blob: 43484f9d3a6cb321d183b787de3e3bf6b0fecb46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package access
import (
// Includes returns true iff the AccessList grants access to a principal that
// presents blessings (i.e., if at least one of the blessings matches the
// AccessList).
func (acl AccessList) Includes(blessings ...string) bool {
blessings = acl.pruneBlacklisted(blessings)
for _, pattern := range acl.In {
if pattern.MatchedBy(blessings...) {
return true
return false
func (acl AccessList) pruneBlacklisted(blessings []string) []string {
if len(acl.NotIn) == 0 {
return blessings
var filtered []string
for _, b := range blessings {
blacklisted := false
for _, bp := range acl.NotIn {
if security.BlessingPattern(bp).MatchedBy(b) {
blacklisted = true
if !blacklisted {
filtered = append(filtered, b)
return filtered
// Authorize implements security.Authorizer where the request is authorized
// only if the remote blessings are included in the AccessList.
func (acl AccessList) Authorize(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) error {
blessingsForCall, invalid := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, call)
if acl.Includes(blessingsForCall...) {
return nil
return NewErrAccessListMatch(ctx, blessingsForCall, invalid)
// Enforceable checks if the AccessList is enforceable by the provided
// principal.
// It returns nil if all blessing patterns in the 'In' list are valid and
// matched by a blessing name that is recognized by one of the provided
// principal's roots.
// An error with identifier ErrOpenAccessList.ID is returned if the 'In' list
// contains the pattern "..." along with other patterns in the 'In' or 'NotIn'
// lists. Otherwise an error with identifier ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID is
// returned.
func (acl AccessList) Enforceable(ctx *context.T, p security.Principal) error {
if acl.isOpen() {
return nil
var (
rootPatterns []security.BlessingPattern
rejected []security.BlessingPattern
for pattern, _ := range p.Roots().Dump() {
rootPatterns = append(rootPatterns, pattern)
for _, p := range acl.In {
if p == security.AllPrincipals {
return NewErrInvalidOpenAccessList(ctx)
if !p.IsValid() {
rejected = append(rejected, p)
if !isRecognized(p, rootPatterns) {
rejected = append(rejected, p)
if len(rejected) == 0 {
return nil
return NewErrUnenforceablePatterns(ctx, rejected)
func (acl AccessList) isOpen() bool {
if len(acl.NotIn) == 0 && (len(acl.In) == 1 && acl.In[0] == security.AllPrincipals) {
return true
return false
// WritePermissions writes the JSON-encoded representation of a Permissions to w.
func WritePermissions(w io.Writer, m Permissions) error {
return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(m.Normalize())
// ReadPermissions reads the JSON-encoded representation of a Permissions from r.
func ReadPermissions(r io.Reader) (m Permissions, err error) {
err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&m)
// Add updates m to so that blessings matching pattern will be included in the
// access lists for the provided tags (by adding to the "In" lists).
// It returns m.
func (m Permissions) Add(pattern security.BlessingPattern, tags ...string) Permissions {
for _, tag := range tags {
list := m[tag]
list.In = append(list.In, pattern)
list.In = removeDuplicatePatterns(list.In)
m[tag] = list
return m
// Blacklist updates m so that the provided blessing will be excluded from
// the access lists for the provided tags (by adding to the "NotIn" lists).
// It returns m.
func (m Permissions) Blacklist(blessing string, tags ...string) Permissions {
for _, tag := range tags {
list := m[tag]
list.NotIn = append(list.NotIn, blessing)
list.NotIn = removeDuplicateStrings(list.NotIn)
m[tag] = list
return m
// Clear removes all references to blessingOrPattern from all the provided
// tags in the AccessList, or all tags if len(tags) = 0. It returns m.
func (m Permissions) Clear(blessingOrPattern string, tags ...string) Permissions {
if len(tags) == 0 {
tags = make([]string, 0, len(m))
for t, _ := range m {
tags = append(tags, t)
for _, t := range tags {
oldList := m[t]
var newList AccessList
for _, p := range oldList.In {
if string(p) != blessingOrPattern {
newList.In = append(newList.In, p)
for _, b := range oldList.NotIn {
if b != blessingOrPattern {
newList.NotIn = append(newList.NotIn, b)
m[t] = newList
return m
// Copy returns a new Permissions that is a copy of m.
func (m Permissions) Copy() Permissions {
ret := make(Permissions)
for tag, list := range m {
var newlist AccessList
if len(list.In) > 0 {
newlist.In = make([]security.BlessingPattern, len(list.In))
if len(list.NotIn) > 0 {
newlist.NotIn = make([]string, len(list.NotIn))
for idx, item := range list.In {
newlist.In[idx] = item
for idx, item := range list.NotIn {
newlist.NotIn[idx] = item
ret[tag] = newlist
return ret
// Normalize re-organizes 'm' so that two equivalent Permissions are
// comparable via reflection. It returns 'm'.
func (m Permissions) Normalize() Permissions {
for tag, list := range m {
list.In = removeDuplicatePatterns(list.In)
list.NotIn = removeDuplicateStrings(list.NotIn)
if len(list.In) == 0 && list.In != nil {
list.In = nil
if len(list.NotIn) == 0 && list.NotIn != nil {
list.NotIn = nil
m[tag] = list
return m
// UnenforceablePatterns checks if the error has the identifier
// ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID, and if so returns the set of
// unenforceable patterns encapsulated in it. It returns nil otherwise.
func IsUnenforceablePatterns(err error) []security.BlessingPattern {
if verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID {
return nil
verr, ok := err.(verror.E)
if !ok {
return nil
params := verr.ParamList
if len(params) != 3 {
return nil
patterns, ok := params[2].([]security.BlessingPattern)
if !ok {
return nil
return patterns
func removeDuplicatePatterns(l []security.BlessingPattern) (ret []security.BlessingPattern) {
m := make(map[security.BlessingPattern]bool)
for _, s := range l {
if _, ok := m[s]; ok {
ret = append(ret, s)
m[s] = true
return ret
func removeDuplicateStrings(l []string) (ret []string) {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range l {
if _, ok := m[s]; ok {
ret = append(ret, s)
m[s] = true
return ret
// This method assumes that p != security.AllPrincipals
func isRecognized(p security.BlessingPattern, rootPatterns []security.BlessingPattern) bool {
if p == security.NoExtension {
return true
const nonExtSuffix = security.ChainSeparator + string(security.NoExtension)
s := string(p)
nonExtPattern := strings.HasSuffix(s, nonExtSuffix)
if nonExtPattern {
s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, nonExtSuffix)
for _, root := range rootPatterns {
if root == security.NoExtension {
nonExtRoot := strings.HasSuffix(string(root), nonExtSuffix)
if !nonExtPattern && nonExtRoot {
// The root, by virtue of being non-extendable, will only be matched
// by a single blessing name, whereas, the pattern, by virtue of being
// extendable, will be matched by infinitely many blessing names.
// Therefore, not all blessing names that match the pattern are recognized
// by the root.
if root.MatchedBy(s) {
return true
return false
type byPattern []security.BlessingPattern
func (a byPattern) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byPattern) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byPattern) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }