blob: ef785669605e770488117e45342d86407e888e7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package jiri provides utilities used by the jiri tool and related tools.
package jiri
// TODO(toddw): Rename this package to, and rename the tool itself to
import (
const (
RootEnv = "JIRI_ROOT"
RootMetaDir = ".jiri_root"
ProjectMetaDir = ".jiri"
ProjectMetaFile = "metadata.v2"
legacyProfilesDBFile = ".jiri_v23_profiles"
ProfilesDBDir = RootMetaDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "profile_db"
ProfilesRootDir = RootMetaDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "profiles"
JiriManifestFile = ".jiri_manifest"
// X holds the execution environment for the jiri tool and related tools. This
// includes the jiri filesystem root directory.
// TODO(toddw): Other jiri state should be transitioned to this struct,
// including the manifest and related operations.
type X struct {
Root string
Usage func(format string, args ...interface{}) error
// NewX returns a new execution environment, given a cmdline env.
func NewX(env *cmdline.Env) (*X, error) {
ctx := tool.NewContextFromEnv(env)
root, err := findJiriRoot(ctx.Timer())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &X{
Context: ctx,
Root: root,
Usage: env.UsageErrorf,
}, nil
func findJiriRoot(timer *timing.Timer) (string, error) {
if timer != nil {
timer.Push("find JIRI_ROOT")
defer timer.Pop()
if root := os.Getenv(RootEnv); root != "" {
// Always use JIRI_ROOT if it's set.
result, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(root)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%v EvalSymlinks(%v) failed: %v", RootEnv, root, err)
if !filepath.IsAbs(result) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%v isn't an absolute path: %v", RootEnv, result)
return filepath.Clean(result), nil
// TODO(toddw): Try to find the root by walking up the filesystem.
return "", fmt.Errorf("%v is not set", RootEnv)
// FindRoot returns the root directory of the jiri environment. All state
// managed by jiri resides under this root.
// If the RootEnv environment variable is non-empty, we always attempt to use
// it. It must point to an absolute path, after symlinks are evaluated.
// TODO(toddw): Walk up the filesystem too.
// Returns an empty string if the root directory cannot be determined, or if any
// errors are encountered.
// FindRoot should be rarely used; typically you should use NewX to create a new
// execution environment, and handle errors. An example of a valid usage is to
// initialize default flag values in an init func before main.
func FindRoot() string {
root, _ := findJiriRoot(nil)
return root
// DefaultProfilesDBPath returns the appropriate profiles database to use
// based on whether profile-v23 has been run. It will be removed once
// transition to profile-v23 is complete.
// TODO(cnicolaou): delete this and use ProfilesDBDir in the client apps.
func DefaultProfilesDBPath() string {
root := FindRoot()
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, ProfilesDBDir))
if err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
return ProfilesRootDir
return legacyProfilesDBFile
// Clone returns a clone of the environment.
func (x *X) Clone(opts tool.ContextOpts) *X {
return &X{
Context: x.Context.Clone(opts),
Root: x.Root,
Usage: x.Usage,
// UsageErrorf prints the error message represented by the printf-style format
// and args, followed by the usage output. The implementation typically calls
// cmdline.Env.UsageErrorf.
func (x *X) UsageErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
if x.Usage != nil {
return x.Usage(format, args...)
return fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
// RootMetaDir returns the path to the root metadata directory.
func (x *X) RootMetaDir() string {
return filepath.Join(x.Root, RootMetaDir)
// JiriManifestFile returns the path to the .jiri_manifest file.
func (x *X) JiriManifestFile() string {
return filepath.Join(x.Root, JiriManifestFile)
// UsingOldManifests returns true iff the JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest file does not
// exist. This is the one signal used to decide whether to use the old manifest
// logic (checking .local_manifest and the -manifest flag), or the new logic.
func (x *X) UsingOldManifests() bool {
_, err := os.Stat(x.JiriManifestFile())
return os.IsNotExist(err)
// BinDir returns the path to the bin directory.
func (x *X) BinDir() string {
return filepath.Join(x.RootMetaDir(), "bin")
// UpdateHistoryDir returns the path to the update history directory.
func (x *X) UpdateHistoryDir() string {
return filepath.Join(x.RootMetaDir(), "update_history")
// ProfilesDBDir returns the path to the profiles data base directory.
func (x *X) ProfilesDBDir() string {
return filepath.Join(x.RootMetaDir(), "profile_db")
// UpdateHistoryLatestLink returns the path to a symlink that points to the
// latest update in the update history directory.
func (x *X) UpdateHistoryLatestLink() string {
return filepath.Join(x.UpdateHistoryDir(), "latest")
// UpdateHistorySecondLatestLink returns the path to a symlink that points to
// the second latest update in the update history directory.
func (x *X) UpdateHistorySecondLatestLink() string {
return filepath.Join(x.UpdateHistoryDir(), "second-latest")
// ResolveManifestPath resolves the given manifest name to an absolute path in
// the local filesystem.
// TODO(toddw): Remove this once the transition to new manifests is done. In
// the new world, we always start with the JiriManifestFile.
func (x *X) ResolveManifestPath(name string) (string, error) {
if x.UsingOldManifests() {
return x.resolveManifestPathDeprecated(name)
if name != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("-manifest flag isn't supported with .jiri_manifest")
return x.JiriManifestFile(), nil
// Deprecated logic, only run if JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest doesn't exist.
// TODO(toddw): Remove this logic when the transition to .jiri_manifest is done.
func (x *X) resolveManifestPathDeprecated(name string) (string, error) {
manifestDir := filepath.Join(x.Root, ".manifest", "v2")
if name != "" {
if filepath.IsAbs(name) {
return name, nil
return filepath.Join(manifestDir, name), nil
path := filepath.Join(x.Root, ".local_manifest")
switch _, err := os.Stat(path); {
case err == nil:
return path, nil
case os.IsNotExist(err):
return filepath.Join(manifestDir, "default"), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Stat(%v) failed: %v", path, err)
// RunnerFunc is an adapter that turns regular functions into cmdline.Runner.
// This is similar to cmdline.RunnerFunc, but the first function argument is
// jiri.X, rather than cmdline.Env.
func RunnerFunc(run func(*X, []string) error) cmdline.Runner {
return runner(run)
type runner func(*X, []string) error
func (r runner) Run(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
x, err := NewX(env)
if err != nil {
return err
return r(x, args)