blob: f54dfe07e35c34a88a08b390d4df8524d2e80316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package profiles
import (
// Target represents specification for the environment that the profile is
// to be built for. Target may be named (via its tag), see the Match
// method for a definition of how Targets are compared.
// Targets include a version string to allow for upgrades and for
// the simultaneous existence of incompatible versions.
// Target and Environment implement flag.Getter so that they may be used
// with the flag package. Two flags are required, one to specify the target
// in <tag>=<arch>-<os>@<version> format and a second to specify environment
// variables either as comma separated values or as repeated arguments.
type Target struct {
tag, arch, opsys, version string
// The environment as specified on the command line
commandLineEnv Environment
// The environment as modified by a profile implementation
Env Environment
InstallationDir string // where this target is installed.
UpdateTime time.Time
isSet bool
// Tag returns the tag, if any, for this target.
func (pt *Target) Tag() string {
return pt.tag
// Arch returns the archiecture of this target.
func (pt *Target) Arch() string {
return pt.arch
// OS returns the operating system of this target.
func (pt *Target) OS() string {
return pt.opsys
// Version returns the version of this target.
func (pt *Target) Version() string {
return pt.version
// SetVersion sets the version for the target.
func (pt *Target) SetVersion(v string) {
pt.version = v
// CommandLineEnv returns the environment variables set on the
// command line for this target.
func (pt Target) CommandLineEnv() Environment {
r := Environment{Vars: make([]string, len(pt.commandLineEnv.Vars))}
copy(r.Vars, pt.commandLineEnv.Vars)
return r
// TargetSpecificDirname returns a directory name that is specific
// to that target taking account the tag, architecture, operating system and
// command line environment variables, if relevant, into account (e.g
// GOARM={5,6,7}).
func (pt *Target) TargetSpecificDirname() string {
env := envvar.SliceToMap(pt.commandLineEnv.Vars)
dir := pt.arch + "_" + pt.opsys
if pt.arch == "arm" {
if armv, present := env["GOARM"]; present {
dir += "_armv" + armv
return dir
type Environment struct {
Vars []string `xml:"var"`
func NewTarget(target string) (Target, error) {
t := &Target{}
err := t.Set(target)
return *t, err
func NewTargetWithEnv(target, env string) (Target, error) {
t := &Target{}
err := t.Set(target)
return *t, err
// Match returns true if pt and pt2 meet the following criteria in the
// order they are listed:
// - if both targets have a non-zero length Tag field that is
// identical
// - if the Arch and OS fields are exactly the same
// - if pt has a non-zero length Version field, then it must be
// the same as that in pt2
// Match is used by the various methods and functions in this package
// when looking up Targets unless otherwise specified.
func (pt Target) Match(pt2 *Target) bool {
if len(pt.tag) > 0 && len(pt2.tag) > 0 {
return pt.tag == pt2.tag
if pt.arch != pt2.arch || pt.opsys != pt2.opsys {
return false
if (len(pt.version) > 0) && (pt.version != pt2.version) {
return false
return true
// Less returns true if pt2 is considered less than pt. The ordering
// takes into account only the tag, architecture, operating system and version of
// the target. The architecture and operating system are ordered
// lexicographically in ascending order, then the version is ordered but in
// descending lexicographic order except that the empty string is considered
// the 'highest' value, finally the tag is used to order in ascending order.
// Thus, (targets in [<tag>=]<arch>-<os>[@<version>] format), are all true:
// b-c < c-c
// b-c@3 < b-c@2
// a-b@3 < foo=a-b@3
func (pt *Target) Less(pt2 *Target) bool {
switch {
case pt.arch != pt2.arch:
return pt.arch < pt2.arch
case pt.opsys != pt2.opsys:
return pt.opsys < pt2.opsys
case len(pt.version) == 0 && len(pt2.version) > 0:
return true
case len(pt.version) > 0 && len(pt2.version) == 0:
return false
case pt.version != pt2.version:
return pt.version > pt2.version
case pt.tag != pt2.tag:
return pt.tag < pt2.tag
return false
// CrossCompiling returns true if the target differs from that of the runtime.
func (pt Target) CrossCompiling() bool {
arch, _ := goarch()
return (pt.arch != arch) || (pt.opsys != runtime.GOOS)
// Usage returns the usage string for Target.
func (pt *Target) Usage() string {
return "specifies a profile target in the following form: <arch>-<os>[@<version>]|<tag>[@version]|<tag>=<arch>-<val>[@<version>]"
// Set implements flag.Value.
func (t *Target) Set(val string) error {
index := strings.IndexByte(val, '@')
if index > -1 {
t.version = val[index+1:]
val = val[:index]
index = strings.IndexByte(val, '=')
tag := ""
if index > -1 {
tag = val[0:index]
val = val[index+1:]
} else {
if strings.IndexByte(val, '-') < 0 {
t.tag = val
t.arch = ""
t.opsys = ""
t.isSet = true
return nil
parts := strings.Split(val, "-")
if len(parts) != 2 || (len(parts[0]) == 0 || len(parts[1]) == 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("%q doesn't look like [tag=]<arch>-<os>", val)
t.tag = tag
t.arch = parts[0]
t.opsys = parts[1]
t.isSet = true
return nil
// Get implements flag.Getter.
func (t Target) Get() interface{} {
if !t.isSet {
// Default value.
arch, isSet := goarch()
return Target{
isSet: isSet,
tag: "",
arch: arch,
opsys: runtime.GOOS,
version: t.version,
Env: t.Env,
return t
func goarch() (string, bool) {
// GOARCH may be set to 386 for binaries compiled for amd64 - i.e.
// the same binary can be run in these two modes, but the compiled
// in value of runtime.GOARCH will only ever be the value that it
// was compiled with.
if a := os.Getenv("GOARCH"); len(a) > 0 {
return a, true
return runtime.GOARCH, false
// DefaultTarget returns a default value for a Target. Use this function to
// initialize Targets that are expected to set from the command line via
// the flags package.
func DefaultTarget() Target {
arch, isSet := goarch()
return Target{
isSet: isSet,
arch: arch,
opsys: runtime.GOOS,
// NativeTarget returns a value for Target for the host on which it is running.
// Use this function for Target values that are passed into other functions
// and libraries where a native target is specifically required.
func NativeTarget() Target {
arch, _ := goarch()
return Target{
isSet: true,
arch: arch,
opsys: runtime.GOOS,
// IsSet returns true if this target has had its value set.
func (pt Target) IsSet() bool {
return pt.isSet
// String implements flag.Getter.
func (pt Target) String() string {
v := pt.Get().(Target)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v-%v@%s", v.tag, v.arch, v.opsys, v.version)
// OrderderTargets is a list of *Targets ordered by architecture,
// operating system and descending versions.
type OrderedTargets []*Target
// Implements sort.Len
func (tl OrderedTargets) Len() int {
return len(tl)
// Implements sort.Less
func (tl OrderedTargets) Less(i, j int) bool {
return tl[i].Less(tl[j])
// Implements sort.Swap
func (tl OrderedTargets) Swap(i, j int) {
tl[i], tl[j] = tl[i], tl[j]
func (tl OrderedTargets) Sort() {
// DebugString returns a pretty-printed representation of pt.
func (pt Target) DebugString() string {
v := pt.Get().(Target)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v-%v@%s dir:%s --env=%s envvars:%v", v.tag, v.arch, v.opsys, v.version, pt.InstallationDir, strings.Join(pt.commandLineEnv.Vars, ","), pt.Env.Vars)
// Set implements flag.Getter.
func (e *Environment) Get() interface{} {
return *e
// Set implements flag.Value.
func (e *Environment) Set(val string) error {
for _, v := range strings.Split(val, ",") {
parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 || (len(parts[0]) == 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("%q doesn't look like var=[val]", v)
e.Vars = append(e.Vars, v)
return nil
// String implements flag.Getter.
func (e *Environment) String() string {
return strings.Join(e.Vars, ",")
// Usage returns the usage string for Environment.
func (e *Environment) Usage() string {
return "specifcy an environment variable in the form: <var>=[<val>],..."
// InsertTarget inserts the given target into OrderedTargets if it's not
// already there and returns a new slice.
func InsertTarget(targets OrderedTargets, target *Target) OrderedTargets {
for i, t := range targets {
if !t.Less(target) {
targets = append(targets, nil)
copy(targets[i+1:], targets[i:])
targets[i] = target
return targets
return append(targets, target)
// RemoveTarget removes the given target from a slice of Target and returns
// a slice.
func RemoveTarget(targets OrderedTargets, target *Target) OrderedTargets {
for i, t := range targets {
if target.Match(t) {
targets, targets[len(targets)-1] = append(targets[:i], targets[i+1:]...), nil
return targets
return targets
// FindTarget returns the first target that matches the requested target from
// the slice of Targets; note that the requested target need only include a
// tag name. It returns nil if the requested target does not exist.
func FindTarget(targets OrderedTargets, target *Target) *Target {
if len(targets) == 1 && !target.IsSet() {
tmp := *targets[0]
return &tmp
for _, t := range targets {
if target.Match(t) {
tmp := *t
return &tmp
return nil
// FindTargetWithDefault is like FindTarget except that if there is only one
// target in the slice and the requested target has not been explicitly set
// (IsSet is false) then that one target is returned by default.
func FindTargetWithDefault(targets OrderedTargets, target *Target) *Target {
if len(targets) == 1 && !target.IsSet() {
tmp := *targets[0]
return &tmp
return FindTarget(targets, target)
// FindTargetByTag searches targets to see if any have the same
// tag as the target parameter, and if so, return that target.
func FindTargetByTag(targets OrderedTargets, target *Target) *Target {
if len(target.tag) == 0 {
return nil
for _, t := range targets {
if target.tag == t.tag {
return t
return nil