blob: 8ff9cf2a9e83b8bd5b140b4e73b5df1f1ac9f270 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package profilescmdline provides a command line driver (for
// for implementing jiri 'profile' subcommands. The intent is to support
// project specific instances of such profiles for managing software
// dependencies.
package profilescmdline
import (
// cmdInstall represents the "profile install" command.
var cmdInstall = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runInstall),
Name: "install",
Short: "Install the given profiles",
Long: "Install the given profiles.",
ArgsName: "<profiles>",
ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to install.",
// cmdUpdate represents the "profile update" command.
var cmdUpdate = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runUpdate),
Name: "update",
Short: "Install the latest default version of the given profiles",
Long: "Install the latest default version of the given profiles.",
ArgsName: "<profiles>",
ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to update, if omitted all profiles are updated.",
// cmdCleanup represents the "profile cleanup" command.
var cmdCleanup = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runCleanup),
Name: "cleanup",
Short: "Cleanup the locally installed profiles",
Long: "Cleanup the locally installed profiles. This is generally required when recovering from earlier bugs or when preparing for a subsequent change to the profiles implementation.",
ArgsName: "<profiles>",
ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to cleanup, if omitted all profiles are cleaned.",
// cmdUninstall represents the "profile uninstall" command.
var cmdUninstall = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runUninstall),
Name: "uninstall",
Short: "Uninstall the given profiles",
Long: "Uninstall the given profiles.",
ArgsName: "<profiles>",
ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to uninstall.",
func runUpdate(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
return updateImpl(jirix, &updateFlags, args)
func runCleanup(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
return cleanupImpl(jirix, &cleanupFlags, args)
func runInstall(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
return installImpl(jirix, &installFlags, args)
func runUninstall(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
return uninstallImpl(jirix, &uninstallFlags, args)
type commonFlagValues struct {
// The value of --profiles-db
dbFilename string
// The value of --profile-root
root string
type installFlagValues struct {
// The value of --target and --env
target profiles.Target
// The value of --force
force bool
type uninstallFlagValues struct {
// The value of --target
target profiles.Target
// The value of --all-targets
allTargets bool
// The value of --v
verbose bool
// TODO(cnicolaou): add a flag to remove the profile only from the DB.
type updateFlagValues struct {
// The value of --v
verbose bool
type cleanupFlagValues struct {
// The value of --gc
gc bool
// The value of --ensure-specific-versions-are-set
ensureSpecificVersions bool
// The value of --rewrite-profiles-manifest
rewriteManifest bool
// The value of --rm-all
rmAll bool
// The value of --v
verbose bool
var (
installFlags installFlagValues
uninstallFlags uninstallFlagValues
cleanupFlags cleanupFlagValues
updateFlags updateFlagValues
// RegisterManagementCommands registers the management subcommands:
// uninstall, install, update and cleanup.
func RegisterManagementCommands(parent *cmdline.Command, defaultDBFilename string) {
initInstallCommand(&cmdInstall.Flags, defaultDBFilename)
initUninstallCommand(&cmdUninstall.Flags, defaultDBFilename)
initUpdateCommand(&cmdUpdate.Flags, defaultDBFilename)
initCleanupCommand(&cmdCleanup.Flags, defaultDBFilename)
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, cmdInstall, cmdUninstall, cmdUpdate, cmdCleanup)
func initCommon(flags *flag.FlagSet, c *commonFlagValues, defaultDBFilename string) {
RegisterDBFilenameFlag(flags, &c.dbFilename, defaultDBFilename)
flags.StringVar(&c.root, "profile-dir", "profiles", "the directory, relative to JIRI_ROOT, that profiles are installed in")
func initInstallCommand(flags *flag.FlagSet, defaultDBFilename string) {
initCommon(flags, &installFlags.commonFlagValues, defaultDBFilename)
profiles.RegisterTargetAndEnvFlags(flags, &
flags.BoolVar(&installFlags.force, "force", false, "force install the profile even if it is already installed")
for _, name := range profilesmanager.Managers() {
profilesmanager.LookupManager(name).AddFlags(flags, profiles.Install)
func initUninstallCommand(flags *flag.FlagSet, defaultDBFilename string) {
initCommon(flags, &uninstallFlags.commonFlagValues, defaultDBFilename)
profiles.RegisterTargetFlag(flags, &
flags.BoolVar(&uninstallFlags.allTargets, "all-targets", false, "apply to all targets for the specified profile(s)")
flags.BoolVar(&uninstallFlags.verbose, "v", false, "print more detailed information")
for _, name := range profilesmanager.Managers() {
profilesmanager.LookupManager(name).AddFlags(flags, profiles.Uninstall)
func initUpdateCommand(flags *flag.FlagSet, defaultDBFilename string) {
initCommon(flags, &updateFlags.commonFlagValues, defaultDBFilename)
flags.BoolVar(&updateFlags.verbose, "v", false, "print more detailed information")
func initCleanupCommand(flags *flag.FlagSet, defaultDBFilename string) {
initCommon(flags, &cleanupFlags.commonFlagValues, defaultDBFilename)
flags.BoolVar(&cleanupFlags.gc, "gc", false, "uninstall profile targets that are older than the current default")
flags.BoolVar(&cleanupFlags.ensureSpecificVersions, "ensure-specific-versions-are-set", false, "ensure that profile targets have a specific version set")
flags.BoolVar(&cleanupFlags.rmAll, "rm-all", false, "remove profiles manifest and all profile generated output files.")
flags.BoolVar(&cleanupFlags.rewriteManifest, "rewrite-profiles-manifest", false, "rewrite the profiles manifest file to use the latest schema version")
flags.BoolVar(&cleanupFlags.verbose, "v", false, "print more detailed information")
// init a command that takes a list of profile managers as its arguments.
func initProfileManagersCommand(jirix *jiri.X, dbfile string, args []string) ([]string, *profiles.DB, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
args = profilesmanager.Managers()
} else {
for _, n := range args {
if mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(n); mgr == nil {
avail := profilesmanager.Managers()
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("profile %v is not one of the available ones: %s", n, strings.Join(avail, ", "))
db := profiles.NewDB()
if err := db.Read(jirix, dbfile); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "Failed to read profiles database %q: %v", dbfile, err)
return nil, nil, err
return args, db, nil
// init a command that takes a list of profiles (already installed) as
// its arguments.
func initProfilesCommand(jirix *jiri.X, dbfile string, args []string) ([]string, *profiles.DB, error) {
db := profiles.NewDB()
if err := db.Read(jirix, dbfile); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "Failed to read profiles database %q: %v", dbfile, err)
return nil, nil, err
if len(args) == 0 {
args = db.Names()
} else {
for _, n := range args {
if p := db.LookupProfile(n); p == nil {
avail := db.Names()
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("profile %v is not one of the installed ones: %s", n, strings.Join(avail, ", "))
return args, db, nil
func updateImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *updateFlagValues, args []string) error {
verbose := cl.verbose
args, db, err := initProfileManagersCommand(jirix, cl.dbFilename, args)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, n := range args {
mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(n)
profile := db.LookupProfile(n)
if profile == nil {
vi := mgr.VersionInfo()
for _, target := range profile.Targets() {
if vi.IsTargetOlderThanDefault(target.Version()) {
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Updating %s %s from %q to %s\n", n, target, target.Version(), vi)
err := mgr.Install(jirix, db, jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root), *target)
logResult(jirix, "Update", mgr, *target, err)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%s %s at %q is up to date(%s)\n", n, target, target.Version(), vi)
return db.Write(jirix, cl.dbFilename)
func cleanupGC(jirix *jiri.X, db *profiles.DB, root jiri.RelPath, verbose bool, args []string) error {
for _, name := range args {
mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(name)
if mgr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%s is not linked into this binary", name)
vi := mgr.VersionInfo()
profile := db.LookupProfile(name)
for _, target := range profile.Targets() {
if vi.IsTargetOlderThanDefault(target.Version()) {
err := mgr.Uninstall(jirix, db, root, *target)
logResult(jirix, "gc", mgr, *target, err)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func cleanupEnsureVersionsAreSet(jirix *jiri.X, db *profiles.DB, root jiri.RelPath, verbose bool, args []string) error {
for _, name := range args {
mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(name)
if mgr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%s is not linked into this binary", name)
profile := db.LookupProfile(name)
for _, target := range profile.Targets() {
if len(target.Version()) == 0 {
prior := *target
version, err := mgr.VersionInfo().Select(target.Version())
if err != nil {
return err
db.RemoveProfileTarget(name, prior)
if err := db.AddProfileTarget(name, *target); err != nil {
return err
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%s %s had no version, now set to: %s\n", name, prior, target)
return nil
func cleanupRmAll(jirix *jiri.X, db *profiles.DB, root jiri.RelPath, verbose bool, args []string) error {
s := jirix.NewSeq()
if err := s.AssertFileExists(db.Filename()).Remove(db.Filename()).Done(); err != nil {
return err
d := root.Abs(jirix)
return s.AssertDirExists(d).
Run("chmod", "-R", "u+w", d).
func cleanupImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *cleanupFlagValues, args []string) error {
args, db, err := initProfilesCommand(jirix, cl.dbFilename, args)
if err != nil {
return err
verbose := cl.verbose
root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root)
dirty := false
if cl.ensureSpecificVersions {
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Ensuring that all targets have a specific version set for %s\n", args)
if err := cleanupEnsureVersionsAreSet(jirix, db, root, verbose, args); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ensure-specific-versions-are-set: %v", err)
dirty = true
if cl.gc {
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Removing targets older than the default version for %s\n", args)
if err := cleanupGC(jirix, db, root, verbose, args); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gc: %v", err)
dirty = true
if cl.rmAll {
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Removing profile manifest and all profile output files\n")
if err := cleanupRmAll(jirix, db, root, verbose, args); err != nil {
return err
// Don't write out the profiles manifest file again.
return nil
if cl.rewriteManifest {
dirty = true
if !dirty {
return fmt.Errorf("at least one option must be specified")
return db.Write(jirix, cl.dbFilename)
func logResult(jirix *jiri.X, action string, mgr profiles.Manager, target profiles.Target, err error) {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%s: %s %s: ", action, mgr.Name(), target)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "success\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%v\n", err)
func targetAtDefaultVersion(mgr profiles.Manager, target profiles.Target) (profiles.Target, error) {
def := target
version, err := mgr.VersionInfo().Select(target.Version())
if err != nil {
return profiles.Target{}, err
return def, nil
func installImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *installFlagValues, args []string) error {
args, db, err := initProfileManagersCommand(jirix, cl.dbFilename, args)
if err != nil {
return err
root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root)
names := []string{}
if cl.force {
names = args
} else {
for _, name := range args {
if p := db.LookupProfileTarget(name,; p != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%v %v is already installed as %v\n", name,, p)
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(name)
def, err := targetAtDefaultVersion(mgr,
if err != nil {
return err
err = mgr.Install(jirix, db, root, def)
logResult(jirix, "Install:", mgr, def, err)
if err != nil {
return err
return db.Write(jirix, cl.dbFilename)
func uninstallImpl(jirix *jiri.X, cl *uninstallFlagValues, args []string) error {
args, db, err := initProfileManagersCommand(jirix, cl.dbFilename, args)
if err != nil {
return err
root := jiri.NewRelPath(cl.root)
if cl.allTargets && {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "ignore target (%v) when used in conjunction with --all-targets\n",
for _, name := range args {
profile := db.LookupProfile(name)
if profile == nil {
mgr := profilesmanager.LookupManager(name)
var targets []*profiles.Target
if cl.allTargets {
targets = profile.Targets()
} else {
def, err := targetAtDefaultVersion(mgr,
if err != nil {
return err
targets = []*profiles.Target{&def}
for _, target := range targets {
if err := mgr.Uninstall(jirix, db, root, *target); err != nil {
logResult(jirix, "Uninstall", mgr, *target, err)
return err
logResult(jirix, "Uninstall", mgr, *target, nil)
return db.Write(jirix, cl.dbFilename)