blob: 38700527bc341aba1e81762f9499c079bb4524dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package util
import (
// Config holds configuration common to jiri tools.
type Config struct {
// apiCheckProjects identifies the set of project names for which
// the API check is required.
apiCheckProjects map[string]struct{}
// copyrightCheckProjects identifies the set of project names for
// which the copyright check is required.
copyrightCheckProjects map[string]struct{}
// goWorkspaces identifies JIRI_ROOT subdirectories that contain a
// Go workspace.
goWorkspaces []string
// jenkinsMatrixJobs identifies the set of matrix (multi-configutation) jobs
// in Jenkins.
jenkinsMatrixJobs map[string]JenkinsMatrixJobInfo
// projectTests maps jiri projects to sets of tests that should be
// executed to test changes in the given project.
projectTests map[string][]string
// testDependencies maps tests to sets of tests that the given test
// depends on.
testDependencies map[string][]string
// testGroups maps test group labels to sets of tests that the label
// identifies.
testGroups map[string][]string
// testParts maps test names to lists of strings that identify
// different parts of a test. If a list L has n elements, then the
// corresponding test has n+1 parts: the first n parts are identified
// by L[0] to L[n-1]. The last part is whatever is left.
testParts map[string][]string
// vdlWorkspaces identifies JIRI_ROOT subdirectories that contain
// a VDL workspace.
vdlWorkspaces []string
// ConfigOpt is an interface for Config factory options.
type ConfigOpt interface {
// APICheckProjectsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a API check projects option.
type APICheckProjectsOpt map[string]struct{}
func (APICheckProjectsOpt) configOpt() {}
// CopyrightCheckProjectsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the
// Config factory a copyright check projects option.
type CopyrightCheckProjectsOpt map[string]struct{}
func (CopyrightCheckProjectsOpt) configOpt() {}
// GoWorkspacesOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a Go workspace option.
type GoWorkspacesOpt []string
func (GoWorkspacesOpt) configOpt() {}
// JenkinsMatrixJobsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config factory
// a Jenkins matrix jobs option.
type JenkinsMatrixJobsOpt map[string]JenkinsMatrixJobInfo
func (JenkinsMatrixJobsOpt) configOpt() {}
// ProjectTestsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a project tests option.
type ProjectTestsOpt map[string][]string
func (ProjectTestsOpt) configOpt() {}
// TestDependenciesOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a test dependencies option.
type TestDependenciesOpt map[string][]string
func (TestDependenciesOpt) configOpt() {}
// TestGroupsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a test groups option.
type TestGroupsOpt map[string][]string
func (TestGroupsOpt) configOpt() {}
// TestPartsOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a test parts option.
type TestPartsOpt map[string][]string
func (TestPartsOpt) configOpt() {}
// VDLWorkspacesOpt is the type that can be used to pass the Config
// factory a VDL workspace option.
type VDLWorkspacesOpt []string
func (VDLWorkspacesOpt) configOpt() {}
// NewConfig is the Config factory.
func NewConfig(opts ...ConfigOpt) *Config {
var c Config
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case APICheckProjectsOpt:
c.apiCheckProjects = map[string]struct{}(typedOpt)
case CopyrightCheckProjectsOpt:
c.copyrightCheckProjects = map[string]struct{}(typedOpt)
case GoWorkspacesOpt:
c.goWorkspaces = []string(typedOpt)
case JenkinsMatrixJobsOpt:
c.jenkinsMatrixJobs = map[string]JenkinsMatrixJobInfo(typedOpt)
case ProjectTestsOpt:
c.projectTests = map[string][]string(typedOpt)
case TestDependenciesOpt:
c.testDependencies = map[string][]string(typedOpt)
case TestGroupsOpt:
c.testGroups = map[string][]string(typedOpt)
case TestPartsOpt:
c.testParts = map[string][]string(typedOpt)
case VDLWorkspacesOpt:
c.vdlWorkspaces = []string(typedOpt)
return &c
// APICheckProjects returns the set of project names for which the API
// check is required.
func (c Config) APICheckProjects() map[string]struct{} {
return c.apiCheckProjects
// CopyrightCheckProjects returns the set of project names for which
// the copyright check is required.
func (c Config) CopyrightCheckProjects() map[string]struct{} {
return c.copyrightCheckProjects
// GroupTests returns a list of Jenkins tests associated with the
// given test groups.
func (c Config) GroupTests(groups []string) []string {
testSet := map[string]struct{}{}
testGroups := c.testGroups
for _, group := range groups {
if testGroup, ok := testGroups[group]; ok {
set.String.Union(testSet, set.String.FromSlice(testGroup))
tests := set.String.ToSlice(testSet)
return tests
// GoWorkspaces returns the Go workspaces included in the config.
func (c Config) GoWorkspaces() []string {
return c.goWorkspaces
// JenkinsMatrixJobs returns the set of Jenkins matrix jobs.
func (c Config) JenkinsMatrixJobs() map[string]JenkinsMatrixJobInfo {
return c.jenkinsMatrixJobs
// Projects returns a list of projects included in the config.
func (c Config) Projects() []string {
var projects []string
for project, _ := range c.projectTests {
projects = append(projects, project)
return projects
// ProjectTests returns a list of Jenkins tests associated with the
// given projects by the config.
func (c Config) ProjectTests(projects []string) []string {
testSet := map[string]struct{}{}
testGroups := c.testGroups
for _, project := range projects {
for _, test := range c.projectTests[project] {
if testGroup, ok := testGroups[test]; ok {
set.String.Union(testSet, set.String.FromSlice(testGroup))
} else {
testSet[test] = struct{}{}
tests := set.String.ToSlice(testSet)
return tests
// TestDependencies returns a list of dependencies for the given test.
func (c Config) TestDependencies(test string) []string {
return c.testDependencies[test]
// TestParts returns a list of strings that identify different test parts.
func (c Config) TestParts(test string) []string {
return c.testParts[test]
// VDLWorkspaces returns the VDL workspaces included in the config.
func (c Config) VDLWorkspaces() []string {
return c.vdlWorkspaces
type configSchema struct {
APICheckProjects []string `xml:"apiCheckProjects>project"`
CopyrightCheckProjects []string `xml:"copyrightCheckProjects>project"`
GoWorkspaces []string `xml:"goWorkspaces>workspace"`
JenkinsMatrixJobs jenkinsMatrixJobsSchema `xml:"jenkinsMatrixJobs>job"`
ProjectTests testGroupSchemas `xml:"projectTests>project"`
TestDependencies dependencyGroupSchemas `xml:"testDependencies>test"`
TestGroups testGroupSchemas `xml:"testGroups>group"`
TestParts partGroupSchemas `xml:"testParts>test"`
VDLWorkspaces []string `xml:"vdlWorkspaces>workspace"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"config"`
type dependencyGroupSchema struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Dependencies []string `xml:"dependency"`
type dependencyGroupSchemas []dependencyGroupSchema
func (d dependencyGroupSchemas) Len() int { return len(d) }
func (d dependencyGroupSchemas) Swap(i, j int) { d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i] }
func (d dependencyGroupSchemas) Less(i, j int) bool { return d[i].Name < d[j].Name }
type JenkinsMatrixJobInfo struct {
HasArch bool `xml:"arch,attr"`
HasOS bool `xml:"OS,attr"`
HasParts bool `xml:"parts,attr"`
// ShowOS determines whether to show OS label in job summary.
// It is possible that a job (e.g. jiri-go-race) has an OS axis but
// the axis only has a single value in order to constrain where its
// sub-builds run. In such cases, we do not want to show the OS label.
ShowOS bool `xml:"showOS,attr"`
Name string `xml:",chardata"`
type jenkinsMatrixJobsSchema []JenkinsMatrixJobInfo
func (jobs jenkinsMatrixJobsSchema) Len() int { return len(jobs) }
func (jobs jenkinsMatrixJobsSchema) Swap(i, j int) { jobs[i], jobs[j] = jobs[j], jobs[i] }
func (jobs jenkinsMatrixJobsSchema) Less(i, j int) bool { return jobs[i].Name < jobs[j].Name }
type partGroupSchema struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Parts []string `xml:"part"`
type partGroupSchemas []partGroupSchema
func (p partGroupSchemas) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p partGroupSchemas) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p partGroupSchemas) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name }
type testGroupSchema struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Tests []string `xml:"test"`
type testGroupSchemas []testGroupSchema
func (p testGroupSchemas) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p testGroupSchemas) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p testGroupSchemas) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name }
// LoadConfig returns the configuration stored in the tools
// configuration file.
func LoadConfig(jirix *jiri.X) (*Config, error) {
configPath, err := ConfigFilePath(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return loadConfig(jirix, configPath)
func loadConfig(jirix *jiri.X, path string) (*Config, error) {
configBytes, err := jirix.NewSeq().ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data configSchema
if err := xml.Unmarshal(configBytes, &data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal(%v) failed: %v", string(configBytes), err)
config := &Config{
apiCheckProjects: map[string]struct{}{},
copyrightCheckProjects: map[string]struct{}{},
goWorkspaces: []string{},
jenkinsMatrixJobs: map[string]JenkinsMatrixJobInfo{},
projectTests: map[string][]string{},
testDependencies: map[string][]string{},
testGroups: map[string][]string{},
testParts: map[string][]string{},
vdlWorkspaces: []string{},
config.apiCheckProjects = set.String.FromSlice(data.APICheckProjects)
config.copyrightCheckProjects = set.String.FromSlice(data.CopyrightCheckProjects)
for _, workspace := range data.GoWorkspaces {
config.goWorkspaces = append(config.goWorkspaces, workspace)
for _, job := range data.JenkinsMatrixJobs {
config.jenkinsMatrixJobs[job.Name] = job
for _, project := range data.ProjectTests {
config.projectTests[project.Name] = project.Tests
for _, test := range data.TestDependencies {
config.testDependencies[test.Name] = test.Dependencies
for _, group := range data.TestGroups {
config.testGroups[group.Name] = group.Tests
for _, test := range data.TestParts {
config.testParts[test.Name] = test.Parts
for _, workspace := range data.VDLWorkspaces {
config.vdlWorkspaces = append(config.vdlWorkspaces, workspace)
return config, nil
// SaveConfig writes the given configuration to the tools
// configuration file.
func SaveConfig(jirix *jiri.X, config *Config) error {
configPath, err := ConfigFilePath(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
return saveConfig(jirix, config, configPath)
func saveConfig(jirix *jiri.X, config *Config, path string) error {
var data configSchema
data.APICheckProjects = set.String.ToSlice(config.apiCheckProjects)
data.CopyrightCheckProjects = set.String.ToSlice(config.copyrightCheckProjects)
for _, workspace := range config.goWorkspaces {
data.GoWorkspaces = append(data.GoWorkspaces, workspace)
for _, job := range config.jenkinsMatrixJobs {
data.JenkinsMatrixJobs = append(data.JenkinsMatrixJobs, job)
for name, tests := range config.projectTests {
data.ProjectTests = append(data.ProjectTests, testGroupSchema{
Name: name,
Tests: tests,
for name, dependencies := range config.testDependencies {
data.TestDependencies = append(data.TestDependencies, dependencyGroupSchema{
Name: name,
Dependencies: dependencies,
for name, tests := range config.testGroups {
data.TestGroups = append(data.TestGroups, testGroupSchema{
Name: name,
Tests: tests,
for name, parts := range config.testParts {
data.TestParts = append(data.TestParts, partGroupSchema{
Name: name,
Parts: parts,
for _, workspace := range config.vdlWorkspaces {
data.VDLWorkspaces = append(data.VDLWorkspaces, workspace)
bytes, err := xml.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("MarshalIndent(%v) failed: %v", data, err)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
if err := s.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), os.FileMode(0755)).
WriteFile(path, bytes, os.FileMode(0644)).Done(); err != nil {
return err
return nil