profiles using ' '
IgnoreBasePrependFlag = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndPrepend, Separator: " "}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but use the last value from profiles.
IgnoreBaseUseFirst = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndUseFirst}
// A MergePolicy that will ignore base, but use the last value from profiles.
IgnoreBaseUseLast = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreBaseAndUseLast}
// A MergePolicy that will always use the value from base and ignore profiles.
UseBaseIgnoreProfiles = MergePolicy{Action: IgnoreProfiles}
// ProfileMergePolicies returns an instance of MergePolicies that containts
// appropriate default policies for use with MergeEnv from within
// profile implementations.
func ProfileMergePolicies() MergePolicies {
values := MergePolicies{
"PATH": AppendPath,
"CCFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"CXXFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"LDFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"CGO_CFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"CGO_CXXFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"CGO_LDFLAGS": AppendFlag,
"GOPATH": IgnoreBaseAppendPath,
"GOARCH": UseBaseIgnoreProfiles,
"GOOS": UseBaseIgnoreProfiles,
mp := MergePolicies{}
for k, v := range values {
mp[k] = v
return mp
// JiriMergePolicies returns an instance of MergePolicies that contains
// appropriate default policies for use with MergeEnv from jiri packages
// and subcommands such as those used to build go, java etc.
func JiriMergePolicies() MergePolicies {
mp := ProfileMergePolicies()
mp["GOPATH"] = PrependPath
mp["VDLPATH"] = PrependPath
mp["GOARCH"] = UseFirst
mp["GOOS"] = UseFirst
mp["GOROOT"] = IgnoreBaseUseLast
return mp
// MergeEnv merges environment variables in base with those
// in vars according to the suppled policies.
func MergeEnv(policies map[string]MergePolicy, base *envvar.Vars, vars ...[]string) {
// Remove any variables that have the IgnoreBase policy.
for k, _ := range base.ToMap() {
switch policies[k].Action {
case Ignore, IgnoreBaseAndAppend, IgnoreBaseAndPrepend, IgnoreBaseAndUseFirst, IgnoreBaseAndUseLast:
for _, ev := range vars {
for _, tmp := range ev {
k, v := envvar.SplitKeyValue(tmp)
policy := policies[k]
action := policy.Action
switch policy.Action {
case IgnoreBaseAndAppend:
action = Append
case IgnoreBaseAndPrepend:
action = Prepend
case IgnoreBaseAndUseLast:
action = Last
case IgnoreBaseAndUseFirst:
action = First
switch action {
case Ignore, IgnoreProfiles:
case Append, Prepend:
sep := policy.Separator
ov := base.GetTokens(k, sep)
nv := envvar.SplitTokens(v, sep)
if action == Append {
base.SetTokens(k, append(ov, nv...), sep)
} else {
base.SetTokens(k, append(nv, ov...), sep)
case First:
if !base.Contains(k) {
base.Set(k, v)
case Last:
base.Set(k, v)
// WithDefaultVersion returns a copy of the supplied target with its
// version set to the default (i.e. emtpy string).
func WithDefaultVersion(target profiles.Target) profiles.Target {
t := &target
return target
type MergePolicies map[string]MergePolicy
func (mp *MergePolicy) String() string {
switch mp.Action {
case First:
return "use first"
case Last:
return "use last"
case Append:
return "append using '" + mp.Separator + "'"
case Prepend:
return "prepend using '" + mp.Separator + "'"
case IgnoreBaseAndAppend:
return "ignore in environment/base, append using '" + mp.Separator + "'"
case IgnoreBaseAndPrepend:
return "ignore in environment/base, prepend using '" + mp.Separator + "'"
case IgnoreBaseAndUseLast:
return "ignore in environment/base, use last value from profiles"
case IgnoreBaseAndUseFirst:
return "ignore in environment/base, use first value from profiles"
case IgnoreProfiles:
return "ignore in profiles"
return "unrecognised action"
func (mp MergePolicies) Usage() string {
return `<var>:<var>|<var>:|+<var>|<var>+|=<var>|<var>=
<var> - use the first value of <var> encountered, this is the default action.
<var>* - use the last value of <var> encountered.
-<var> - ignore the variable, regardless of where it occurs.
:<var> - append instances of <var> using : as a separator.
<var>: - prepend instances of <var> using : as a separator.
+<var> - append instances of <var> using space as a separator.
<var>+ - prepend instances of <var> using space as a separator.
^:<var> - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but append in profiles as per :<var>.
^<var>: - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but prepend in profiles as per <var>:.
^+<var> - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but append in profiles as per +<var>.
^<var>+ - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but prepend in profiles as per <var>+.
^<var> - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but use the first value encountered in profiles.
^<var>* - ignore <var> from the base/inherited environment but use the last value encountered in profiles.
<var>^ - ignore <var> from profiles.`
func separator(s string) string {
switch s {
case ":":
return ":"
return "+"
// String implements flag.Value. It generates a string that can be used
// to recreate the MergePolicies value and that can be passed as a parameter
// to another process.
func (mp MergePolicies) String() string {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
// Ensure a stable order.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(mp))
for k, _ := range mp {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
v := mp[k]
var s string
switch v.Action {
case First:
s = k
case Last:
s = k + "*"
case Append:
s = separator(v.Separator) + k
case Prepend:
s = k + separator(v.Separator)
case IgnoreBaseAndAppend:
s = "^" + separator(v.Separator) + k
case IgnoreBaseAndPrepend:
s = "^" + k + separator(v.Separator)
case IgnoreBaseAndUseLast:
s = "^" + k + "*"
case IgnoreBaseAndUseFirst:
s = "^" + k
case IgnoreProfiles:
s = k + "^"
return strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), ",")
func (mp MergePolicies) DebugString() string {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
for k, v := range mp {
buf.WriteString(k + ": " + v.String() + ", ")
return strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), ", ")
// Get implements flag.Getter
func (mp MergePolicies) Get() interface{} {
r := make(MergePolicies, len(mp))
for k, v := range mp {
r[k] = v
return r
func parseIgnoreBase(val string) (MergePolicy, string) {
if len(val) == 0 {
return IgnoreBaseUseLast, val
// [:+]<var>
switch val[0] {
case ':':
return IgnoreBaseAppendPath, val[1:]
case '+':
return IgnoreBaseAppendFlag, val[1:]
// <var>[:+]
last := len(val) - 1
switch val[last] {
case ':':
return IgnoreBasePrependPath, val[:last]
case '+':
return IgnoreBasePrependFlag, val[:last]
case '*':
return IgnoreBaseUseLast, val[:last]
return IgnoreBaseUseFirst, val
// Set implements flag.Value
func (mp MergePolicies) Set(values string) error {
if len(values) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no value!")
for _, val := range strings.Split(values, ",") {
// [:+^-]<var>
switch val[0] {
case '^':
a, s := parseIgnoreBase(val[1:])
mp[s] = a
case '-':
mp[val[1:]] = IgnoreVariable
case ':':
mp[val[1:]] = AppendPath
case '+':
mp[val[1:]] = AppendFlag
// <var>[:+^]
last := len(val) - 1
switch val[last] {
case ':':
mp[val[:last]] = PrependPath
case '+':
mp[val[:last]] = PrependFlag
case '*':
mp[val[:last]] = UseLast
case '^':
mp[val[:last]] = UseBaseIgnoreProfiles
mp[val] = UseFirst
return nil